Tendon Problems Flashcards
Definition of tendinopathy?
Disease of a tendon (not all of these involve inflammation)
Definition of tendonitis?
Inflammation of a tendon
Definition of a tendonosis?
Chronic tendon injury with damage to a tendon at the cellular level
Definition of a tenosynovitis?
Inflammation of the tendon sheath
Definition of enthesopathy?
Disorder inv. the attachment or origin of a tendon into bone
Definition of enthesitis?
Inflammation of the tendon origin or insertion into bone (usually assoc. with spondyloarthropathies)
Function of tendons?
Link muscles to bones for joint motion
Shape of tendons?
Cylindrical in shape with widening/flattening at the musculotendinous junction and their bony insertions
Structure of tendons?
Hierarchial structure:
• Microfibrils make up subfibrils, which constitute fibrils
Many fibrils are within a fascicle; fascicles are separated by endotenon, which is covered by epitenon
Cells of a tendons?
Fibroblasts (predominantly) produce and maintain collagen and other proteins, which confer flexibility and tensile strength of tendons
Collagen is the primary component of tendons (mainly type I collagen)
Blood supply to tendons?
3 sources:
• Perimyseum
• Periosteal insertion of the tendon
• Paratenon
Intrinsic risk factors for tendon problems?
Gender (females)
Pre-disposing disease, e.g: RA
Anatomical factors, e.g: limb malalignment, pes cavus, hyperpronation and leg lenth discrepancy
Extrinsic risk factors for tendon problems?
Trauma, e.g: dislocations
Repetitive injury
• Steroids
• Antibiotics, e.g: Ciprofloxacin
Sports-related factors
Management of tendon problems?
Many are self-limiting and management is conservative:
• Rest
• Analgesics, e.g: anti-inflammatories for tendonitis
• Rotator cuff pathology
• Tennis elbow
• Cannot be used for the achilles tendon or extensor knee mechanism (risk of rupture)
• Achilles tendon tears
Some may require surgical repair
Surgical methods used for tendon problems?
• Removal of diseased tissue
• Supraspinatus tendonitis & subacromial decompression
• Helps to prevent rupture
• Extensor tendons of wrist (RA)
• Tibialis posterior
Tendon transfer:
• Tibialis posterior
• Extensor pollicis longus
Muscles of the rotator cuff?
Supraspinatus (usually affected in rotator cuff pathology), infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor
Risk factors for rotator cuff pathology?
Intrinsic risk factors, e.g: degeneration, tendon vascularity
Extrinsic factors, e.g: morphology of the acromion and biomechanical factors, lie kinetics and performance:
• Athletes (throwing events)
• Manual workers (painters)
Symptoms and signs of rotator cuff pathology?
Aching pain (pain in the 4 tendons of the rotatory cuff)
Shoulder tenderness, around the GH and AC joints
Difficulty sleeping on the affected side, reaching overhead and lifting
Painful arc with rotator cuff weakness
+ve impingement tests, e.g: • Hawkins-Kennedy
• Scarf test
• Jobe’s test
Management of rotator cuff pathology?
Conservative (tend to be self-limiting) - rest, physiotherapy, steroids + local anaesthetic injections
Surgical - either arthroscopic OR open subacromial decompression and rotator cuff repair
Imaging of the rotator cuff?
US can show rotator cuff tears (gold standard) and a dynamic scan can detect impingement too
MRI can show rotator cuff tears
Types of biceps tendinopathy and causes?
Tendonitis, tendonosis, rupture or tenosynovitis
Causes inc. overuse, instability, impingement or trauma
Where does most inflammation of the biceps brachii occur?
Long head of the biceps, which passes through the BICIPITAL groove, located anteriorly on the proximal humerus
Inflammation here is usually friction-related
Occurrence of biceps tendinopathy?
Common in occupations where heavy lifting or overhead work is typical
Higher incidence in athletes inv. in throwing events, swimmers or gymnasts
Symptoms of biceps tendinopathy?
Anterior shoulder pain aggravated by:
• Shoulder flexion
• Forearm pronation
• Elbow flexion
Clicking/snapping sensations with shoulder movement
Ix of biceps tendinopathy?
Before Ix, do an examination
Management of biceps tendinopathy?
Clinical signs of biceps rupture?
May rupture at the top of the bicipital groove OR at the biceps tuberosity
- POP-eye sign (proximal rupture)
- Extensive bruising (distal rupture)