Terminology Flashcards
A noun is a word that identifies a person , place or thing
a word used to describe an action
word naming an attribute of a noun, such as sweet, red, or technical.
comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g. as brave as a lion ).
Used to compare two different unlike ideas “the ocean was a raging bull
The attribution of a persons nature to represent the actions of an inaminate object . “ the tree danced in the wind “
Pathetic fallacy
the attribution of human feelings and responses to inanimate things or animals, especially in art and literature.
the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of a sentence “Big birthday”
Colloquial language
Words that are used in ordinary language by common people like slang
A word or phrase that describes a verb or adjective
The writer uses descriptive language to place an image into the readers head on what the place or situation would be like
a thing that is known or proved to be true.
Imperative word
A imperative verb is a word that gives a command like “go”
Rhetorical question
A question that is asked to create a dramatic effect however is is not meant to be answered
An exaggerated word or term that should not be taken literally
Uses of words and symbols to reinforce ideas and that people may have
A figure of speech which contradicts the last thing said e.g cold fire
Comparative adjective
Used to compare differences between the ideas that they effect
Superlative adjective
Compares three or more nouns in the sentence
Modal verb
Used to show that we believe something is definite . (Can may must)