Terms Lab 20 (complete) Flashcards
Where is this structure located?
caudal gluteal artery
Travels caudally with the sciatic nerve; deep to biceps femoris
Where is this structure located?
cranial gluteal artery
Can be seen deep to the middle gluteal muscle
Where is this structure located?
cranial gluteal nerve
Follows the cranial gluteal artery; deep to the middle gluteal
Where is this structure located?
external iliac artery
Lateral branch off the terminal aorta
Where is this structure located?
deep femoral artery
Medial branch off the external iliac artery
Where is this structure located?
pudendoepigastric trunk
Short trunk arises from the deep femoral and terminates as the caudal epigastric artery (abd. wall) and external pudendal artery (ing. canal)
Where is this structure located?
caudal epigastric artery
Branch from the pudendoepigastric trunk; travels cranially on the dorsal surface of the rectus abdonimis
Where is this structure located?
external pudendal artery
Branch from the pudendoepigastric trunk; travels through the inguinal canal; supplies scrotum or mammary gland
Where is this structure located?
femoral triangle
Area on medial thigh close to the abdomen where vessels/nerves travel
Where is this structure located?
femoral artery
Continuation of the external iliac artery after it leaves the abdomen
Where is this structure located?
proximal caudal femoral artery
Branch off the femoral artery; travels caudally; deep to veins
Where is this structure located?
saphenous artery
Continuation of the femoral artery
Where is this structure located?
descending genicular artery
Straight branch off the femoral artery travels toward the knee
Where is this structure located?
distal caudal femoral artery
Last branch off the femoral artery near the knee; travels around to the lateral side; dives deep on the medial side
Where is this structure located?
popliteal artery
Continuation of the femoral artery at the knee