Test 1 Flashcards
Ferster Theory of autism
Autistic behavior obeys laws of learning - good
errors of learning caused by parents - bad
Lovaas and Smith Theory of autism
Developmental delays - remediable
not really a disease, no etiology
Bijou and Ghezzi Theory of autism
abnormalities in sensory functioning that cause escape/avoidance
Spradlin and Brady Theory of autism
Stimulus control deficits
Drash and Tudor Theory of autism
failure to acquire verbal behavior is basic deficit
parent mediated contingencies in first 3 years play important role
Thompson Theory of autism
Physiological and environmental
eo-sd-conjoint mediating (brain) events -consequences
current definition of autism
qualitative impairment in:
social interaction
and restricted stereotyped behavior
Multiple determinism
autism has multiple varying causes: genetics learning physiological conditions environmental conditions earlier behavioral trajectories
same topography, different causes
Non linearity in development
symptoms can vary in their progress, sometimes phase shifts/cusps occur
coalescent organization
complex learning that occurs automatically due to complex natural contingencies
stimulus overselectivity
hyper-focus on the wrong stimulus can be thought of as a cause or symptom of autism, train Mutually Responsive Orientation/ Joint Attention/ social referencing
2 meanings of function:
what a behavior accomplishes
change in DV as result of IV
analysis vs interpretation
experimental vs not
pliance and tracking
listener response to mand, speaker acting on listeners pliance
CM/ Is autism one thing?
autism may represent a multiplicity of behavior problems with a multiplicity of etiologies
each behavioral deviation may have its own neurobiological etiology, and the delay in the development of a complex behavior such as language may be the product of many and diverse causes
CM/ Tenets
1 Numerous findings indicate that the behaviors of
autistic individuals can be accounted for by the laws of learning.
2 Autistic individuals have many separate behavioral deficits rather than a central deficit that, if corrected, would lead to broad-based change.
3. Persons with autism can learn once a special environment is constructed for them
4 Autistic persons’ failure to learn in normal environments and success in special environments indicate that their problems can be viewed as a mismatch between their nervous systems and the normal environment rather than approached as a disease
DCR/ types of DTT
rigid (traditional), Structured (contemporary), Flexible (evolved)
DCR/ how AP has evolved:
proactive strategies more programs to address defecits Observational learning addressed early DTT in groups social, play, self help, daily living, (not just language)
EBT/changes from 73 to 87
youngest = best chance
treatment = stituation specific (do home based)
generalization = low, so custom ints needed
parents = skilled teachers
training for all waking hours
procedures used from data from 70s
EBT criteria for appropriate treatment
1 behavioral emphasis 2family participation 3 one on one instruction 4 integration 5 comprehensiveness 6 intensity 7 individual differences 8 duration 9 quality control