Test 1 Learning Objectives 3-4 Flashcards
How long does the period of the zygote last?
2 weeks
What are the three phases of prenatal development?
Zygote, embryo, fetus
How long does the period of the embryo last?
6 weeks
How long does period of the fetus last?
9th week to end of pregnancy
- fertilization until drifts down and out of the Fallopian tube and attaches to the uterus.
- multiplies and forms a blastocyst.
- blastocyst burrows into the uterine lining.
- Structures that feed and protect the organism begin to form.
Period of the zygote
The most rapid changes take place, as the ground work is laid for all body structures and internal organs.
-most sensitive to teratogens
Period of the embryo
- Growth and finishing phase
- Rapid increases in size
- gender is evident
- rotate to upside down
Period of the fetus
What is the age of viability?
If the baby is born between 22-26 weeks, it is likely to live.
The most rapid growth in our lives takes place during…
The prenatal period
refers to any environmental agent that causes damage during the prenatal period.
What are the 4 factors of teratogens?
- Dose
- Heredity
- Other negative influences
- Age of the fetus
larger of these over longer time periods usually have negative effects
Genetic makeup of the mother and the developing organism plays an important role. Some are better able than others to withstand harmful environments.
several bad factors at once, such as additional teratogens, poor nutrition, and lack of medical care, can worsen the impact of a single harmful agent.
Other negative influences
the effect of teratogens vary with the age of the organism at time of exposure. Not age of the mother, but age of the baby.
- Slow physical growth
- Three facial abnormalities
- Brain injury,small head
- many mental Impairments
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
- Two of three facial abnormalities
- Brain injury, evident in at least three areas of impaired functioning
- mothers drank in smaller quantities.
- Defects vary with the timing and length of alcohol exposure
Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (p-FAS)
- At least three areas of mental functioning are impaired despite typical physical growth
- Absence of facial abnormalities
Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND)
What are the three facial abnormalities for fetal alcohol syndrome?
(1) short eyelid openings, (2) thin upper lip, (3) indentation running from the bottom of the nose to the center of the upper lip.
List other agents, in addition to alcohol, known to be or suspected of being teratogens. (5 of them)
drugs, tobacco, radiation, pollution, infectious disease
Currently, the most widely used teratogen is ….., used to treat severe acne. Exposure can result in eye, ear, skull, brain, heart, and immune system abnormalities.
linked with low birth weight, infant death around time of birth, poor motor development, lower Intelligence scores
low birth weight and miscarriage increase
increased risk of premature and birth complications, including respiratory distress, and high blood pressure in infancy
did not know it was damaging until the children were older
babies were born with missing limbs and other impairments
Babies are less attentive to the environment, and motor development is slow
eye, bone, genital, unitary tract, kidney, and heart deformities. Brain hemorrhages and seizures
Effects vary but can include low birth weight and prematurity
- Low birth weight, miscarriage, prematurity, impaired heart rate and breathing during sleep, infant death, and asthma
- causes the placenta to grow abnormally
- First apparent in women who survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Miscarriage and underdeveloped brains, physical deformities, and slow physical growth
- Problems may appear later
- Even low amounts can increase risk of childhood cancer
physical deformities, mental retardation, abnormal speech, difficulty chewing and swallowing, uncoordinated movements. Brain damage. Often found in fish.
Environmental pollution- mercury
prematurity, low birth weight, brain damage, physical defects even low levels of exposure may be dangerous.
Environmental pollution- lead
brain, immune system, and thyroid damage
Environmental pollution- dioxins
deafness, eye deformities, heart, genital, urinary, intestinal, bone, and dental defects,and mental retardation
can cause brain damage and delayed mental and motor development
eye and brain damage, mild visual and cognitive impairments, learning or visual disabilities. Can be avoided by making sure meat is fully cooked, having pet cats checked and not cleaning litter boxes.
Bacterial and Parasitic Diseases
what are other maternal factors that can have an impact on prenatal development? (6 of them)
Exercise, nutrition, malnutrition, stress, blood incompatibility, maternal age and previous births
Working up a sweat for more than 30 minutes, 4 or 5 days a week, especially late in pregnancy results in…
Lower birth weight
True or false: Should do moderate exercise to promote mothers and baby’s health