Merchant Of Venice Qoutes Flashcards
Antonio opening
In sooth i know not why i am sad
Bassanio spending all his money
Inhave dusabled mine estate
Bassanio saying he owes antonio
I owe the most in money and in love
Antonio saying all he has is bassanios
My extremists means lie all unlocked to your occasions
Bassanio describing portia
In belmont is a lady richly left and she is fair fairer than the word
Portia explaining she has no choice
I cannot choose one nor refuse none
Portia showing of her witn
I will do anything nerissa ere will be married to a sponge
Shylock victim qoute
You call me misbeliever , cut throat dog
Shylocks shylock wants to be treated equally
If you prick us do we not bleed . If you tickle us do we not laugh
Bassanio telling portia about Antonio
The dear3t friend to e the kindest man
Shylocks hatred for antonio
So can i give no reason …more than a lodged hate and a certain loathing
Portia describing mercy
The quality of mercy is not strained . It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven .