Test 1 material #4 Flashcards
makes the glenoid fossa 50% deeper and contributes to the stability of the GH joint
No GH motion just scapula-thoracic
conomitant muscle atrophy
synovial layers inflamed that leak protein secretion that adheres the joint
frozen shoulder
coughing/direct trauma are provocative
overlying skin reddened
unknown etiology
x-ray findings lacking
Tietze’s syndrome
AKA for Tietze’s syndrom
C5-C6 Upper brachial plexus injury due to forcefull depression
“waiter’s tip” internally rotated and adducted
biceps reflex lost with muscle wasting
usually from birth or trauma later in life
Erb’s palsey
C8-T1 lower brachial plexus injury
due to forceful pulling of arm
impairment of wrist flexion and internal muscles of hand
klumpke’s palsey
shoulder flexion
shoulder extension
shoulder abduction
shoulder adduction
ext. rotation of shoulder
internal rotation of shoulder
GH joint allows for (2)
- spreads joint over large area
2. permits motion with minimal friction
___muscles attach to the scapula of those ___ move the scapula/stabilize it
6 muscles that move/stabilize the scapula are
rhomboids, trapezius, serratus anterior, levator scapula, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis minor
GH joint capsule attaches medially and laterally to
medially: periphery of the glenoid and it’s labrum
laterally: to anatomical neck of humerus
Superior GH ligament
limits external rotation and inferior translation of humoral head with arms at the side
middle GH ligament
limits external rotation and ant translation of humoral head with arm at 0 and 45 degrees of abduction
inferior GH ligament
lots of functions
Coraco-humoral ligament
fills space between supraspinatus and supscapularis uniting these tendons and completing the rotator cuff
coracoacromial ligament
prevents AC separation and consists of Z bands
Coraco-acromial arch is made up of (3)
accordion process, coracoacromial ligament, inferior surface of A-C joint
When the arm is elevated while _____ the supraspinatus passes under the coracoacromial ligament
internally rotated
the supraspinatus tendon passes under the accordion itself when _______
externally rotated
suprahumoral/subacromial physiological space is narrowest at ____ -____ degrees of caption
60-120 “gleno-humoral painful arc”
Contents of subacromial space (6)
LH of biceps supraspinatus upper margins of subscapularis infraspinatus subacromial bursa subdeltoid bursa
ABduction of GH joint is accompanied by pain throughout all 180 degrees indicates
osteoarthritis (DJD)
180-170 degrees ABduction is referred to as
the AC painful arc
superior translation of the head of the humerus can be caused by (2)
muscle imbalances
capsular contracture
narrowing of the supra humeral space can lead to
subacromial impingement syndrome
supra spinaturs is very vulnerable during subacromial impingement due to the lack of ______ _______
blood flow
Impingement sydrome often leads to
rotator cuff tear
impingment syndrome can also lead to ______ tendonitis
biceps (even rupture with overuse)
_______ has worse pain at night
impingement sydrome
impingement syndrome vs cancer:
lots of edema
most likely impingement syndrome
cancer will have minimal or no edema
Impingement syndrom vs cancer:
tender palpation in large area
most likely impingement syndrome
very specific point tenderness on bone would point towards cancer
The are is elevated and internally rotated the ______ passes under the coracoacromial ligament
BEAST stands for
radial nerve muscles
Brachioradialis Extensors abductor pollicis longus supinator teres minor? (axillary)
Pectoralis major
medial rotation