Test 1 Flashcards
Which of the following compromises female athlete traid?
Ammnorea, disordered eating, osteoporosis
An athlete recently sustained subleased patella, which brace better off supports the knee?
Neoprene sleeve with patella centralizing brace
What is most likely causes of tarsal tunnel syndrome?
Flexor Hallicus Longus
Calcaneal fracture
Medial ankle sprain
What condition would disquallify an athlete from contact participation?
Enlarged Spleen
Bradycardia that develops secondary to regular aerobic exercise is the result of what specific adaptation?
Increased Stroke Volume
A 25 year old presents complaining of nausea in a general feeling in malaise…
Which governing body regulate continuing education units for athletic trainers?
Board of Certification Inc.
At which point in the injury cycle will application of ice MOST be beneficial in reducing secondary hypoxia?
Vascular and tissue damage
When arriving on the ice to treat an injured athlete, the athletic trainer activates EMS and applies pressure bandage to control bleeding. Which actions should trainer take until. arrival of EMS?
Elevate athletes arm
Elevate athlete leg
Maintain athlete body temp
Giving the location of the athletes laceration, which structures could be compromised by such an injury?
Flexor digitorum
Median Nerve
Radial Artery
The athlete is transported to the emergency room via EMS. During treatment, during treatment the emergency room physician discovers that the athlete is positive for hepatitis B virus. Which of the following methods of transmission for hepatitis B?
Direct contact with blood
Unprotected Sex
Which of the following steps should the athletic trainer take upon learning of the athlete hepatitis B diagnosis?
Make sure that the exposed teammate are up to dat for hepatitis B vaccination
Three days post surgery to the repair of the structures, the athlete comes to the athletic training facility and complains of pressure and pain in her forearm. The athletic trainer notes decreased finger extension. Which of the following possible differential diagnosis should the athletic trainer consider?
Volksman Contacture
Which best describes Raynauds Phenmenon?
Condition in which cold exposure causes vasospasm of digital arteries
What is the accepted method of immediate treatment for acute anterior compartment syndrome prior to referring to a physician?
Apply ice and elevate limb
Athlete reports that he feels irritable and fatigued on a regular basis. Overuse injuries….
Over training syndrome
Which is most likely to result in medial tibial stress syndrome?
Pronation creating tension in proximal posterior tibailis attachment.
Which of the following impedes the thermal effect of ultrasound?
Mixing petroleum based sports creams with ultra sound gel
An athlete was diagnosed with lateral epicondylitis . As part of the athletes treatment plan, the athletic trainer decided to apply a counter brace. Which of the following options is the correct placement for the counter brace?
Just distal to the lateral forearm
What lifestyle modification is recommended for a patient with hypertension?
Reduce the intake of sodium
Which of the following conditions is defined as an accumulation of blood in the anterior chamber of the eye following blunt trauma?
The patients prescription states take 1 tablet bid. How often should patient take medication?
Two times per day
Which of the following budgeting classification requires justification only for expenditures that exceed the previous budget period?
Incremental Budget
Which of the following is a comorbidity related eating disordered eating that has been shown to cause sudden death?
Electrolyte abnormalities
What recommendations should be given to an athlete who was recently diagnosed with asthma?
Encourage athlete to bring recuse metered dose inhaler to all athletic activities
When disinfecting contaminated surfaces, what concentration of bleach solution is recommended by Occupational Safety and Administration
Which of the following is true regarding preferred provider organization?
Provide discount health care and have specified provider networks
During a large track meet a runner collapse which information should be provided to the dispatch operator?
The exact location of patient
Which of the following supplements are most appropriate to prevent decreased bone mineralization?
Calcium and Vitamin D
Athlete reports that pain began two days prior
Athlete has possible wrist sprain
Wrist strength 3/5
Increase right wrist strength
Rciever falls on elbow and left side of body and reports pain and nausea what could be you suspect
Spleen injury
A field hockey player reports having been struck by a shot lateral chest wall
Tension Pneomothroax
When cleaning up dried blood, an athletic trainer is at great risk for contracting which of the following?
Hepatitis B
Visual acuity of 20/50 is indicative of which of the following?
Individual can read 20 feet what an average person can read at 50 feet
What type of medication is best treated for herpes simplex
Which is best for someone overcoming a cold?
Increase fluid intake
Which current is best to prevent muscle atrophy?
Russian current
Athlete reports having numbness in 3rd and 4th MT what could be the injury?
Mortons neuroma
Which are the appropriate management for tooth avulsion
Rever to denist immediately
Place into socRense with saline water
Injury to C5 elects which of the following shoulder movements?
During PPR wresteler has red papule on foot
Which of the following best determines the scope of practice for a clinical athletic trainer?
Law of the state
After treating thoracic outlet syndrome…..
Refer for further elevation
What protects the athletic trainer and places responsibility on athlete during sports?
Assumption of risk
What can’t a interviewer ask?
What is martial status
Athlete want paper for ksent to different physician, what must happen?
Must sign waiver to be sent to there physician
Working and lifting heavy objects, which technique is best?
Brace abdominal muscles, keep neutral spine, and use hip and knee extensors to lift object
Measuring ankle dorsiflexion where should moving hand be?
5th metatarsal
What position would lower half be trying to apply spica wrap for adductors
Hip flexion
Hip internal rotation
Slight knee flexion
Which of the following best defines both bone and soft tissues response to stress?
Wolfs Law
What is the primary mechanism of action used by NSAIDS to decrease inflammation?
Decrease prostaglandin production
Based on gate control theory which parameters provide best relief?
Intensity: Sensory, Pulse frequency 80pps, pulse duration 75 microseconds
Which of the following best describes nystagmus?
Involuntary lateral eye movement
What bone is damaged from Salter Harris Fracture?
Ephyseal Plate
Which combination of two factors would most likely predispose an athlete to patella femoral pain?
Weak quads, gene valgum, and Q angle greater than 18 degrees
Which is most appropriate for exerstional heat stroke?
Immerse patient in ice water
Which pathologies best describes pain in lower back?
Kidney Stones
Itchy red scaling in between res of feet , what medication does the athlete need?
Anti fungal cream
Developing treatment protocol for evidence based medicine which is appropriate?
Conduct a thorough review of literature
As part of rehab athlete learns to visualize desired outcome. What is being used?
Guidelines fore helmets
National operating committee on standards of athletic equipment
PPE 22 year old reports mild fatigue, domestic body aches, dyspnea, and pitting edema and palpations. What condition should the athletic trainer suspect?
What landmark appears as a depression in the forefoot and can be palpated over the anterolateral dome?
Sinus Tarsi
The inferior surface of the talus connects with what?
Most appropriate progressive move for volleyball player?
Forearm passing, setting, overhead serving, and hitting
What is the primary purpose of an organizations policy and procedure manual?
Address the common needs of the organizations and its employees
Which describes a isometric exercise?
Isometric exercises involve an activity where the muscles generate force but no joint movement is involved
Athlete with type one diabetes, which is most appropriate to give?
Glass of apple juice
Patient with tine cruis suffers from?
Scaley and prussic rash in groin
Chronic injury of thoracic nerve which muscle should be directed?
Serratus anterior
What protects from electrical shock of hydrotherapy area?
Electrical outlet for whirlpools should be connected to ground fault circuit interrupters
Heart inability to pump blood due to rapid, but unorganized , contractions?
Ventricular fibrilizations
Minimum amount of time from lightening strike
15 year old female…
notify parents
refer athlete to emergency department
What cardiac condition most of associated with Marfans Syndrome?
Aorta abnormalities
Which of the following pathologies is a contraindication to mechanical traction?
Best trecommandations of lateral epicondylitis?
Hold the request less tightly , and limit the number of back hand strokes
Patient L4-L5 dis herniation
Parathesium of the dorm part of the foot
Weakness during big toe extension
Football player collapses what should be the first response?
Activate EMS