Terminal Weevil Management Flashcards
What are some direct controls?
too labor intensive and expensive to pursue
1 Leader Clipping to remove bug as soon as it is effected
PPP (hard to achieve synchrony). Can’t get it to work.
Methods of hazard rating?
- Surveys to capture actual occurrence
- Ecosystem zones give a good indication of climate
- Heat sum (accumulated warmth in degree days from spring-spring)
What is the heat sum for IWS on the coast?
888 degree days. You can use an online web tool to narrow the value down to your specific stand by using Lat and Long coordinates.
What to do in low hazard?
Plant S with carefree abandon
If hazard medium?
Med: Plant up to 20% S; need MSS of other spp.
High: Plant up to 10% S; need MSS of other spp.
What hazard at harvest?
- clear cut creates warm optimal conditions for IWS
- Shading helps (partial retention, maintain non merch, leave deciduous) but… Mistletoe and safety concerns increase
Management at planting?
Follow S% by hazard rating unless
- improved ‘A’ seed (allows 50% S in mod-high hazard)
- naturally resistant ‘Bplus’ seed (up to 30% allowed)
More research required
Planting dense stands is recomended. Why?
1600 Sph on coast
More shading leads to smaller leaders
Less effective on high hazard sites
Planting mixed species is said to help, how?
Mixed species can reduce attack (up to 15% in study) probably because other species mask silhouette of leaders.
Considerations when brushing and weeding?
- eliminates shading and competition, increases survival and growth, but increases host susceptibility to weevil attack.
- maintaining some brush provides shade and produces smaller leaders, reducing likelihood of attack during critical years.
Can’t let it get so bad that stagnation and mortality are imminent in the crop tree population.
What is the greatest site hazard and risk factors ***
Warm sites
Rich sites
Spruce stands
Low density (larger leaders)
Shade (obscures leader, smaller leader, cooler microclimate)
What are some JS considerations ?
Dense stands less affected
Delay JS if: High hazard with significant S component
Delay until population declines (>25years and >12m)
When to consider “total recall”
Only if: S required for minumum stocking (NSR without S)
Current attack >30%
Unacceptable damage (2 forms) 1: tree stunted. 2: forks crooks
No other high resource value (water fish back channels).
Tree Breeding considerations?
Antixenosis (repellents and deterrents) - targeting higher concentrations of terpenes to deter feeding and oviposition.
Sclerid cell density (increasing toughness of cellular matrix)
Antibiosis - (chemical mimics juvenile hormone to retard development of eggs and larva).
2 resin types, how can breeding for resin help?
Resin can kill eggs/larva before they kill leader and its effectiveness is based on chemical properties.
2 types: constituent resin
Traumatic resin - mono terpines, better flow, soak egg site, made to “F” those weevil eggs and larva right up.