Test 2: Compare and Contrast Flashcards
Both refer to abnormal gametes due to non-disjunction and are characterized by aneuploidy.
Nullisomic - gametes that lack a complete chromosome from the haploid compliment. Nullisomic gametes lead to monosomic zygote that usually doesn’t survive.
Disomic – gametes that posses 2 copies of a chromosome from the compliment haploid, when they should only have one. Disomic gametes lead to trisomic zygotes that result in abnormal offspring who typically don’t survive that long.
Both are forms of aneuploidy that refer to chromosomal abnormality where an individual doesn’t have the normal diploid number. Both can occur due to a meiotic mal-assortment.
Monosomy - having only one out of a particular pair of chromosomes, monosomic zygotes usually die shortly after formation (except Turner’s syndrome)
Trisomy – having 3 copies of the same chromosome instead of 2. Lead to abnormal individuals who survive for differing amounts of time depending on severity of their deformities.
Primary non-disjunction/secondary non-disjunction
Both of these terms refer to spindle malfunction which leads to the failure of homolog separation during meiosis.
Primary non-disjunction – occurs in 1st meiotic division. Results in 2 disomic gametes & 2 nullisomic gametes
Secondary non-disjunction – occurs in 2nd meiotic division. Results in 2 normal gametes, 1 disomic gamete, and 1 nullisomic gamete.
Both of these are tri-somic conditions resulting from autosomal aneuploidy, characterized by meiotic mal-assortments.
Patau’s – trisomy on chromosome 13, most don’t make it past 6 months (100% fatality in 1st year). All systems are abnormal including incomplete formation of: retina, inner ear, & cranial facial closure.
Downs – trisomy on chromosome 21, extremely variable in expression. Can express short/stocky build, epicanthic fold, thick tongue, palm crease, or CNS abnormality.
Both of these are tri-somic conditions resulting from autosomal aneuploidy, characterized by meiotic mal-assortments.
Edward’s – 3 copies of chromosome 18, high mortality rate in 1st year, but can survive to pre-teen
Patau’s – 3 copies of chromosome 13, slightly more rare. Results in failure of formation of retinas, inner ears, and cranio-facial closure. Complete mortality by first year of life.
Both are conditions resulting from sex aneuploidy and display CNS abnormalities.
Turner’s – only viable monosomic condition in humans, diploid number of 45, contains only 1 sex chromosome (X0). Females that have normal X chromosome and a Barr body.
Klinefelter’s – has diploid number of 47 and has normal X & Y chromosomes along with a Barr body (XXY). Males that are sterile and display secondary female sex characteristics.
Both are aneuploidy conditions and both have a diploid number of 2n=47.
Patau’s – autosomal tri-somic aneuploidy that have 3 copies of chromosome 13. Failure in formation in retinas, inner ears, & cranio-facial closure. Die within 1st year, can occur in males & females
Klinefelter’s – sex aneuploidy (XXY) who are always male, but display secondary female characteristics and live to adulthood. Have normal X & Y chromosome, but also have a Barr body
Aneuploidy – segregational mistake where organism gains/loses one or more chromosomes but not a complete set (2n+/- X) resulting in trisomic or monosomic zygotes. More common in animals.
Euploidy – results from a cold shock followed by chromosomal doubling as the S-phase of DNA replication is repeated. Organisms gains or loses an entire set of chromosomes (2n+/- Xn), results in doubling, tripling, etc. of chromosomes. More common in plants
Both are forms of euploidy and occur more commonly in plants. Both require a cold shock during cell division in which the spindles are disrupted and the cells revert to Interphase where an S-phase DNA replication occurs again.
Autopolyploidy – involves 1 species and results in a sterile offspring. B/c of the doubling of DNA (2n–>4n), leaves, fruits, flowers, etc. will appear larger in size but will be sterile.
Allopolyploidy – involves hybridization of 2 different species prior to cold shock and results in viable offspring that are usually reproductively isolated. If process produces a mate = instantaneous speciation.
Hershey and Chase/Avery et al
Both of these groups were researchers who were attempting to find out whether protein or nucleic acid was responsible for carrying genetic information.
Avery, McLeod, and McCarthy - expanded on Griffiths transforming principal research and used selective destroyer enzymes and bacterial cultures to show only when DNA was destroyed causing transformation to shut down.
Hershey/Chase – used viruses to show DNA is the important layer in transferring of genetic material. Used radiolabeled sulfur/phosphate along with electron microscopy to show viruses insert nucleic acids into host cell.
Both of these are types of nitrogenous bases found in nucleotides that have nitrogen substitutions in the rings. Are always paired together and both capable of hydrogen bonding, total # of purines = pyrimidines.
Purines – Adenine & Guanine and both present in DNA/RNA. Made up of one 6 membered ring & one 5 membered ring.
Pyrimidines – Cytosine & Thymine in DNA, Cytosine & Uracil in RNA. Made up of one 6 membered ring
Both forms of DNA are anti-parallel and complementary, and both have a hydrophilic outer wall and hydrophobic core.
Z-DNA – more compact than E-DNA, 12 bp/turn of its left handed double helix, has zig zag appearance and functions in gene inactivation
E-DNA – 7.5 bp/turn of its right handed double helix, more A-T rich than Z-DNA which results in lower stability, enhances gene expression.
Both of these forms of DNA are anti-parallel and complementary, and both have a hydrophilic outer wall and a hydrophobic core.
B – most common DNA form in human genome & was structure described by Watson/Crick. 10 bases/turn and doesn’t play a role in enhancing gene expression.
E – 7.5 bases/turn, typically more A-T rich which makes E-DNA less stable and plays role in enhancing gene expression.
Nearest neighbor analysis/triplet-binding assay
Both sets of experiments used radiolabeling to isolate products & interpret results and both experiments were successful and supported their respective hypothesis.
Nearest Neighbor – conducted by Kornberg to demonstrate high fidelity copying of DNA during replication. He used 4 reactions based on 4 different nitrogenous bases in DNA and radio labeled phosphate. Used splenic phosphodiesterase to digest nucleotide chains.
Triplet Binding – conducted by Nirenburg to determine which codon sequences coded for which specific amino acids. Used 20 different reactions based on 20 different amino acids coded for in DNA. Radiolabeled tRNA molecules and passed through a filter which didn’t allow ribosomes to pass through.
Both semi-conservative and conservative are hypotheses that were put forward to explain the method of DNA replication.
Semi-conservative – states that a single strand of DNA is used as a template to synthesize a new complimentary strand. After replication, the 2 DNA molecules both contain one old & one new strand. This was proven to be the correct method.
Conservative – proposed that the new strands are separated after replication and joined back together. After replication, one DNA molecule will be completely new, other will be original. This method is incorrect.
Messelson and Stahl/Hershey and Chase
Messelson/Stahl – seeking to determine whether the process of DNA replication was conservative, semi-conservative, or dispersive. Used bacterial cultures and heavy nitrogen as markers to interpret results. Used density gradient centrifugation to show that prokaryotic replication is semi-conservative.
Hershey/Chase – seeking to determine whether genetic material was protein or nucleic acid. Used viruses and radiolabeled sulfur/phosphate as markers. Through electron microscopy, showed that viruses inject nucleic acids into host cells to replicate themselves.
DNA polymerase I/DNA polymerase III
Both are enzymes that function in the synthesis of DNA & synthesize DNA in the 5’ to 3’ direction, and both display bi-directional exonuclease activity.
DNA polymerase I – synthesizes DNA at rate of 650 mononucleotides/minute. Large, stable and easily isolated
DNA polymerase III – synthesizes at higher rate of 700 mononucleotides/minute. Is larger, unstable, and difficult to isolate.
DNA polymerase/RNA polymerase
Both of these are enzymes that function in the synthesis of nucleotide chains, and both use a pre-existing DNA strand as a template. Both synthesize in the 5’ to 3’ direction
DNA- must have primer to initiate synthesis and uses a template strand to synthesize double-stranded DNA. Functions in DNA replication
RNA - can synthesize without primer and uses non-template strand to synthesize single stranded RNA. Functions in transcription.
Both terms refer to the structure of DNA.
Anti-parallel – refers to the 2 strands of DNA being arranged so that the 5’ phosphate end of one strand is matched to the 3’ OH end of the other strand.
Complementarity – refers to the purine-pyrimidine pairing within DNA strands. Purines of one strand are paired with pyrimidines of the other strand, which allows for Hydrogen bonding between them.
Both of these enzymes are accessory proteins involved in DNA replication.
Gyrase – moves downstream, ahead of the replication fork to relieve supercoiling of the DNA strand.
Primase – functions inside replication fork and adds RNA primer to each template. Provides the free 3’ OH needed by DNA polymerase in order to synthesize DNA.
Both of these enzymes are accessory proteins that play a role in DNA replication.
Helicase – denatures specific regions of DNA which causes strand separation. Allows the DNA molecule to form the replication fork and causes strand separation as fork moves.
Gyrase – moves downstream, ahead of the replication fork to relieve supercoiling of the DNA strand.
Complete degeneracy/partial degeneracy
Both of these terms refer to the genetic code, specifically to how there is more than one way to code for individual amino acids. Both forms of degeneracy provide a buffer against mutation.
Complete – refers to a set of codons that are the same for the 1st two bases & are coding for same amino acid such that the 3rd base is meaningless.
Partial – set of codons where the 1st two bases are the same & the 3rd base is important for coding the correct amino acid.
Primary protein structure/tertiary protein structure
Both refer to the structure of a protein.
Primary – linear sequence of amino acids as determined by genes. Most impt. b/c sets the stage for all other levels of protein structure.
Tertiary – highest level of protein structure, is the 3D arrangement of amino acid chains, can be affected by: disulfide bridges, ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, & hydrophobic interactions.
Both are proteins involved in transcription.
Sigma – 1 of 5 subunits of RNA polymerase associated primarily with initiation of transcription. Allows for RNA polymerase to bind at correct promoter sequence.
Rho – serves as the factor in factor dependent termination & leads to dissociation of RNA & RNA polymerase from transcription complex.
Factor independent termination/factor dependent termination
These terms both refer to patterns of termination/release in the final stage of transcription.
Independent – “simple termination” involves the formation of hairpin loops in RNA as a result from the presence of inverted repeat sequences & intra-strand complementarity. As a result the 3’ end is pulled out of the active site of the RNA polymerase, which ends transcription. More complex than dependent
Dependent – involves the Rho factor, which interacts with RNA/RNA polymerase to cause their dissociation from transcription complex, ending transcription.
Both AUG and UAG are codons which can be translated into some meaning.
AUG – translates into the start codon and also methionine. Always first codon in translation.
UAG (UGA, UAA) – only translates into stop codon and is always the last codon which signals the termination phase of translation.
Leading strand/lagging strand
These terms both refer to individual strands of DNA during DNA replication. Both strands are copied in the 5’ to 3’ direction by DNA polymerase. Both refer to the new strands that are being synthesized using the parent strand as a template.
Leading – synthesized continuously and requires one RNA primer at beginning. Leading strand is all one piece so DNA ligase is not required for synthesis.
Lagging – synthesized dis-continuously and requires multiple primers. Synthesized in pieces called Okazaki fragments that are linked together by DNA ligase.
Okazaki fragments/concatemers
Both of these terms have to do with DNA replication.
Okazaki Fragments – short pieces of DNA that are synthesized discontinuously in DNA replication. Fragments are linked together by DNA ligase.
Concatemers – long continuous strand of DNA that contains multiple copies of an entire genome. Typically synthesized by viruses in rolling circle replication where one strand is synthesized continuously and the other strand discontinuously.