KEY macbeth quotations learn Flashcards
fair is
foul and foul is fair
as cannons
overcharged with double cracks
too full
of the milk of human kindness
me here…. of forest cruelty
look like
the innocent flower/ but be the serpent under’t
i would
while it was smiling in my face/ have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums/ have dashed the brains out
is this a
dagger which i see before me
but wherefore
could i not pronounce amen? i had most need of blessing and amen/ stick in my throat
a little
water clears us of this feed
a falcon
towering un her pride of place/was by a mousing owl hawked at, and killed
o’er your rugged looks/ be bright and jovial among your guests tonight
whole as
the marble, founded as the rock… but now i am cabined, cribbed, confined
there the grown
serpent lies: the worm, that’s fled/ hath nature that in time will venom breed
see there! behold! look! ho! how say you? why- what care i?
i have no words
my voice is in my sword
life’s but
a walking shadow
damned spot
your wife
and babes savagely slaughtered