Temporal & Infratemporal Fossae Flashcards
The temporal fossa contains….&….
Temporalis muscle & temporal fascia
Describe bounds of infratemporal fossa
Lat, ramus of mandible, med, lateral pterygoid plate, ant post surface of maxilla, post styloid process, sup, greater wing of sphenoid.
The infratemporal fossa communicates with middle cranial fossa through ….&…., and with orbit through…, and with pterygopalatine fossa through……
Foramen ovale & spinsum
Inferior orbital fissure
Pterygo-maxillary fissure
Mention superficial contents of infratemporal fossa
Lat & medial pterygoid muscles
Branches of mandibular nerve
Maxillary artery
Pterygoid venous plexus
Enumerate deep contents of infratemporal fossa
- Trunk of mandibular nerve & otic ganglion
- Tensor palate muscle
- Middle meningeal & accessory meningeal arts
- Chorda tympani nerve
- Spheno-mandibular ligament
Muscles of mastication develop from……
1st pharyngeal arch
Describe origin, instert. & nerve supply of temporalis
O, floor of temporal fossa and temporal fascia.
I, all aspects of the coronoid process ex lateral
N, two deep temporal nerves from ant division of mandibular nerve
Describe origin, instert. & nerve supply of masseter
O, superficial part: ant 2/3 of lower border of zygomatic arch. Deep from post third of lower and inner zygomatic arch
I, lateral surface of ramus of mandible
S, masseteric branch from ant division of mandibular
Describe origin, instert. & nerve supply of lateral pterygoid
O, upper head, infratemporal crest and surface of greater wing of sphenoid
Lower head, lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
I, fovea in front of the neck of mandible & capsule and articular disc of TMJ
S, pterygoid branch from ant division of mandibular nerve
Describe origin, instert. & nerve supply of medial pterygoid
O, superficial head from tuberosity of maxilla. Deep head from medial surface of lateral ptrlerygoid plate
I, medial surface of angle of mandible
S, branch from mandibilar trunk.
Brief the actions of temporalis & masseter
Both elevate the mandible (antigravity muscles), temporalis retracts the mandible while masseter protrudes it.
Brief the actions of lat & med pterygoid muscles
Lat: depresses mandible to open mouth & protrudes mandible with help of med ptrygoid.
Med: elevates mandible
When both act together produce side-to-side chewing movements
Mention the structures passing between 2 heads of lateral pterygoid
Buccal nerve
Maxillary artery
Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid is related to:
- Ramus of mandible
- Superficial head of medial ptergoid & tendon of temporalis
- Maxillary a. & pterygoid venous plexus
Medial surface of lateral pterygoid is related to:
M, deep head of medial pterygoid & tensor palati
A, middle meningeal & maxillary arteries
N, mandibukar nerve trunk, otic ganglion & chorda tympani
L, spheno-mandibular ligament
Type of joint of TMJ
The upper surface of articular dics of cartilage is…..to fit……, while lower is…..to fit……
Concavo-convex, mandibular fossa & articular eminence
Concave, mandibular head
Temopro-mandibular ligament lies…..to joint capsule, limits…..movement & protects……
External auditory meatus
Stylo-mandibukar ligament lies ….to joint capsule, it separates ….from…..
Parotid/submandibular gland
Spheno-mandibular ligament is attached to…..of mandible, lies….to joint capsule
Lingula of mandibular foramen
The depression of the mandible is AIDED by…..
Geniohyoid, digastric & mylohyoid
Describe blood & nerve supply of TMJ
Superficial temporal & maxillary arteries
Auriculotemporal & masseteric nerves
GR: Dislocation of TMJ occurs mostly in ant direction
- TMJ lies just ant to external auditory meatus
- The lateral temporomandibular ligament prevents backward dislocation of joint protecting external auditory meatus
Mention relations of mandibular trunk in infratemporal fossa
Med: tensor palati & otic ganglion
Lat: lateral pterygoid
Post: middle meningeal art
Mention branches of main mandibukar trunk
Nervus spinosus & n. to medial pterygoid (passes otic ganglion without relay to supply tensor palati & tensor tympani.
Mention branches of post division of mandibular n
The auriculotemporal n
Lingual nerve
Inferior alveolar n
The auriculotemporal passes berween…..
Spheno-mandibular ligament
Neck of mandible
List branches of auriculotemporal nerve
Auricular, temporal, glandular & articular
The lingual nerve is joined by……, it passes between………to enter mouth. In the mouth, it crosses………muscles, it hangs….
Chorda tympani
Mandible & medial pterygoid
Styloglossus, hyoglossus & genioglossus
Submandibular ganglion
Describe distrubution of lingual nerve
Ganglionic branches to submand ganglion
Taste sensation from ant 2/3 of tongue & postganglionic parasympathetic submand & sublingual glands via chorda tympani
Sensory branches to ant 2/3, floor of mouth & lingual aspect of gingiva
Inferior alveolar nerve ends as…..
Mental nerve
List branches of inferior alveolar nerve
Mylohyoid n, mental nerve, incisive nerve
The maxillary nerve passes through…..
Foramen rotundum
Describe extracranial course of maxillary nerve
Enters ptergopalatine fossa then passes in pterygomaxillary fissure to enter infratemporal fossa, then enters infratemporal fissure to become infraorbital nerve & passes in its groove canal & foramen to emerge on face.
List branches of maxillary nerve (not infra-orbital)
In cranial cavity: meningeal nerve to dura of middle cranial fossa
In the pterygopalatine fossa: two ganglion branches to to pterygopalatine ganglion, zygomatic branch (zygomatico-facial & zygomatico-temporal), posterior superior alveolar n.
Describe role of zygomatico-facial nerve
Communicates with lacrimal nerve carrying with it parasympathetic supply to lacrimal gland
Supply non-hairy skin of temple
Describe supply of posterior superior alveolar n.
Mucosa of maxillary air sinus & upper 3 molars
List branches of infra-orbital nerve
Middle superior alveolar nerve, anterior superior alveolar nerve, palpebral (to lower lid), nasal (to ala of nose) & labial (to upper lip)
Middle sup alveolar n supplies……while ant s.a.n. supplies……
Upper 2 premolar teeth & gums
Upper 2 incisors & canine teeth