Gypsy Moth IDM Flashcards
What is a side effect of gypsy moth infestation?
Caterpillar droppings increase algae count in streams, loss of shade on streams drastically effects salmonids and other aquatics.
How was the gypsy moth introduced?
Imported in 1869 for silk production. Cages blew over and Leopold trouvélot knew the implacations but authorities did not recognize his predictions. Eventually outbreaks started happening, radiating outward from the Eastern USA (coast of Boston).
Made it to Canada by 1910
What type of feeder?
Polyphagous (300 species)
How does it overwinter?
As an egg
Where does female target for egg laying?
Sheltered places, many times in backyard objects and tires.
What stage does the most damage?
The final larval instar does 75 % damage
Dramatic outbreaks in hardwoods
What are the economic impacts To BC?**
- Not a threat to commercial forests at this time
- trade restrictions** this is why we spray **
Ecological impacts?
Displaces native lepidopterans
Change spp composition by removing oaks (In bc we have Garry Oak at risk due to housing and human impacts. Gypsy moth would wipe it out In short order.
Accidental human vector is the highest risk
What are the differences between the European and Asian gypsy moth?
The Asian gypsy moth is adapted to feed on conifers increasing host availability, Female can fly Increasing dispersal.
European has wings but can’t fly.