terminology list Flashcards
a comparison using like or as
the transfer of a quality from one thing or idea to another in such a way as to imply some resemblance between two things or ideas
a figure of speech that gives human attributes to animals objects or ideas
when a word sounds like what it’s referring from
language to arouse strong feelings in the reader
emotive language
repetition of the same consonant sound or letter at the beginning of words next to each other
associations of words for example red is associated with love
a set of words connected in meaning or association
semantic field
not a literal use of words but metaphorical
figurative language
a figure of speech that includes contradictory terms etc cruel kindness
the attribution of human feelings and responses to objects, natural phenomena or animals etc the somber clouds darkened my mood
pathetic fallacy
providing information to support and strengthen an arguement
facts and statistics
questions that do not expect an answer
rhetorical question
exaggerating descriptions or claims to make things sound better or worse than they are
a little story, usually interesting or amusing
a sentence that employs a series of three parallel words, phrases or clauses. etc tell me and i forget; teach me and i remember; involve me and i learn
repeating a word mode than once for emphasis
scientific views or comments by a group of designated experts based on scientific evidence or an expert opinion
expert opinion
an adjective or adverb expressing the highest or very high degree of quality for example- that was the greatest day of my life
a verb or phrase in the imperative mode that form a command or request for example- leave!
lists that are connected by a conjunction for example- birds flock and wheel and cry
syndetic listing
lists with a comma instead of a conjunction to separate the items in the list
asyndetic listing
two things placed close together with contrasting effect
short dramatic sentences used for affect
short sentence
the arrangement of words and phrases to create well formed sentences
the writer giving a hint of what’s to come later in the story
a word that identifies a person place thing idea or quality
a word that describes a noun
a word that describes what a person or thing does
a word that introduces a noun etc a, an, this
a word that is used in a place of a noun that is specific to a person or thing etc her, him
a word that describes the position of something, the time it happened or the way it is done, such as under, between, on
a word that connects phrases or sentences etc and because