This class was created by Brainscape user isabella rotheram. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

poetic devices
32  cards
j&h quotes
He began,
If he be
11  cards
Macbeth key words
Giving the impression that someth...,
Deserted bleak or empty,
Inborn or natural
49  cards
Macbeth must include words
A fatal flaw that normally leads ...,
Excessive pride or self confidence,
When a character makes a critical...
6  cards
introducing a quotation generic sentances
A particularly,
One only,
Name of author
6  cards
developing analysis generic sentances
What is,
An audience reader,
The use of
7  cards
linking to context and the question generic sentences
This evidently,
8  cards
step by step unseen poetry
Step 1,
Step 2,
Step 3
5  cards
KEY macbeth quotations
Fair is foul and foul is fair,
As cannons overcharged with doubl...,
Too full of the milk of human kin...
18  cards
KEY lord of the flies quotations
I m the beast fancy thinking the ...,
Ralph wept for the end of innocen...,
Here invisible yet strong was the...
10  cards
KEY jekyll and hyde quotations
Primitive duality of man,
Edward hyde alone in the ranks of...,
Man is not truly one but truly two
26  cards
Jekyll and Hyde chapter names
Chapter 1 name,
Chapter 2 name,
Chapter 3 name
10  cards
terminology list
A comparison using like or as,
The transfer of a quality from on...,
A figure of speech that gives hum...
33  cards
things to include in creative writing
A simile start,
Triple noun colon,
Three verbs
8  cards
sentences to include in creative writing
11  cards
English language component 2 20 markers
Structure of a magazine article,
Things to include in magazine art...,
How to write a formal letter
4  cards
Macbeth- the book
Macbeth a tragedy,
Soliloquies and asides
2  cards
characters and themes- Macbeth
Macbeth first impressions,
How is macbeth affected by the wi...,
Does macbeth have a conscience
45  cards
KEY macbeth quotations learn
Fair is,
As cannons,
Too full
18  cards
lord of the flies characters
How does golding show the changes...,
How does ralph lose his innocence,
How good a leader is ralph
31  cards
lord of the flies themes
What kind of leadership are there...,
What is jacks leadership like,
What is ralph s leadership like
30  cards
lord of the flies quotes analysis
Small flames stirred at the hole ...,
Dividing and increasing one patch...,
The two boys faced each other lon...
16  cards
KEY lord of the flies quotations learn
I m the,
Ralph wept,
10  cards
lord of the flies quotations learn
Small flames,
Dividing and,
The two boys
18  cards
jekyll and hyde context
How does stevenson explore social...,
What scientific developments infl...,
How is the theory of evolution li...
12  cards
jekyll and hyde characters
How is dr jekyll presented as a r...,
How does stevenson establish myst...,
How is dr jekyll presented as tro...
25  cards
jekyll and hyde themes
How is evil explored in the novel,
How is goodness explored in the n...,
How does stevenson explore the co...
14  cards

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english lang and lit gcse

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