Test # 3 Flashcards
The sciatic nerve bundle comes out of the hip from under this muscle
What muscle both strongly extends the hip and adducts the hip?
Adductor magnus posterior head
The quadriceps are:
vastus medialis, rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis
The most accurate description action(s) of the rectus femoris:
flexion of the hip joint; extension of the knee joint
Nerve damage to the gluteus medius and minimus of a person is quickly evident if you see a person walking (the pelvis sags). The affected nerve is the:
superior gluteal nerve
Which of the following is NOT one of the hamstrings?
rectus femoris
THe hamstrings are innervated by the:
tibial nerve
The most accurate description of action(s) of the hamstrings:
flexion of the knee joint; extension of the hip joint
What is the most medial muscle of the thigh?
The “tailor’s” muscle is the
The muscles most responsible for hip abduction
gluteus medius; gluteus minimus
The nerve responsible for hip abduction is:
superior gluteal
All hamstrings have a common innervation. This nerve is:
tibial nerve
Between the two parts of adductor magnus (the distal ends) there is a separation of the parts. What is this separation called, and what is important about it?
Adductor hiatus; passage of femoral artery and vein from anterior to posterior thigh
This muscle, during a full squat movement, is the only one able to apply full strength throughout the full range of eccentric flexion and full range of concentric extension of the hip joint
adductor magnus posterior head
With the knee flexed, the _____ can medially rotate the leg a short range, while the ______ can externally rotate the leg for a short range
Semimembranosus and semitendinosus; biceps femoris
Nerve damage to the gluteus medius and minimus of a person is quickly evident if you see a person walking. The affected nerve is:
Superior gluteal nerve
A. Name the prime hip flexor that share a common tendon and insertion
Iliacus and Psoas Major
B. What is their common insertion?
Lesser trochanter of femur
C. These muscles are innervated by what nerve?
Femoral nerve
D. If you do a straight-leg sit-ups, one of these muscles can help cause lower back aggravation. Which muscle and how?
-Psoas Major
Obturator nerve innervates which muscles?
- Obturator externus
- Adductor Brevis
- Adductor Magnus
- Adductor Longus
- Gracilis
The two bones that make up the leg are:
Tibia and Fibula
The three bones that make up the superior ankle joint are
- Head of fibula
- Head of Tibia
- Talus
Together, the ______ and _____ make up the triceps surae:
-Gastrocnemius and soleus
The _______ is the “key that unlocks the knee”
Two muscles transverse the sole of the foot from opposite sides to meet at their insertion sites to form up a stirrup for the foot. They are the ____ and the ________
Peroneus longus and Tibialis anterior
Paralysis of this muscle causes “foot drop”
Tibialis anterior
The three main everters of the foot are:
Peroneus longus, brevis, tertius
The ____ and ____ are the main inverters of the foot
Tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior
Though the ____ is a leg muscle, it assists in flexion of the knee
The superficial peroneal nerve innervates these two muscles
Peroneus longus and peroneus brevis