Each individual nurse is accountable for
following a code of conduct and upholding ethical values related to the nursing profession.
The American Nurses Association (ANA),
which is a professional organization for registered nurses, has established standards for both nursing practice and professional performance. Each of these standards—the former related to the practice of nursing and the latter for professional conduct—is used when performing client care and instituting professionalism. On a governmental level,
the practice of nursing is regulated in the United States by
each state’s Nurse Practice Act.
StateNurse Practice Acts (NPA)serve as the current laws and regulations governing nursing practice in every state and territory of the United States. The NPA identifies what conditions must be met for licensure. It is the duty of each state to protect all clients who are receiving care, which is the rationale for requiring a professional nurse to have a license. The NPA also specifies that all registered nurses and licensed practical nurses must adhere to the prescribed scope of practice to provide safe and competent client care.
serve as the current laws and regulations governing nursing practice in every state and territory of the United States.
The NPA identifies
what conditions must be met for licensure.
It is the duty of each state to protect all clients who are receiving care, which is the rationale for
requiring a professional nurse to have a license.
The NPA also specifies that
all registered nurses and licensed practical nurses must adhere to the prescribed scope of practice to provide safe and competent client care.
Defining the scope of practice is usually a two-step process.
the state legislature passes a law, identified as the NPA, to regulate nursing practice within the state.
the state legislature identifies a regulatory body, such as the state board of nursing (BON).
Each state BON is given the authority to
enforce regulations and rules set by the NPA.
The NPA provides the _________
but each state
general guidelines,
then creates rules or regulations to either further explain or make the NPA guidelines more detailed.
The NPA grants authority and power in each state to an administrative agency such as the
BON (Board of Nursing) enforces
regulations and rules, to uphold the rights of the nurse, and to protect the health and welfare of the public. The NPA specifies the membership and qualifications of the nurses who serve on the BON.
Educational program standards and curriculum rules, along with clinical learning experiences, must be approved by
the BON based on whether they meet the requirements of the NPA.
NPA provides the requirements and statements related to
examination for licensure as a registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, or licensed vocational nurse. This even includes criminal background checks, violations related to substance abuse, and failure to report actions against a nurse’s professional license, registration, or certification.
The BON has the statutory authority to implement
disciplinary actions, as noted in the NPA regulations that cover reviewing and acting upon any reports or complaints of a professional nurse. Notably, nurses may be penalized if they fail to report disciplinary actions for wrongful acts or omissions.
Examples of wrongful acts or omissions include
practice-related errors, misuse of drugs, boundary violations between the nurse and the client, sexual misconduct with a client, abuse of a client, fraud, and a positive background check related to a crime.
Claiming to be unaware of the NPA regulations and standards is not
a defense for practicing nursing irresponsibly.
It is nurses’ responsibility to stay current in their roles and responsibilities, as defined in the scope and standards of practice within the NPA.
The scope and standards of nursing practice areestablished via a
state law that defines the duties of nurses and authorizes which duties nurses can and cannot competently and legally perform when providing client care.
Thescope of nursing practiceis to alleviate
client suffering and promote client healing by competent nursing practice and professional performance.
The standards of professional nursing practicedefine
responsibilities that every nurse is expected to be capable of performing, regardless of the nurse’s role, population, or area of specialty.
The ANA standards are titled
theStandards of Nursing Practiceand theStandards of Professional Performance.
Standards of practiceare explanatory statements that describe
a competent level of care for all registered nurses. Nurses graduate with a standard set of skills that should deem them competent to perform as entry-level nurses.
Nursing has what two types of standards
general standards
standards of practice
standards of practice, correspond to
the critical thinking model known as the nursing process.
The nursing process guides nurses in the
delivery of client care by providing the nurse with a methodical approach to quality-based care.
This process includes the steps of
assessment (data collection), analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
All licensed nurses must follow the state-mandated scope of practice. What guidance does the scope of practice provide for nurses?(Click this card to reveal the answer.)
The scope of practice defines those duties that a nurse is considered competent to carry out and authorized to perform as specified by state law. In other words, the scope of practice stipulates those activities nurses can and cannot perform legally.
The standards of professional performance state that nurses evaluate
their own nursing practice.
The nurse is responsible for their
professional actions and behavior to those with whom they interact professionally, including clients, colleagues, and society.
The standards of professional nursing practice define
tasks that all nurses, regardless of role or specialty, are expected to be competent in performing.
TheStandards of Practicecorrespond to the
critical thinking model known as the nursing process.
The nursing process guides nurses in the
delivery of care and includes sequential steps.
The five sequential steps utilized by registered nurses are
assessment, analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
The four sequential steps used by LPNs are
data collection, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
TheStandards of Professional Performancedefine
competent behavior of all registered nurses, such that care is provided in an ethical manner with respect for cultural diversity.
Examples of cultural diversity factors include
race, ethnicity, age, ability, language, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender, religion, and sexual orientation.
Standards of care refer to
the level of care a nurse provides as compared with other nurses who have comparable education, competency, and experience.
State Nurse Practice Acts
are the current laws and regulations governing nursing practice in every state and territory of the United States.
The Quality and Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN) project
developed competencies that nursing students should acquire in nursing school.
The six competencies are
patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety, and informatics.
NLN Integrating Competencies are used as a resource to
ensure all students in prelicensure nursing programs have received the same level of education upon entry to practice.
The four competencies that new graduates should demonstrate are
human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry.
Licensure provides a means of
protecting the public’s health and welfare; it ensures that a nurse has met predetermined minimum requirements necessary for the delivery of safe and competent care.
The Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) permits nurses to
practice in their home state and other compact states under one multistate license.
Certificate programs
are additional educational opportunities that cover very specific content, such as leadership and management, and which a nurse can choose to take following initial licensure.
Certification is a method in which an individual, such as a nurse licensed to practice in the nursing profession, demonstrates that
he or she has met specific predetermined standards for specialty practice.
Credentialing is a process that
provides confirmation of an individual’s abilities to practice as a health professional. It requires the individual complete a program of study and demonstrate abilities established as standards of care.
Credentialing also refers to the process by which an employer
verifies that the nurse has the necessary education, training, and experience to practice in the state.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Essentials
Essentials of skills, knowledge and attitudes a graduate of a baccalaureate nursing program should demonstrate upon graduation.
Formal verification and recognition of an individual’s qualifications and competence to provide services in their occupation.
A state’s legal authorization for a professional to practice within a specified industry and scope of practice.
National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX)
Nationwide standardized test for the examination and licensing of either registered nurses or practical nurses developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
Group of nursing regulatory bodies whose purpose is to protect the health and welfare of the public by ensuring that licensed nurses deliver safe and competent nursing care through recommendation of nursing practice regulations and competency assessment.
National League of Nursing Integrating Competencies
Competencies that serve as a resource to ensure that all students in prelicensure nursing programs are educated at the same fundamental level upon entry to practice.
NCSBN Transition to Practice (TTP) model
A recognized program of active learning used across all practice settings for newly licensed nurses (RN and LPN) intended to assist their transition from education to practice.
Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC)
An agreement by state licensing boards that allow a nurse to practice in any state that has adopted the compact under one license.
Nurse Practice Acts (NPA)
A state law that explains the functions and responsibilities of the professional nurse.
Quality and Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN)
Set of nursing competencies and proposed targets for the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that all prelicensure nursing students should have attained for entry to practice.
Ability to transfer current state license to another, providing the nurse has an initial nursing license and is in good standing.
scope of nursing practice
Sets forth the services or activities that licensed professionals are deemed competent and permitted to perform.
standards of care
Minimum level of care a professional must provides based upon legal requirements, facility or organizational policies and in comparison to other professionals who have comparable education, competency, and experience.
Standards of Practice
Explanatory statements that describe a competent level of care for all nurses, using the critical thinking model known as the nursing process.
standards of professional nursing practice
Defines the nurse’s responsibilities and accountability required for every practicing nurse, regardless of role, specialty, or area of concentration. They include Standards of Practice and Standards of Professional Performance.
Standards of Professional Performance
Defines competent behavior of all registered nurses where professional care is provided.
Educational nursing programs are regulated and approved by
their state’s BON to ensure they cover the knowledge and skills needed for graduate nurses to practice safe and competent care.
For nursing programs to gain approval from
the state BON, they must meet state requirements under the NPA, which includes administrative rules and regulations. Eventually, a new school of nursing can become accredited once it meets the necessary criteria established by one of the
two national accreditation organizations—the
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
A student enrolled in a nursing education program must complete two requirements to obtain nursing licensure.
Graduate from a nursing education program approved by the BON
Pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX)
QSEN project began in 2005 and is based on the Institute of Medicine’s (2003) core competencies for all health clinicians—
that is, the skill set needed to provide safe and quality care.
six QSEN competencies are
patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), safety, and informatics.
Patient-centered care is achieved when
the nurse provides caring, compassionate, and culturally sensitive care that addresses a client’s physiological, psychological, sociological, spiritual, and cultural needs, preferences, and values. As an example of patient-centered care, the nurse asks a client for his or her viewpoint and ideas when making decisions in the planning and provision of care.
Teamwork and collaboration competency involves
the nurse being aware of his or her own strengths and limitations. As an example of this competency, the nurse asks another team member for help when inserting a peripheral intravenous device. The nurse also acts as a team member by acknowledging each team member’s role and speaking highly of another team member.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) competency relates to the
nurse’s ability to analyze the difference between evidence-based care versus the normal way of providing client care, which could result in less desirable client outcomes. An example of evidence-based practice is the nurse searching for research related to clinical practice questions and protocols.
Quality improvement (QI) competency entails
the application of care-related and organizational processes to develop and implement a plan to improve health care services and better meet the needs of the client. Changing the discharge process to make it easier for both staff and clients is a way that the nurse can demonstrate QI.
Safety competency involves
minimizing risk factors that could cause injury or harm while promoting quality care and maintaining a secure environment for clients, self, and others. A nurse who demonstrates safety competency utilizes good hand hygiene practices and never recaps a used needle.
Informatics competency involves
the nurse’s ability to utilize technology as a communication and information-gathering tool that supports clinical decision-making and scientifically based nursing practice. A nurse who is able to document client education and care and use new technological devices such as IV pumps is demonstrating informatics competency.
. The NLN’s nursing mission is guided by four core values—
caring, integrity, diversity, and excellence.
TheNational League of Nursing Integrating Competenciesserve as a resource to ensure that
all students in prelicensure nursing programs are educated at the same fundamental level.
New graduates should demonstrate the following four NLN competencies:
Human flourishing
Nursing judgment
Professional identity
Spirit of inquiry
The National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Services (NAPNES) is the organization responsible for
setting the standards for educating licensed practical/vocational nurses and advancing the practice and education of practical and vocational nurses.
After completing the nursing program and receiving a certificate, the graduate student must
apply to the state BON for permission to take the NCLEX-PN.
If the graduate student fails the NCLEX exam, a
waiting period of 45 to 90 days is required before retaking the exam.
Each state’s BON regulates the activities the
practical nurse can and cannot perform, as described in the NPA
Keep in mind that facilities such as nursing homes, provider offices, and home health agencies can narrow the state’s set scope of practice. Even though a nurse has been deemed by the state BON as competent in performing specific services, the employer can
limit the nurse’s role and responsibilities as outlined in the scope of employment.
An individual organization establishes those services an employee can perform, which can be narrower than the set of services stated in the NPA regulations but can never be
broader than what the NPA regulations deem within the nurse’s roles and responsibilities.
scope of employment is the
job description that the nurse signs during the hiring process.
The LPN is not permitted to
diagnose or independently treat clients—because they are not legally qualified to do so.
Thus, the LPN always works under the direct supervision of
an RN health care provider or APRN.
The steps of the nursing process for the LPN are
data collection, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
In contrast to the LPN scope of practice, the RN can work
independently in various settings.
The registered nurse uses the nursing process as the basis for
decision-making and actions taken.
Advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) are nurses who have earned, at a minimum, a master’s degree in nursing in one of four recognized APRN roles:
Certified nurse anesthetist (CRNA)
Certified nurse-midwife (CNM)
Clinical nurse specialist (CNS)
Certified nurse practitioner (NP)
Thestandards of professional nursing practicedefine
those responsibilities that every nurse is expected to be capable of performing, regardless of the nurse’s role, population, or area of specialty.
The standards of professional nursing practice consist of
theStandards of Practiceand theStandards of Professional Performance.
National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is an organization whose membership includes
the state BONs
The NCSBN is responsible for the development of the nurse licensure and certification exams, including the
National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).
The NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN exams are two types of standardized adaptive tests developed by the NCSBN and used by state regulatory boards to determine if
to determine if a candidate is safe to practice as an entry-level nurse.
process of licensure involves the
verification of graduation from an approved prelicensure nursing education program,
confirmation of successful completion of the NCLEX exam, and in some states, a criminal background check.
To be eligible to take the NCLEX exam, the graduate must first
complete and submit an application for licensure and pay a licensure fee to the nursing regulatory body, such as the state BON, where the graduate nurse desires to be licensed.
Once the application for licensure has been submitted, the graduate is eligible to
take the NCLEX exam.
Once the graduate has completed the NCLEX registration process, the state BON
validates the applicant’s eligibility to take the NCLEX exam.
NCLEX registration will stay open for
365 days. Once the candidate has received notice that he or she is eligible to take the NCLEX exam, the applicant will receive validity dates on the The applicant forfeits the NCLEX registration and any fees paid if he or she does not receive eligibility notification from the state BON within 365 days.
Authorization to Test (ATT) is valid for a specific period, which is
approximately 90 days. (so nclex registration good for 365 days / ATT only valid for 90 days)
The 95% confidence interval rule is most commonly used. With this rule, the computer will
stop giving the candidate items when it is 95% certain that the candidate’s ability is above (pass) or clearly below (fail) the passing standard.
The maximum-length exam is another rule used to determine if
the candidate passes or fails the exam. It is used when the candidate’s ability is close to the passing standard. The computer will continue to give the candidate items until the maximum number of items is reached. With this rule, the 95% rule will not be considered, and the candidate’s final ability estimate is used to determine pass or fail. If this is above the passing standard, the result is considered a pass; if it is below the passing standard, the result is considered a fail.
The run-out-of-time rule is used when
the candidate runs out of time before reaching the maximum number of items and the computer cannot determine a pass or fail result for the candidate. With this rule, the candidate will fail if the minimum number of items was not answered. Also, under this rule, if the candidate answers the minimum number of items, the computer will review the candidate’s last 60 ability estimates. If this performance is above the standard, the student will pass; if it is below the standard, this candidate will fail.
A candidate who fails the NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN is permitted to retake the exam, although the candidate must wait a minimum of
45 days before doing so.
The minimum and max number of questions for the NCLEX-RN
is 75, and the maximum number of questions is 265.
Licensureis the method by which
the BONs authorize an individual to practice nursing within a specific scope of practice.
Licensure ensures that
an individual has met predetermined qualifications to practice the profession, thus protecting the public from undue harm and providing safe and competent care.
The profession of nursing requires a
valid license for an individual to call oneself a licensed professional and to practice nursing legally.
Periodic license renewal is required to
maintain the right to practice nursing
. State BONs are responsible for implementing the
necessary procedures for nurses to apply for licensure renewal.
Each state’s BON sets the requirements for
license renewal. Mandated continuing education, practice hours, and other required activities vary among the different state BONs, which is essential to remember if a nurse carries multistate licensure.
Any action by the nurse that places a client at harm is a reason for the BON to take
disciplinary action against the nurse.
Examples of disciplinary actions that BONs can take include
reprimand, probation, limits or restrictions placed on nursing practice, suspension of a nurse’s ability to practice, or revocation of a nursing license.
A licensed nurse is responsible for practicing within the
defined scope of practice based on the boundaries specified in the laws and regulations, consistent with the nurse’s education, knowledge, skills, and abilities.
The BON has the authority to_____ a nursing license and has the power to _____ a nursing license.
Telehealth nursing involves the delivery of health care using
machines, services, or interventions in which health-related information is provided remotely.
Examples of telehealth nursing include
monitoring clients from virtual hospitals, using remote client monitoring units to collect data, staffing call centers, and providing care from a home office such as with case management.
TheNurse Licensure Compact (NLC)permits nurses to
practice in their primary state of residence and other compact states under one multistate license.
The NLC is a good option for nurses who practice
across state lines, such as with travel nursing, telehealth nursing, nurse educators who provide online nursing education, and nurses who provide services during disasters in other NLC states.
A travel nurse is a registered nurse who takes
a temporary assignment, typically lasting 13 weeks, in an area of specialty.
If a nurse resides in a compact state and meets the uniform licensure requirements, the nurse may apply for
a multistate license in another NLC state.
If the applicant does not meet the uniform licensure requirements for a multistate license, they will need to apply for a
single-state license.
The nurse who applies for a multistate license must hold a valid and active
nursing license in their primary state of residence to be approved for a multistate license.
In contrast to the multistate license, the single-state licensing format requires the nurse to
obtain a license in every state in which the individual wishes to practice.
If a nurse has a single-state license and practices in another single-state license state, the nurse will have to
apply for an additional license and pay a licensure fee in the state in which theynow wishto practice.
States are recognized as reciprocal states when they
accept a valid nursing license from another state. All 50 states have this
Applying forreciprocitydiffers from applying for
initial licensure.
The nurse who wishes to transfer a single-state license from one state to another is required to have a
valid license with a clean record, submit an application with the state BON for a license, and pay a fee before being approved.
An example of reciprocity is when
a nurse who is practicing in a single-licensure state moves to another single-licensure state and is required to apply for a new license in the new state of residence. The nurse is not required to retake any exam, including the NCLEX exam, repeat any educational classes, or reapply for specialty nursing certification when applying for a new license.
Following licensure as a nurse, nurses can take multiple paths to demonstrate proficiency in their field of practice. One of these options is a
certificate program, which provides instruction in a concentrated area or topic of study, usually followed by a test. Another option is certification in a specialty area of practice.
Certificate programs are
additional educational opportunities that cover very specific content, and which a nurse can choose to take following initial licensure.
Certificate programs generally offer
continuing education contact hours.
Completion of a certificate program earns the nurse the ability to
enhance his or her practice in a specific area; to fortify his or hercurriculum vitaeor resume, making the nurse more marketable; and potentially, to result in an increase in salary.
Nurses who obtain certification are experts in their specialty field. Specialty areas in which registered nurses can earn certification include
ambulatory care, cardiac vascular, gerontological, informatics, medical-surgical, nurse executive, nursing case management, nursing professional development, pain management, pediatric, and psychiatric–mental health.
Credentialingis a process that provides confirmation of
an individual’s abilities to practice as a health professional. It requires the individual to complete a program of study and demonstrate abilities established asstandards of care.
After passing the NCLEX examination, nurses will sign all legal documentation during the course of their professional responsibilities with their
Credentials provide an indication that
the nurse has met established standards of excellence and achievement, and communicate this information to employers, peers, and consumers.
A nurse’s credentials should be listed in a specific order, beginning with
the highest educational level attained, followedby licensure, state designation/requirement, national certification, honors and awards, and any other certifications.
For example, a registered nurse who has completed the requirements for a master’s degree in nursing and has obtained certification from the Oncology Nurses Society would have the following credentials.
J. Jones, MSN, RN, OCN
which involves a renewal of the nursing license,
Recredentialing, is governed by
state and local statutes and regulations and can occur every 3 years or less. It is up to the nurse to maintain awareness of the timeline and requirements for recredentialing. Failure to do so will result in an inability to practice as a nurse. Requirements can be found on state BONs’ websites.
Credentialing can be defined as the process in
which an employer verifies that the nurse has the necessary education, training, and experience to practice in the state.
Credentialing is normally completed when
a nurse is hired and may be updated routinely.
- A nurse is teaching a group of nurses and asks which of the NLN integrating competencies is defined as having respect for diversity, holistic care, client-centered approach, and client advocacy. Which of the following competencies does this describe?
A) Human flourishing
B) Nursing judgment
C) Patient-centered care
D) Spirit of inquiry
A) Human flourishing
- A newly licensed nurse is reviewing electronic information about the NCLEX® exam from the National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN) website. Which of the following information should the nurse identify as passing criteria for the NCLEX computerized adaptive test (CAT)?
A) The computer will stop giving items using the 95% confidence interval rule.
B) The board of nursing for each state determines the passing grade for the NCLEX exam.
C) The candidate receives the maximum number of items available.
D) The candidate runs out of time before answering the minimum number of items.
A) The computer will stop giving items using the 95% confidence interval rule. The NCLEX is graded as pass or fail. The candidate will pass the NCLEX once it is determined by the 95% confidence interval that the candidate’s ability is above passing standards. This is the pass or fail criteria for the 95% confidence interval rule.
- A nurse resides in a state that recently enacted the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). Which of the following information should the nurse identify as a part of the NLC?
A) The NLC requires a nurse to obtain a license for each state in which they wish to practice.
B) The NLC allows a nurse to practice across state lines with one license.
C) The NLC allows a nurse to have a suspended license when practicing under a multistate license.
D) The NLC is not a good option for telehealth nursing.
B) The NLC allows a nurse to practice across state lines with one license
- A nurse receives a license renewal notification from the board of nursing. The nurse should identify that a license renewal requires the disclosure of which of the following?
A) Medical history
B) Substance use within the past 5 years
C) Certifications received
D) Current salary
B) Substance use within the past 5 years
- A nurse is providing client care using the nursing process. The nurse should identify that which of the following standards or guidelines includes this criterion?
A) Standards of care
B) Clinical practice guidelines
C) Standards of practice
D) Standard to plan nursing care
C) Standards of practice
Standards of practice are explanatory statements that describe a competent level of care for all nurses using the critical thinking model known as the nursing process. Nursing has general standards of practice to which every nurse is held accountable
- A nurse is reviewing the scope of nursing practice. Which of the following is the purpose of the nursing scope of practice?
A) Provides recommendations for nursing practice
B) Provides competencies for the nurse to achieve before receiving initial licensure
C) Serves as a contractual document between the nurse and their employer
D) Specifies the actions a nurse can perform
D) Specifies the actions a nurse can perform
- A graduate nurse is offered a position in the emergency department upon the granting of
initial licensure. Which of the following information should the graduate nurse identify as a requirement during the initial licensure process?
(Select all that apply.)
A) Verification of graduation
B) Criminal background check in certain states
C) Passing score on NCLEX examination
D) Submitting continuing education hours with
the application
E) Self-disclosure of any substance use in the
past 5 years
A) Verification of graduation
B) Criminal background check in certain states
C) Passing score on NCLEX examination
E) Self-disclosure of any substance use in the past 5 years
- A newly licensed nurse is reviewing information about the National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN) Transition to Practice (TTP) program. Which of the following factors should the nurse expect?
A) TP programs increase job retention.
B) TP programs decrease the ability to provide safe client care.
C) TP programs increase stress in the workplace.
D) TP programs decrease competency
A) TP programs increase job retention.
- A nurse is reviewing the licensing laws in their state of residence. Which of the following statements should the nurse use to define licensure?
A) “Licensure increases state revenue.”
B) “Licensure limits the number of practicing nurses.
C) “Licensure protects the health and welfare of the public.”
D) “Licensure protects a nurse from a malpractice lawsuit.’
C) “Licensure protects the health and welfare of the public.”
- A newly licensed nurse is reviewing the standards of care when performing client care. Which of the following describes a standard of care?
A) Explanatory statements that describe the competent level of care for all nurses to follow in practice
B) A component of the nursing scope of practice that specifies the competent level of behavior expected in the professional role
C) Part of the nursing scope of practice that specifies the nurse’s role in alleviating client suffering and promoting client healing
D) The level of care a nurse provides that is the same for all nurses who have comparable education, competency, and experience
D) The level of care a nurse provides that is the same for all nurses who have comparable education, competency, and experience
- A nurse is delivering client care in partnership with multidisciplinary members of the health care team. This is an example of which of the following QSEN competencies?
A) Safety
B)Patient-centered care
C) Quality improvement
D) Teamwork and collaboration
D) Teamwork and collaboration
- A nurse is educating a group of nurses about the Nurse Practice Act (NPA). Which of the following statements should the nurse include? (Select all that apply.)
A) The PA contains current laws and regulations for nursing practice.
B) The PA is the same for all states.
C) The PA contains standards and scope of practice.
D) The federal government enforces the PA for each state.
E) The nurse is responsible to know current roles and responsibilities as defined by the NPA.
A) The PA contains current laws and regulations for nursing practice.
C) The PA contains standards and scope of practice.
E) The nurse is responsible to know current roles and responsibilities as defined by the NPA.
- A nurse holds a single state nursing license and is preparing to move to another state. For the nurse to apply for reciprocity, which of the following actions should the nurse take? (Select all that apply.)
A) Present a current and valid nursing license.
B) Submit an application.
C) Pay the fees for new license.
D) Retake the NCLEX exam.
E) Reapply for specialty nursing certifications held in their previous home state.
A) Present a current and valid nursing license.
B) Submit an application.
C) Pay the fees for new license.
- A nurse is responsible for their actions with whom they interact professionally, including clients, colleagues, and society as a whole. Which of the following components of the practice of nursing addresses this expected behavior?
A) Standard to plan nursing care
B) Standards of professional performance
C) Standards of care
D) Clinical practice guidelines
B) Standards of professional performance