Hitler in to power Flashcards
When did Hitler become Chancellor?
January 1933
When did Hitler become Führer?
August 1934
When did Hitler convince Hindenburg to call a new Reichstag election ?
March 1933
When was the Reichstag fire?
February 1933
When was the Enabling Act passed?
March 1933
When were political parties banned?
July 1933
When was the Night of the Long Knives?
June 1934
What happened during the Reichstag fire?
Dutch communist, Marinus van der Lubbe, was arrested and charged with setting the Reichstag building on fire.
Days later in the election 44 per cent of the population voted for the Nazis.
What happend as a result of the Reichstag fire?
This enabled Hitler to imprison many communist leaders, which stopped them campaigning during the election.
Hitler had arrested all the communist deputies
How was the Enabling Act passed?
Parties were intimidated by the SA, communists were arrested so,
As Hitler had 288 seats this meant he had a large supporting, so the Enabling Act was passed
What did the Enabling Act do?
Hitler had the right to make laws without the Reichstag’s approval for four years
Why was the Enabling Act deemed important in Hitler’s consolidation of power?
It gave Hitler absolute power to make laws, which enabled him to destroy all opposition to his rule. This removed the Reichstag as a source of opposition.
When were trade unions abolished?
May 1933
How did the abolition of trade unions help Hitlers consolidation of power?
Abolishing the trade unions allowed Hitler to destroy a group that might have opposed him.
DAF created
He had control over German workers
German Labour Front
- Hitler’s “trade union” which allowed him to have control over all German workers
How did the banning of political parties help Hitler’s consolidation of power?
This made Germany a one-party state and destroyed democracy in the country. After this action, Germans could no longer get rid of Hitler in an election.
Who was the leader of the SA?
Ernst Röhm
What happened on the NOTLK?
Hitler murdered his political opponents.
Ernst Röhm, was demanding that the Nazi party carry out its socialist agenda and that the SA take over the army.
Hitler could not afford to annoy businessmen or the army, so the SS (Hitler’s personal bodyguards) murdered around 400 members of the SA, including Röhm.
How did the NOTLK help Hitler consolidate power?
This destroyed all opposition to Hitler within the Nazi Party and gave power to the brutal SS.
This removed any internal Nazi Party opposition to Hitler
How did Hitler become Führer?
After Hindenburg died, Hitler declared himself jointly president, chancellor and head of the army. This formally made Hitler the absolute ruler of Germany.
After Hitler became Führer, who did the army have to swear a personal allegiance to?
Members of the armed forces had to swear a personal oath of allegiance not to Germany, but to Hitler. This neutralised any sources of opposition to Hitler within the army.
What month did Hitler call another General Election for shortly after becoming Chancellor?
What law did Hitler persuade Hindenburg to pass following the Reichstag fire?
Protection of the People and State
When did Germany become a one-party state?
July 1933
What happened on 27 February 1933?
Reichstag was set on fire.
Dutch communist, Marinus van der Lubbe was arrested and charged.
How many seats in the Reichstag did the Nazi party win at the 1933 March election?
What was the name of the law passed by the Reichstag in March 1933 that gave Hitler power to make laws alone for four years?
Enabling Act
What was the date of the Night of Long Knives, when Hitler eliminated the leadership of the SA?
30 June 1934.
Which Nazi official was killed on the Night of Long Knives?
Ernst Röhm
What title did Hitler take upon President Hindenburg’s death in August 1934?