Papilloedema Flashcards
Meaning of swollen optic discs?
Disc swelling secondary to ANY cause
Definition of papilloedema?
Specific term for swollen optic discs due to raised intracranial pressure
What does bilateral optic disc swelling indicate?
All patients with bilateral optic disc swelling should be suspected of having raised ICP due to a space occupying lesion (SOL), until proven otherwise
Not all swollen discs are caused by SOLs
Why is it important to detect papilloedema?
Raised ICP is a medical emergency and thus should be detected on ophthalmoscopy
Examination of CN II involves?
Visual acuity
Pupil exam
Visual field assessment
Colour vision
Why does papilloedema occur due to raised ICP?
Optic nerve is an extension of the brain (with its meningeal sheaths)
Pathophysiology of papilloedema?
Sub-arachnoid space around the optic nerve continuous with the sub-arachnoid space surrounding the brain
When ICP increases, this is transmitted to the sub-arachnoid space and then to the optic nerve, causing interruption of axoplasmic flow and venous congestion
Result is swollen discs
Contributions to the ICP?
- Brain
- Blood
What is the Monro-Kellie hypothesis?
Contributions to the ICP must remain constant; if there is an increase in 1 variable, this causes a decrease in one/both variable
Initially, when intracranial volume increases, ICP remains constant (compensatory mechanisms); eventually, as volume rises, ICP will also rise
How can raised ICP cause fatalities?
Adult cranial vault is rigid and cannot expand with increased ICP
Brain is squeezed through the foramen magnum, the brainstem is compressed and the patient stops breathing; leads to death
How is the cerebral blood flow maintained?
Brain requires a constant flow of blood over a range of pressures, as it is intolerant of hypo/hyperperfusion
This is called AUTO-REGULATION
Why do the optic disc well in malignant hypertension?
May be due to a failure of ONH auto-regulation, resulting in ischaemia
It could be a hypertension-related increase in the ICP; if this is case, it causes true papilloedema
Ix for malignant hypertension?
Always check BP with swollen optic discs
Functions of CSF?
- Maintains stable extracellular environment for the brain
- Buoyancy
- Provides mechanical protection
- Waste removal
- Nutrition
Production of CSF?
Produced by the choroid plexus in all the ventricles; majority is produced in the lateral ventricles