terminologies Flashcards
ABO forward typing does not match the backward typing
ABO discrepancies
removal of a specific antibody from a mixture of antibody using cell of known specificity
production of antibody after antigenic exposure
active immunization
chem substances added to red cells to extend the shelf life up to 42 days
additives can extend shelf life up to
42 days
blood bag additives used by Fenwal laboratory
blood bag additives used by Medsep copr
blood bag additive used by Terumo corp
condition characterized by the absence of antibodies
clumping of particulate antigens with specific antibody
_________ is the clumping of antigens whose source is from RBCs
alternative form of a gene occupying a given locus
albuminous fluid inside a sac that gives nutrients to a fetus
amniotic fluid
process of collecting amniotic fluid
“silent gene”
other term for amorph
silent gene
this does not produce a detectable antigen
an example of an amorph
O gene
a secondary immune response
anamnestic response
production ok antibody after secondary exposure to antigens
anamnestic response
sever allergic hypersensitivity
what brings about anaphylaxis
antibody against IgA exposed to IgA antibody
refers to occuring efore birth
also known as immunoglobulin
protein secreted by plasma cells produced for antigenic stimulation response
immune antibody against foreign antigen of the same species
antibody against own self antigens
unexpected antibody, antibodies aside from the usual A and B
atypical antibody
isoantibodies referred to as anti-A and anti-B
naturally occuring antibody
antibody derived from a single clone of antigen
monoclonal antibody
antibody derived from more than one antibody producing plasma cells
polyclonal antibody
reagents used to enhance or speed up antigen-antibody rxn
antibody potentiators
used to detect immune antibody other than the naturally occuring
antibody screening test
what is used in antibody screening test
completely phenotyped group O cells
foreign substance which when introduced to the body stimulates antibody production
relative ability of a substance to illicit immune response
a table of phenotyped group O cells showing diff antigen used to screen and identify immune antibody
known as Coomb’s serum
antihuman globulin reagent (AHG)
other name for antihuman globulin reagent
Coomb’s serum
refers to a method that used antibodies directed against human globulins to aid in the detection of RBCs sensitized by IgG aloantibodies, IgG autoantibodies and complements components
Coomb’s test
antihuman globulin test (AGT)
used to detect in vivo cell sensitization
direct antiglobulin test
used to detect in vitro cell sensitization
indirect antiglobulin test
commercially prepared reagent containing antibody with known specificity
antigens controlled by a pair of allelic genes
blood collection in which whole blood is withdrawn and processed, only the desired component is taken and the remainder is returned to the donor
removal of platelets
removal of leukocytes
removal of plasma
antibody removal through the use of patient’s own antigen
abbreviated as PS-PR and refers to testing the patient’s serum for antibody against his own red cells
PS-PR stands for
patient serum-patient RBC
strength of antibody-antigen rxn as influenced by characteristic features of the Ag and Ab
pose threats to the health or living organism
antibody withr eactivity occuring in two phases
biphasic hemolysin
a single or inteconnected bags used for blood donation
blood bag
major division in hospital lab that provides safe blood to patients by performing blood screening, grouping and compatibility testing
blood bank
diif cellular and liquid components of blood separated by physical means
blood components
frozen plasma that contains all clotting factors
fresh forzen plasma
to whom are FFP used?
clotting factor deficiencies aside from hemophilia A, von Willebrand, hypofibrinogenemia
separated plasma from whole blood
packed RBC
hematocrit of packed RBC
platelets removed from unreferigerated fresh whole blood
platelet concentrate
platelet concentrate containing at least 5.5 x 10^10 platelets obtained manually by centrifugation
random platelet concentrate
how is random platelet concentrate obtained
platelet concentrate with about 3 x 10^10
single platelet concentrate
how is single platelet concentrate obtained
concentrated coagulated factor VIII and Factor I extracted from fresh frozen plasma
factor I is
RBCs treated wtih cryoprotective agent and kept in freezing temp
frozen red cell
RBCs treated with a solution (pyruvate, inosine, phosphate, adenine)
rejuvenated red cell
the solution used from rejuvenated red cell contains
the solution used from rejuvenated red cell returns _________ to normal
application oh physical means to separate different cellular and liquid components of whole blood
blood component preparation
manual blood comp. prep that limits use of blood within 24hrs after exposure to atmosphere
open system
makes use of the refrigerated centrifuge, limits the use of blood to longer period up to expiration date due to sterile blood bag system
closed system
filter device attache to a blood or blood component unit designed to retain unwanted cells, bloo clots, or debris
blood filter
soluble antigens present in fluids that can be used to neutralize their corresponding antibodies
blood group specific soluble substances (BGSSs)
system of classifying blood based on absence or presence of inherited antigenic substances on RBCs
blood group system
how many blood groups are recognized?
the org that recognizes the 30 blood groups
International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT)
determination of red cell antigen thru antiserum of known specificity
forward/direct/cell typing
other term for forward typing
red cell phenotyping
determination of serum or plasma antibodies using cell of known antigenic ptofile
backward/indirect/serum typing
device for warming blood to body temperature
blood warmer
failure of an indiv to express inherited A or B genes because of the lack of H gene
bombay pheotype
an indiv with bombay phenotype has a potent _______ in his serum
main soluble protein in the serum off a cattle that is used as negative control
bovine serum albumin (BSA)
most preferred method for crossmatching
broad spectrum compatibility test
3 phases of broad spectrum compatibility test
immediate spin
AHG phase
condition producing two cell populations in an individual
condition characterized by difficulty of the phagocytic cells to generate superoxide radicals nneded in killing ingested pathogens
chronic granulomatous disease
CGD patients suffer from
recurrent suppurative bacterial and fungal infection
substances in the plasma involved in clotting
coagulation factor
factor 2 is
factor 3 is
tissue factor
factor 4 is
factor 5 is
factor 6 is
activated factor 5
factor 7 is
factor 8 is
antihemophilic factor A
factor 9 is
christmas factor
factor 10 is
Stuart-Prower factor
factor 11 is
plasma thromboplastin antecedent
factor 12 is
Hageman factor
sequence of three bases in a DNA strand that provides genetic code for a specific amino acid
batch of test that includes ABO and Rh grouping, screening of serum and crossmatching
compatibility test
serologically inactive when mixed
a complex of plasma protein
transfusion of specific components rather than whole blood to treat a patient
component therapy
antibody-coated cells used to confirm negative results obtained in direct and indirect AHG
Coomb’s control/check cells
blood containing stem cells which are taken from the umbilical cord after childbirth
cord cells
a computed value used to evaluate effectiveness of platelet transfusion
corrected count increment
process of exchange of genetic material between two homologous pairs of chromosomes
crossing over
testing of patient’s blood against donor’s blood
crossmatch involving mixing of patient’s serum and donor’s RBCs
major cross match (PSDR)
crossmatch involving mixing of patient’s RBCs and donor’s serum
minor cross match (PRDS)
crossmatch mixing the recipient’s serum with donor’s RBCs and centrifuging immediately
immediate crossmatch
crossmatch with type and screen coupled with immediate spinning
abbreviated crossmatch
substances that protect against harmful effects of freezing temp
cryoprotective agent
hidden receptors that may be exposed when normal RBC membranes are altered by bacterial or fungal infection
removing glycerol from a unit of RBCs after thawing to return them to normal osmolality
frozen red cells whose glycerol has been removed by several washing
deglycerolized red cell
plasma expander that may be used as a sub for plasma
genetic marker present in child but not in mother and alleged father
direct exclusion
sulfhydryl compound used to break down disulfide bonds of IgM
dithiotreitol (DTT)
a cryoprotectant used for hematopoietic progenitor cells
dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
biphasic IgG specifically directed to anti-P found in patients with paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
Donath-Landsteiner antibody
giving blood to a recipient
gives blood in monetary exchange
paid blood donor
fit to donate anytime in the community
walking blood donor
a phenomenon whereby an antibody reacts more strongly with a red blood cell showing double dose of antigens that those of single dose
coloring substances
a dye that gives anti-A a blue color
blue dye
examples of blue dye
bromphenol blue
thymol blue
patent blue
a dye gives anti-B a yellow color
yellow dye
examples of yellow dye
tartrazine yellow
combination of blue and yellow dye that gives AHG a green color
green dye
product of deliberate manipulation of a red cell suspension to break an immune complex with subsequent release of the antibody into the surrounding medium
process whereby cells that are coated with antibody are treated in such a manner as to dirsrupt the bond s between the antigen and antibody
substance capable of catalyzing a reaction
examples of enzyme
immunologic incompatibility bet. mother and fetus that can produce severe or fatal consequences to the unborn or newborn infant due to the destruction of RBCs
erythroblastosis fetalis (HDN)
other term for erythroblastosis fetalis
Hydrops fetalis
refers to the replacement of an infant’s coated RBCs with donor blood until one or two total blood volumes are accomplished
exchange transfusion
activity where a person islikely to get foreign substances
in BB, exposure is mainly through
blood transfusion or pregnancy
transfusion rxn caused ny leukoagglutinins characterized by fever
febrile rxn
transplacental passage of fetal blood into the circulation of maternal organism
fetomaternal hemorrhage
filamentous clot formed by the action of thrombin or fibrinogen
dissolves clot
other term for fibrinolysin
process of clot dissolution
large glycoprotein found on the surface of cells and mediates cellular adhesion
one of the immunoglobulins, produced during secondary immune response
gamma globulin
unit of inheritance within a chromosome
a pair of genes in which neither is dominant over the other, meaning both are expressed
a gene that does not appear to produce a detectable antigen
one of two or more different genes that may occupy a specific locus on a chromosome
a gene expressed if present
a gene not expressed unless in homozygous form
a gene that produces a repressor substance that inhibits an operator gene
a gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene
specific place on a chromosome where a gene is located
gene locus
a gene of one chromosome of a homologous pair affects the action of a related gene on the same chromosome
a gene of one chromosome of a homologous pair affects the action of a related gene on another homolog
genetic constitution; person’s actual genetic makeup
genetic state of having 2 similar genes for the same trait
genetic state of having dissimilar genes for the same trait
an example of cryoprotective agent
process of adding glycerol to a red blood cell unit to prevent hemolysis of RBCs while freezing
a carbohydrate-attached lipid
protein that can project through the thickness of the cell membrane of RBCs
carbo + protein
sphingolipid containing galactose or glucose
enzyme needed to attach a specific sugar molecule to a predetermined acceptor molecule
glycosyl transferase
intense fatal immunologic reaction of engrafted cells against the host caused by the infusion of immunocompetent lymphocytes into indiv with impaired immunity
Graft vs. Host disease (GVHD)
decreased leukocytes in the blood
genes that are close on the chromosome and inherited together by an indiv
small substance to stimulate antibody production w/o attaching to a larger molecule
plasma protein which binds to hemoglobin following intravascular hemolysis
increaase in the volume of blood plasma resulting to reduced conc. of RBCs
destruction of RBCs with subsequent release of hemoglobin
hemolysis inside blood vessel
hemolysis outside blood vessel
condition characterized by low RBC count resulting from detruction of circulating RBCs
hemolytic anemia
hemolytic anemia mediated by humoral antibody
immune hemolytic anemia
continuous RBC destruction due to antibody woking against own red cells
autoimmune hemolytic anemia
RBC destruction due to drug induced production of autoantibodies that recognizes blood cell antigen
drug induced hemolytic anemia
RBC destruction due to the presence of alloantibodies to foreign red cell antigens introduced to the circulation through transfusion or pregnancy
alloimmune hemolytic anemia
an example of bleeing disorder due to deficiency of a particular coagulation factor
sex linked recessive trait due to deficiency of factor VIII
hemophilia A
sex linked disorder is due to the absence of factor IX
hemophilia B
antibodies characterized as weak and can be diluted to high titer despite the weak rxn strengths
high titer low avidity
genetically encoded antigen system on RBCs, WBCs, platelets and plasma
blood group antigen
used for collection of samples for blood banking
refrigerated centrifuge
alleles on ABO gene locus
A gene
B gene
O gene
having 2 or more alleles at a locus