Complications of Fractures Flashcards
Types of fracture complications?
Early OR late
Local OR general/systemic
Examples of early local complication?
- Compartment syndrome
- Vascular injury with distal ischaemia
- Nerve injury
- Skin necrosis
Types of nerve injury?
1st degree (neurapraxia) - temporary conduction block/demyelination; resolves within 28 days and, if it does not, suspect another type of block
2nd degee (axonotmesis) - nerve cell axon dies distally from the point of injury (Wallerian degeneration); the structure of the nerve is intact and it regenerates at 1mm per day but there is never full recovery (some weakness/loss of sensation)
3rd degree (neurotmesis) - nerve is transected but this is rare with fracture/dislocation and tends to be with high-energy injuries OR penetrating injuries; there is no recovery without surgery
Indications for exploration of nerve injury?
- Open fracture
- Penetrating injury
- Neuralgic pain with ongoing compression (burning pain and tingling in the sensory distribution of the nerve)
Ix for nerve injury?
If no function is returning:
• Nerve conduction studies can provide info on recovery potential and prognosis
Treatment options of nerve injury?
Nerve grafting (using an expendable nerve, e.g: sural nerve)
Tendon transfers (if there are motor deficits)
Early systemic complications of fractures?
- Hypovolaemia
- Fat embolism
- ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome)
- SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome)
- MODS (multi-organ dysfunction syndrome)
Late local complications of fractures?
- Stiffness, loss of function and “fracture disease”
- Post-traumatic OA
- Non-union (atrophic or hypertrophic)
- Malunion
- Volkmann’s ischaemic contracture
- Chronic regional pain syndrome
- Osteomyelitis
- AVN, e.g: femoral head, humeral head, talus, scaphoid
What is fracture disease?
Atrophy of bone, soft tissues, nail, skin, and cartilage as a complication of fracture
Describe hypertrophic and atrophic non-union
Hypertrophic non-union - there is abundant callus formation but failure of union; there is too much movement at the fracture site; may be due to inadequate fixation of the fracture (treated with rigid immobilisation)
Atrophic non-union - no callus is formed and the fracture gap is too big with no movement occurring; often due to impaired bone healing:
- Vascular causes, like impaired blood supply to the bone fragments
- Metabolic causes, like diabetes or smoking)
- Steroids, NSAIDs and bisphosphonates
What is malunion?
Fracture heals in a non-anatomic position leading to pain, stiffness, loss of function and deformity
Signs of fracture healing?
Improved pain, no tenderness, no movement at fracture site and no swelling/oedema
Complication of atrophic or hypertrophic non-union?
What is Volkmann’s ischaemic contracture?
Permanent flexion contracture of the hand at the wrist, resulting in a claw-like deformity of the hand and fingers; it is esp. assoc. with supracondylar fractures of the humerus

What is complex regional pain syndrome?
AKA Regional Sympathetic Dystrophy, algodystrophy, Sudeck’s atrophy
Exaggerated pain response after injury that may/may not be related to peripheral nerve injury:
- Causalgia (burning, neuralgic pain)
- Allodynia
- Swelling
- Skin changes
Treatment is difficult
Late systemic complications of fractures?