Search for world peace Flashcards
easing of tensions between the US and the USSR in the 1970’s
4 reasons for détente
Arms Limitations
Invasion of czechoslvakia
who repaired relations w communist china?
3 ‘baskets’ of the Helsinki agreement
human rights
SECURITY// Helsinki Agreement
each country recognised the current land borders of europe
USSR previously refused to recognise West Germany
everyone country to have basic freedoms
freedom of speech, relgion
COOPERATION// Helsinki Agreement
every country to call for further cooperation in science, culture and trade
e.g Apollo-Soyuz
joint space mission between the American Apollo astronauts and Soviet Soyuz cosmonauts.
when was the helsinki agreement signed?
what was the helsinki agreement?
International agreements between the USA, the Soviet Union and other countries covering a range of issues.`
when was SALT I signed
may 1972
what does SALT stand for?
strategic arms limitations talks
who was SALT signed by?
policies of SALT I
- no new ICBMs to be built
- limited number of ABMs that each side could have
- no limitations on future developments of new weapons
what is an ICBM
long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles
what are ABMs
anti ballistic missiles
(missiles used to shoot down other’s missiles)
when was SALT II signed
June 1979
what did SALT II aim to do
limit total number of missiles each side could have
what issue arose w/ SALT II?
needed for it to be passed by a vote in the Senate for it to be officially recognised
Senate refused to vote for the treaty after the USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979
guerrilla movement
militant Islamic group who fought against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
holy war
individual struggle against evil while following the way of Allah. It can also be collective defence of the Muslim community.
how many troops did the USSR send in to Afghanistan in december 1979?
50,000 troops
who was the leader of the USSR in 1979?
why was the soveit invavsion of Afghanistan the end of detente?
it was a shocking development
USA, China and UN condemned these actions
how did president Carter respond to the invasion of Afghanistan?
was very firm as it threatened India and Pakistan (allies)
it also was a potential threat to oil supplies from the Persian Gulf
What did Carter do in response to the invasion of Afghanistan?
USA would give military force to protect its allies and the Persian Gulf
gave financial support to USA’s allies
ordered US to stop selling technology to the USSR
boycotted the 1980 olympics in MOSCOW
weapons and money to the Mujahideen so that they could fight a guerrilla
war against the Soviet troops
when did soviets withdraw from Afghanistan?
why did USSR withdraw from Afghanistan?
- costs
- casualties rising
what became the symbol of the end of communist rule?
fall of berlin wall
when did berlin wall fall?
when were the communist governments of Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia overthrown?
november 1989
why was the US very interested in the Middle East?
due to the masses of oil
how many US hostages were there?
66 people
(diplomats and their guards)
when were the US hostages taken?
how were the americans taken as hostages?
American Embassy in Tehran was captured by extremists
when were the American hostages freed?
when Reagan became president in Jan 1981
after 444 days of captivity
Brezhnev Doctrine
USSR would put down any
attempted uprisings against communism
SDI initiative
lasers and satellites which would destroy missiles before they landed in the US
USSR couldn’t compete w this initiative
Gorbachev policy
- accepting that some elements of capitalism are needed for a healthy economy
censorship of the press was relaxed
when did the Arms race end?
Geneva Conference
Nov 1985
When was INF treaty signed?
what did INF treaty do?
treaty was the first to reduce weapons and the first to allow inspections of each other’s nuclear arsenals
when did the cold war end?
(Bush Snr and Gorbachev)