Terror and persuasion Flashcards
Also known as Storm Troopers or Brown shirts. A military style organisation of the Nazi party formed in 1921 under Hitler.
After the demise of the SA, what were the 4 main police organisations?
The SS
German police force
Who led the SS?
Heinrich Himmler
What was the Gestapo?
Nazi’s secret police force
-Its job was to monitor the German population for signs of opposition or resistance to Nazi rule.
What was the SD?
The intelligence gathering agency of the SS
-It was responsible for the security of Hitler and other top Nazis
What was the SS
Oversaw the gestapo and the SD
- Initially set up as Hitler’s personal bodyguard service
- Very loyal to the Fuhrer
- Later set up concentrations camps
What did the Nazi’s do to the legal system?
All judges to swear and oath of loyalty to Hitler
-Always meant to act in interests of Nazi state
All lawyers to join the Nazi Lawyers Association
Standard punishment for crimes were abolished
Where was the first concentration camp?
Dachau, outside Munich, in 1933
How were concentration camps described to the German public?
As places to detain enemies of the state
They were “concentrated” in one place for political re-education.
How were prisoners in concentration camps identified by their crimes?
They wore coloured triangles which identified their crime
What was life like in concentration camps?
Life in the concentration camps was extremely harsh. Prisoners were made to live and work in horrendous conditions.
How did prisoner’s concentration camp experiences help Nazi’s stay in control?
When reports of prisoners’ experiences leaked out, it increased the fear of being arrested. This fear helped the Nazis keep control.
How was the Nazi Party a constant presence in people’s lives?
Swastika symbol appeared on every public building and government uniform.
Posters of Hitler everywhere
Germans having to greet each other with a Heil Hitler! raised arm salute
Who was the Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda?
Dr Joseph Goebbels.
Was there free press in the Nazi State?
No- all newspapers were controlled by the Government and could only print stories favourable to the Nazi regime.
How did the 1936 Berlin Olympics aim to indoctrinate people?
Loudspeakers in public places blared out Nazi propaganda.
Nazis used this as an opportunity to showcase the success of the regime and to show the superiority of the Aryan race.
- The victories of the African-American athlete Jesse Owens for the USA infuriated the Nazi leadership.
The Malicious Gossip Law
Made telling an Anti-Nazi joke a crime, leading to a fine or imprisonment.
How were mass rallies used to indoctrinate people?
These public displays of support for Nazism involved music, speeches and demonstrations of German strength.
The biggest one was held each year in August at Nuremberg.
How was the control of radio broadcasts used to indoctrinate people?
Radios, called the ‘People’s Receiver’, were sold very cheaply so that most Germans could afford one.
All radio output was controlled by Goebbels ministry
Radio sets with loudspeakers were also placed by the Nazis in places like cafes, factories, town squares and street corners, so everyone could hear the Nazi message.
How was Art used as propaganda?
Hitler saw Weimar Art as degenerate and removed 6500 art pieces from display across Germany.
Hitler encouraged ‘Aryan art’ instead, which showed the physical and military power of Germany and the Aryan race.
When did the Nazis ceremonially burn thousands of books that were viewed as being traitorous to Nazism?
- Books that had undesirable ideology were burnt ceremonially to demonstrate Nazi power
-These included books written by Jewish, pacifist, classical, liberal, anarchist, socialist, and communist authors.
Which organisation was led by Heinrich Himmler?
Which organisation was led by Himmler’s right-hand man, Reinhard Heydrich?
What did Hitler want to showcase at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin?
Aryan Race
- BUT The victories of the African-American athlete Jesse Owens for the USA infuriated the Nazi leadership.
What did Albert Speer design?
Nuremberg stadium
He was the most important architect of the period who also redesigned Berlin.
What type of music did the Nazis strongly oppose?
Jazz- called it degenerate.