Inspector Calls Flashcards
Anadiplosis qoute
What happened to her afterwards and what happened to her afterwards
Allows the inspector to link everyone together sustaining the idea in which we are all responsible for each other
Changing of lighting
“Pink lighting”
“Brighter harder”
Simulates the revelation of the truth that is about to occur
Why does the setting never change?
To present the idea that the birling are disconnected from all others and think nothing except their own lives
Why is Goole shrouded in mystery
“I dont play golf”
Only ever no what he does not do
The lack of biographic detail allows the character to be seen more than an ordinary man but as a moral force to pursue the wrong doings of others
Dramatic irony quote
The titanic … unsinkable absolutely unsinkable
Use of intensifier absolutely emphasizes his certainty and therefore his stupidity , the writer wants to show Mr Birling as arrogant and foolish as possible to discredit his political choices therefore bashing capitalism .
Sheila ring quote
I really feel engaged
Shows her to be very materialistic . She needs an expensive ring signifying her wealthy and spoilt upbringing . Purposely presented as this at the start to emphasize her change at the end of the poem .
Sheila colloquialisms
Shows that she is immature .
Labour quote sheila
“They’re not cheap labour. They’re people”
Foreshadows sheila complete change at the end of the book
Sheila affair
Even after ut being revealed that her husband had an affair sheila respects him more . She values his honesty. Placing moral value over social value a vast contrast from the materialistic and spoilt girl she once was l
War quote
The germans dont want war
Highlights his stupidity . The majority of the audiences viewing the play had been through 2 world wars both fighting the Germans
Opposing Goole
Mr birling
“Community and all that nonsense”
Polar opposite to the “ one body” message
Bribing quote
Mr Birling
I’d give thousands
With his reputation on the line Birling is prepared to spend a fortune to keep the inspectors silence showing his obsession with social status yet he would not spend a fee shillings to raise his workers pay.
Validity quote
Mr birling
Nonsense you”ll have a good laugh over it
Fails to accept the message of the Inspector and forgets all about the event after believing his public reputation is safe from the media demonstrating that the older generation are unable go change
Class qoute
A girl of that class
A huge generalization of eva and all other members of lower classes cementing the idea that she is above everyone else
Above her husband quote
Husbands social superior
One of the first things we learn about MRs Birling is that she is above her husband , the noun superior emphasizes her belief that she is better that everybody else
Justifying her actions
Perfectly justified
Believes neglecting a poor pregnant girl some simple supplies because they annoyed you is justifiable showing her lack of understanding and unsympathetic nature
Needed quote
“Made” her take some money
Gerald wants to be needed and takes joy upon someone being reliant on him
Not learning
“Everything is going to be alright sheila”
Just like the older generation , once the Inspectors validity is questioned , Gerald disregards Gooles lesson
Valuing solely on appearance
“I hate those hard eyed dough faced women”
Extended metaphor
The sexual abuse of eva is an extended metaphor used to represents how the rich (those who have capitalist values) harshly treat and exploit the poorm
It is extremely unclear if eric is the victim or abuser . Priestly shows how capitalist values can corrupt a young persons mind into making them think that due to their influence that they are above everybody else
However unlike his parents Eric comes to terms and accepts his role in Evas death . The author gives hope of change to the audience through Eric’s redemption
Repetition of we
Inspector repeats the pronoun we significantly though his final speech to the family . This is done to emphasize that every single of us is responsible for Evas death
Use of I and my
Mr birling uses the pronouns I and My frequently during the play juxtaposing Gooles heavy use of we reflecting on their different beliefs