Test 2 Review Flashcards
What is the cavity in which the fetus exists?
Amniotic cavity
Blood Tests (this was all i had written down from the review, wasnt exactly sure what was asked)
Serum hcg
What is the first site of red blood cells that nourish the embryo until the placenta takes over?
primary yolk sac
Calculate a pregnancy, using last menstrual period, gestational age, and menstrual age.
EDD = LNMP - 3 months + 7 days
gestational and menstrual age is the date of the pregnancy
What is the interface between the decidual capsularis and the vascular endometrium?
double decidual sac sign
Pregnancy starts out in what circular structure?
Gestational sac
What age of pregnancy do the hCG levels plateau and subsequently decline while gestation continues?
9-10 wks
When do the chorion and amnion fuse?
16 - 17 weeks
When does the embryonic heart begin to beat?
5.5 - 6 weeks
You should be able to see a yolk sac when the MSD is
greater than 12 mm
What is the formula for calculating MSD?
MSD = [Length (mm) + Width (mm) + Height (mm)] divided by 3
Two of these structures exist in the beginning, but can only see one of them, which one is it?
Yolk Sac (Secondary is visible at 5 weeks)
When does the herniated bowel return the the abdominal cavity?
11 weeks
What would be an abnormal yolk sac diameter
Should not exceed 6mm
What is the cystic area in the posterior cranium?
Rhomboid fossa
What is the dating method used by sonographers and clinicians?
gestational or menstrual age
What does the ovum secrete after fertilization?
I believe this is progesterone as well because I thought this question included both the ovum and the corpus luteum together.
What does the corpus luteum secrete after fertilization?
When does the blastocyst enter the uterus?
4 - 5 days after fertilization
When does the blastocyst implant in reference to fertilization and ovulation?
completed 12 days after fertilization
Scanning only abdominally, a normal gestational sac should be seen when hCG levels are at what level?
1,800 mIU/ml or greater
What is the amniotic cavity?
Cavity fetus exists in, forms early in gestation and fills with amniotic fluid to protect the fetus
What is the chorionic cavity?
Surrounds the amniotic cavity. The yolk sac is between the chorion and amnion
What is the decidual reaction?
Changes in the endometrium of the uterus that prepare it for implantation of an embryo. These changes are observed in each menstrual cycle and enhanced after implantation.
The villi on the myometrial side of conceptus is know as what?
Decidua Capsularis
What is the rate at which the gestational sac grows normally?
1 mm/day
You can measure crown rump up to how many weeks?
12 Weeks
Generally speaking, the first international reference preparation states hCG levels normally should
double every other day
What is the most common location for an ectopic pregnancy?
Fallopian Tubes
What is the most common pelvic mass in pregnancy?
Corpus Luteum Cyst
What is a sac without an embryo called?
Could be 4 conditions. 1) A normal IUP less than 5 weeks 2) An abnormal IUP (Anembryonic) 3) A Pseudogestational sac in an ectopic pregnancy 4) blighted ovum
What is gastroschesis?
Bowel loops do not herniate back into the abdomen after 12 weeks. (This IS the one you would prefer to have, not omphalocele)
What is omphalocele?
Bowel loops do not herniate back into the abdomen after 12 weeks and are contained within a membrane. (This is NOT the one you would prefer to have) Has a high association with chromosomal abnormalities
How many weeks is it when cranial anatomy is well visualized?
6-10 Weeks
What is partial absence of the cranium?
Acrania: Partial or complete absence of the cranium
What is the most common abnormality associated with cystic hydroma?
Chromosomal abnormalities, especially trisomies 13, 18, and 21. Turners Syndrome is also associated, but I wouldn’t say it is the most common.
What is the hemorrhage located between the gestational sac and the placenta?
Subchorionic Hemorrhage
Corpus luteal cysts regress and typically are not seen beyond what weeks?
16-18 Weeks
There is an increased risk of hemorrhage if an ectopic is located where?
Interstitial portion of the fallopian tube, near uterine cornu. Also called Interstitial Pregnancy.
Findings in ectopic pregnancy are
Is there an IUP? Is there a pseudogestational sac? Is there an adnexal mass? Is there free fluid?
What is a psuedosac?
Pseudogestational sacs do not contain an embryo or yolk sac. They are located centrally in endometrial canal, not burrowed as a normal sac would be. They also have homogenous level echos.
There is an increased risk of complete hysterectomy with this ectopic location
Most common cause of vaginal bleeding in the first trimester
Subchorionic hemorrhage
Poor prognosis is generally seen with heart rates below what?
Below 90 or Above 170
What weeks can we begin to see the fetal urinary bladder?
10-12 Weeks
What should the serum level of beta hCG with trophoblastic disease be?
Dramatically elevated
What is a heterotopic pregnancy?
Simultaneous intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy
What is the normal fetal heart rate?
120-160 bpm
What is a blighted ovum?
Gestational sac where embryo fails to develop or stops developing at a very early age. Trophoblastic tissue may continue to grow as well as the gestational sac. hCG rates will also continue to rise but at a slower rate. MSD will grow slower than normal, .70 mm/day.
What is a missed abortion?
is the early loss of a pregnancy, usually before 20 weeks, without any symptoms.
What is a first trimester insult?
A symmetrical (first trimester) finding in IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Retardation.) An event that interrupted fetal development.
2 types of IUGR
Symmetrical and asymmetrical