TensorFlow Flashcards
Explain the SoftMax function
Turns scores(integers which reflect output of neural net) into probabilities

What are logits?
Scores/Numbers. For neural nets, its result of the matmul of weights,input + bias. Logits are the inputs into a softmax function

Explain a TensorFlow Session
- an environment for running a graph
- in charge of allocating the operations to GPU(s) and/or CPU(s), including remote machines
- Sessions do not create the tensors, this is done outside the session. Instead, Session instances EVALUATE tensors and returns results
Explain tf.placeholder
- Tensor whose value changes based on different datasets and parameters. However, this tensor can’t be modified.
- Uses the feed_dict parameter in tf.session.run() to set the value of placeholder tensor
- tensor is still created outside the Session instance

How to set multiple TF.Placeholder values

What happens if the data passed to the feed_dict doesn’t match the tensor type and can’t be cast into the tensor type
ValueError: invalid literal for
How to cast a value to another type
tf.subtract(tf.cast(tf.constant(2.0), tf.int32), tf.constant(1))
Explain Tf.Variable
- remembers its a capital V
- creates a tensor with an initial value that can be modified, much like a normal Python variable
- stores its state in the session
- assign variable to tf.global_variables_initializer(), then initialize the state of the tensor manually within a session. Or call tf.global_variables_initializer() directly in the session instance.

- The tf.truncated_normal() function returns a tensor with random values from a normal distribution whose magnitude is no more than 2 standard deviations from the mean.
- Since the weights are already helping prevent the model from getting stuck, you don’t need to randomize the bias
Softmax function call?
x = tf.nn.softmax([2.0, 1.0, 0.2])

Explain steps to one-hot encode labels
- import preprocessing from sklearn
- create an encoder
- encoder finds classes and assigns one-hot encoded vectors
- transform labels into one-hot encoded vectors

basic concept of cross entropy
calculates distances of two vectors. Usually comparing one-hote encoded vector and softmax output vector. Basic idea is to reduce distance
Describe process of calcaulting cross entropy
- take natural log of softmax outputs vector (prediction probabilities)
- Next, multiply by one hot encoded vector
- Sum together, take negative
- Since one hot-encoded vector has zeros except the true label/class, the formulat simplifies to natural log of prediction probabilities

Does the cross entropy function output a vector of values?
No, just a single value which represents distance
Quiz - Cross Entropy

how to implement mini-batching in TF
- use range to specify starting, ending and step size
- identify end of each batch
- select data and loop

Quiz - Set features, labels, weights and biases

What is a tensor
any n-dimensional collection of values
scaler = 0 dimension tensor
vector = 1 dimension tensor
matrix = 2 dimension tensor
Anything larger than 2 dimension is just called a tensor with # of ranks
Describe a 3 dimensional tensor
an image can be described by a 3 dimensional tensor. This would look like a list of matrices

value never changes
Best practice to initialize weights
truncated normal takes a tuple as input

Best practice to initialize bias

What does “None” allow us to do?

None is a placeholder dimension. Allows us to use different batch sizes
How to implement mini_batching in TF

How to implement Epochs in TF
Nest loop of batches inside loop of training cycles

How to save your trained weights and biases in TF
create the class using tf.train.saver
run the save method on this class with the directory

When saving weights and biases, what some considerations when applying a name

Basically, if weights and biases are specified in differenet order within the pipeline, and no name is specified when saving, TF will throw an error.

How to one hot encode labels using TF function

template code to calculate model softmax, cross_entropy, specify loss and optimize