Test 2 - Muscles of the Head and Neck Flashcards
Forehead, top and back of head
Raises eyebrows
Pulls scalp backwards
Orbicularis oculi
Triparte muscle of eyelids
Opens and closes eyes
Draws eyebrows inferiorly (squinting)
Corrugator supercilli
Small muscle above eyes, under oricularis oculi
Draws eyebrows medial and inferior (squinting)
Wrinkles forehead verticallly
Orbicularis oris
Encircles mouth Purses lips (kissing)
Draws corners of mouth out (smiliing)
Compresses cheek (whistling)
Holds food in place while chewing
From below eyes to chin across cheek
Prime mover of the jaw
Fan-shaped above ears, temple
Closes jaw
Retracts mandible
Medial and Lateral pterygoids
Run from above teeth to chin or from teeth to ears
Protracts jaw
Grinding movements
Big front of neck muscle
Tenses skin of neck
Pulls jaw downward
Two-headed muscle under platysma
Flexes neck forward (crunches)
Rotates head from side to side