Communication INCLUDES
includes both verbal and nonverbal cues.
Communication is not a linear process, but an
ongoing cycle that includes both verbal and nonverbal cues.
There are multiple communication models, but each has, at minimum
a sender, a receiver, and a message.
The four major models of communication discussed in this lesson are the
Shannon-Weaver Communication Model; the Schramm Communication Model, also known as Osgood-Schramm Communication Model; Newcomb’s ABX Communication Model; and Berlo’s S-M-C-R model.
Feedback allows the sender and receiver to
know the message was properly understood.
There are five forms of communication:
verbal, nonverbal, auditory, emotional, and energetic.
There are four modes of communication:
verbal, nonverbal, electronic, and written.
There are four types of communication:
passive, aggressive, assertive, and passive aggressive.
Multiple factors can be barriers to effective communication, such as
cognitive deficits, physical disabilities, and environmental factors.
There are four phases to the nurse-client relationship:
orientation, identification, exploitation, and resolution.
Nontherapeutic barriers include
not listening to the client, dismissing what the client is saying, attempting to reassure or give advice, and challenging the client or disagreeing with what is being said.
· ABX model
o Also known as the Newcomb’s model of communication, made up of a sender, receiver and message.
· affirmations
o Positive comments that help build the receiver’s confidence.
· aggressive
o Hostile or forceful style of communication.
· assertive
o Communication style that displays confidence or self-assurance.
· auditory communication
o What message the receiver hears.
· autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
o A developmental disorder that can cause barriers in social interaction and communication.
· channel
o The method or medium used to deliver a message.
· communication
o The process of sending and receiving information. Dynamic interactions between people and their environment using a process that involves celebration (thinking), cognition, hearing, speech production, and motor coordination.
· dementia
o A cognitive disorder that can impair communication ability due to language and memory changes.
· Down syndrome
o A developmental disorder that can cause physical, cognitive and communication deficits.
· emotional communication
o A form of communication that expresses feelings and emotions.
· empathy
o Ability to understand the feelings of another.
· energetic communication
o The speaker’s presence or vibration that is expressed when communicating.
· feedback
o Response to a message, either positive or negative.
· Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
o The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as the Privacy Act, legislation is to protect insurance coverage and private information of clients. Its purpose is to protect client privacy and personal health information from security breaches, particularly electronic data. It was established by the federal government with the goal of making health care more efficient. Established in 1996 to reduce fraud and deter inappropriate use of client health care information.
· message
o What is being communicated between the sender and receiver.
· motivational interviewing (MI)
o Communication strategy that empowers the receiver to make positive changes.
· nontherapeutic communication
o Techniques that hinder communication, such as stating the person is wrong.
· nonverbal communication
o Body language, behavior that is not spoken.
o Mnemonic for motivational interviewing techniques: Open-ended questions, Affirmations, Reflective listening, Summarizing.
· open-ended questions
o Questions that require more than a yes or no answer.
· passive
o Communication style that does not act or openly express discomfort.
· passive aggressive
o Communication style that finds indirect ways to protest or express unhappiness with a situation.
· patient-centered care
o A treatment technique that keeps the client involved in their own care.
· receiver
o Person listening to the message.
· reflection
o A therapeutic communication technique where one person mirrors back the message of the speaker to encourage further sharing.
· restating
o A therapeutic communication technique where the receiver summarizes or paraphrase the message back to the sender to ensure understanding.
· S-M-C-R model
o A communication model comprised of a Sender-Message-Channel-Receiver.
· sender
o Person expressing the message.
· therapeutic communication
o Techniques used to improve communication, such as active listening.
· verbal communication
o Spoken word.
Assertive communicators
advocate for their rights and the rights of others in a nonhostile manner
Aggressive communicators
verbally and directly express their thoughts to the person who has upset them. In this situation, the charge nurse did not express any anger or hostility at the oncoming nurse.
passive-aggressive style of communication.
pleasant and accepting that the nurse would be late. However, once the phone call ended, the charge nurse then complained about the nurse always being late to the other staff.
Passive communicators have developed a pattern to
avoid conflict, expression of their feelings or opinions, and standing up for themselves when boundaries are crossed.
Motivational interviewing uses _____________which includes open-ended questions.
OARS (open-ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening, summarizing),
an open-ended question requires
more than a yes or no answer.
closed-ended question that could be answered with
a yes or no.
avoid using ___________ that the client might not understand because this will deter the client from learning.
medical terminology
select an area that is ____________to enhance client learning.
private with limited distractions
Providing teaching in a cafeteria can
be distracting for the client and can result in a HIPAA violation
The nurse should take steps to facilitate learning, such as
ensuring the client’s assistive devices, including eyeglasses or hearing aids, are being used
The use of probing is
nontherapeutic and can impair the nurse-client relationship and limit learning.
Auditory communication is what the
receiver hears when the sender speaks a message
Nonverbal communication, also known as
body language, plays an important role in interactions among nurses, clients, and their families.
Not making eye contact, not being engaged in the conversation, or having closed posture (folded arms, slouching) can portray
a negative message.
Emotional communication refers to the
speaker’s emotional state when they are conveying their message.
Energetic communication is how the speaker
projects themselves while speaking.
Auditory communication is what the
receiver hears when the sender speaks a message.
Auditory communication can be affected by
It can be affected by environmental noise. The loud television presents a barrier to communication and the nurse should reduce the environmental noise.
Asking why a client is ignoring your questions is
nontherapeutic. Asking questions with “why” can make the client feel defensive and implies criticism.
if a client has a hearing deficit, raising your voice
might not be effective in communicating with this client.
leaving the clients room if they ignore you is
dismissive of the client’s needs and does not help to establish communication with the client.
Medications such as general anesthesia can cause cognitive deficits that could make it difficult for the client to communicate their needs. The nurse should use an alternative method for determining the client’s pain level by
observing facial expressions (grimacing or clenching of the teeth); body movements, including restlessness, muscle tension, or resisting movement; and vocalizing discomfort by moaning, grunting, or crying.
Administering a medication without properly determining the client’s pain level can result in
respiratory depression and hypotension.
Allowing pain to remain untreated can
increase the client’s pain level and require more medication, which can result in complications such as respiratory depression.
use of samples can enhance
teaching is enhanced when clients can
see and hear the speaker and when the speech is clear and delivered at a slower pace.
well-lit room can allow the participants to
better see the presentation as well as the nurse during the teaching.
A staff member who speaks the same language as the client is not a r
eliable source to interpret important information.
The use of a staff member who is not directly providing care for the client is a
violation of HIPAA.
It is not advised to use family members for interpretation. A family member might
not understand the medical terminology the nurse is using, and they might use their judgment regarding what information to tell the client and what to withhold.
The use of a family member to interpret the client’s words can also be a
violation of HIPAA.
Electronic translating applications on the internet are not reliable sources. These services are not
secure and can constitute a HIPAA violation. The nurse should obtain assistance from the facility’s interpreter.
facility-approved interpreter to assist with the communication barrier enurses
that the information is correct and gives both the nurse and client an opportunity to ask questions.
Psychosocial factors include
financial situation. Working two jobs, cannot afford treatment
Cognitive factors
thinking and verbalizing clearly
Situational factors that can affect communication cause
emotions including fatigue, anxiety, grief, and fear. This client’s verbal and nonverbal communication are indicators of worry, anxiety, sadness, and grief.
environmental factors that affect communication
(extreme temperatures, excessive noise)
Physiological factors that affecting communication with the client.
(hearing or vision loss)
Identification is the stage
issues are identified. This client is already known to have health concerns that would warrant a heart-healthy diet.
Orientation is the phase where
nurse and client first meet.
The nurse is actively coaching the client toward a healthier lifestyle.
end of the relationship.
Hearing Imparied clients: The nurse should reduce environmental noise as much as possible to
enhance communication with this client.
Hearing Imparied clients: Speaking at a slower pace might help the client to
be able to better understand and communicate with the nurse.
Hearing Imparied clients: DO NOT Delay
the assessment until the client’s family member brings the hearing aid is incorrect. The nurse needs to prioritize the assessment of a client who reports chest pain. Chest pain can be a manifestation of a myocardial infarction. The nurse should not wait till the client has their hearing aid. The nurse needs to implement other strategies while waiting for the family to bring the hearing aid.
Hearing Imparied clients: Not all clients who have hearing loss know or communicate with
sign language.
Hearing Imparied clients: The nurse should stand _______ of the client when they are talking.
in front
Hearing Imparied clients: The nurse should avoid using _________terminology. These words are unfamiliar and can impede communication with all clients.
Placing a written copy of a policy on a bulletin board will not allow either
verbal or nonverbal communication to occur between the sender and the receiver.
Sending a message through email will not allow either
verbal or nonverbal communication between the sender and the receiver.
In-person communication would permit for both
verbal and nonverbal modes of communication between the sender (the nurse manager) and the receiver (the unit staff).
Sending a voicemail is a mode of
verbal communication. However, without face-to-face contact, the nurse manager will be unable to send and receive verbal and nonverbal communication.
Death-related rituals might be very closely tied to
cultural factors such as religion.
client expressing wanting a a death ritual of the last rites, which is associated with
developmental and cognitive factors, such as ________, can greatly influence a person’s ability to effectively communicate.
environmental factors can affect communication. such as
excessive noise, extreme temperatures, and poor or too-bright lighting
physiological factors can prevent effective communication. such as
hearing or vision loss
sender is a component of the Shannon-Weaver communication model and refers to
the person initiating the communication.
channel is a concept in the Shannon-Weaver communication model that refers to the
method used to transmit the message.
In the Schramm model, one of the three components is
Feedback is demonstrated when
the receiver is allowed to let the sender know that the message was properly received.
The Schramm model of communication identifies the person who receives the message as the
The Shannon-Weaver model uses the receiver as a component, not
the Schramm model.
Shannon-Weaver model - person who receives the message is the
receiver; therefore,
Shannon-Weaver model - person initiating the message is the
Shannon-Weaver model - channel is the
method used to send the message from the sender to the receiver, such as a phone line or cable.
Shannon-Weaver model - Exs of channels (2)
such as a phone line or cable.
Shannon-Weaver model - decoder
decoder receives the transmission from the channel and converts it back to a message.
The verbal mode of communication occurs during__________ It can also occur during
face-to-face communication between the sender (the nurse) and the receiver (the APs).
a telephone call.
The written mode of communication is any
form of communication in which the receiver reads the message from the sender.
The electronic communication mode includes any
communication between sender and receiver that includes the use of electronic technology.
Exs of electronic communcation
This includes email, texting, and posts on social media.
The nonverbal mode of communication is comprised of
body language.
Exs of non-verbal communication
Actions such as eye contact, facial gestures, posture, and overall appearance all send messages to the receiver in addition to what the sender is saying.
Assertiveness is a style of
communication. It is not a mode of communication.
Those who possess an assertive style of communication are
effective in clearly communicating to the receivers and often advocate for themselves, peers, and clients.
Interrupting the client during the conversation allows for
the information to be misunderstood and hinders the communication.
The nurse should respect the client during the conversation to
enhance communication.
The nurse should use simple terms to so that the client can
better understand. This would enhance communication with the client.
The nurse should allow time for_______. This would
enhance communication with the client.
Showing empathy during the conversation
enhances communication with the client.
If there is dementia avoid
detailed or lengthy explanations and directions. Clients who have dementia are better able to follow simple instructions and explanations.
builds the client’s confidence and acknowledges the client’s efforts to make positive changes. I
Clients who have dementia and other cognitive deficits focus better with
softer lighting. Bright lights or increased noise in the environment might decrease the client’s ability to communicate.
The nurse should create an environment that enhances communication with clients who have dementia. Decreasing the volume of noise will
assist the client to communicate to the best of their ability.
The nurse should speak to the client who has cognitive or developmental delays how
clearly and at a slower pace. The nurse should also avoid the use of complicated terms or medical terminology.
Affirmation is a therapeutic technique that
uses statements meant to build the client’s confidence.
Open-ended questions attempt to
get more information from the client. They cannot be answered with a single-word answer such as yes or no.
therapeutic technique that attempts to elicit how the client is feeling or the emotion about what they communicated.
summarizing, paraphrasing, or restating the client’s thoughts to
confirm understanding what you heard
No one from the facility should send the discharge instructions via email due to
the potential violation of the HIPAA Privacy Act.
HIPPA Privacy Act consists of rules that govern the protection of the
client’s protected health information (PHI).
The use of emails, texting, and faxing must occur with equipment and communication lines that are
secure and encrypted.
All electronic communication of PHI must have these safeguards in place.
secure and encrypted.
Sending the discharge instructions to a personal email outside the facility would
breach this law.
ACA (Affordable Care Act) is a
federal law that helps to expand access to affordable health care coverage and to lower costs of health care and improve quality of care.
The ACA does not write or enforce the rules that
comprise the HIPAA Privacy Act.