lord of the flies quotes analysis Flashcards
small flames stirred at the hole of a tree and crawled
‘stirred’ suggests that the flames are waking up, gently. notice that the flames are ‘small’. this links to later images. ‘crawler’ suggests animal- like movement. it’s pace would be creeping or even sneaking
dividing and increasing. one patch touched a tree trunk and scrambled up like a bright squirrel
‘dividing and increasing’ continuous action is suggested by the use of these verbs- this momentum is happening now and will continue to happen into the future. ‘scrambled’ suggests a rapid but clumsy movement. ‘like a bright squirrel’- simile used to describe the movement of the fire through the trees. it’s a positive image; ‘bright’ suggests the light from the flames
the two boys faced each other … longing and baffled common sense
ralph and jack are presented as opposites. they are facing each other like opponents and their worlds and obsessions have no connection. notice that ralph’s common sense is ‘baffled’, he has no understanding of jacks obsession with hunting. instead, he is presented as ‘longing’ - year i g for rescue and shelter
passions beat about simon on the mountain top with awful wings
here, simon represents the forces of good. he is presented as standing alone on the ‘mountain top’ seperate from the group. the metaphor shows me ‘passions’, anger and outrage as wings- but as ‘awful’ wings, suggesting dread and terror
over the island the build up of clouds continued. a steady current of heated air rose all day
build up- suggesting the boys’ tension and fear. the build up is ongoing ‘steady’ and relentless. the air is perhaps the boys’ heightened emotions
drained from water and trees and pink surfaces of rock, and the white and brown clouds broaden
‘drained’ suggests the vibrant colours of the island are bleeding from the landscape. ‘brooded’ suggesting that the colours are moping or in a fretful mood
a thing was crawling out of the forest. it came darkly, uncertainly. the shrill screaming that rose before the beast was like a pain
focus on simon who has now been stripped of his humanity to become ‘a thing’. ‘crawling’ this language suggesting that this is a creature- not human. ‘shrill screaming’ in their frenzied chanting, the boys too are animal-like. ‘like a pain’ a smilie suggesting lack of control in the frenzy- perhaps foreshadowing the pain to come as a result of this.
the blue-white scar was constant, the noise unendurable. simon was crying out something about a dead man on a hill
‘blue white’ focus is back to simon and the harsh blue-white lightening. combined with the noise and the dance, golding presents the drama of the scene almost as if it’s a film. ‘dead man on a hill’ simons truth- a religious reference to the crucifix action of christ on a hill
at once the crowd surged after it, poured down …. screamed, struck, bit, tore. …. tearing of teeth and claws
golding describes this in a matter of fact way- he is a dispassionate observer of this savagery. it is also helpful to consider why he does not write this from the point of view of one of the boys. ‘it’ pronoun suggests inhumanity. ‘poured’ the boys are moving as one fluid creature. ‘screamed, struck, bit, tore’ a stark list of violent acts emphasising the inhuman savagery of the boys actions. ‘teeth and claws’ a description used previously about the beast.
the rock struck piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee
‘glancing’ suggests that the blow wasn’t full force yet it is from ‘chin to knee’. golding gives precise details
the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist
the violence of ‘exploded’ contrasts with the beauty of ‘white fragments’ , before we are told bluntly that they ‘ceased to exist’
piggy, saying nothing, with no time for even a grunt
there is silence here. golding presents piggy, like one of the pigs hunted by jack, as having no time to ‘grunt’. piggy, the voice of reason, has been silenced by savagery
travelled through the air sideways… turning over as he went
details of the call slow down the action. he turns as he falls just like the dead airman who was freed by simon just before his murder. golding links the two deaths
piggy fell forty feet and landed on his back
precise details of the distance of the call and the way piggy lands on the rock are given. the reader considers the sow that the hunters place on the grass when they discover ralph and piggy at castle rock
his head opened and stuff came out
golding focuses in closely on precise details unemotionally. ‘stuff’ is an imprecise world- childlike vocabulary
arms and legs twitched a bit, like a pigs after it has been killed
again golding links piggy to the creatures that jack hunts, ‘twitched’ suggests an undignified movement