Cerebral White Matter Flashcards
Superior longitudinal bundle connects……while inferior connects……
Frontal to occipital and temporal lobe
Temporal & occipital
The bundle which connects Wernicke’s & Broca’s areas
Uncinate bundle
Cingulum connects……
Cingulate gyrus to the parahippocampal gyrus
Mention fibers passing in ant limb & genu of intenal capsule
A, frontopontine & anterior thalamic radiation
G, corticonuclear fibers
Mention fibers passing in posterior limb
Corticospinal, frontopontine, corticorubral, superior thalamic radiation (sensory radiation)
Mention contents of sublentiform & retrolentiform parts
S, auditory radiation + temporopontine & parietopontine fibers
R, optic radiation + parietopontine & occipitopontine fibers
Describe blood supply of internal capsule
Upper 1/2 of ant & post lims supplies by MCA
Lower 1/2 of post limb supplied by posterior communicating & ant choroidal
Genu & lower 1/2 of ant limb ACA
Retrolentiform & sublentiform suuplied by ant choroidal art
Describe relations of corpus callosum
Sup: flax cerebri, ACA
Inf: fornix & septum pellucidum
Rostrum of corpus callosum connects …..while genu connects…..
Orbital surfaces of two frontal lobes
Medial & lateral surfaces of 2 frontal lobes
Mention areas connected by body
Wide areas of cortex in parietal, temporal & occipital lobes
Describe relation of tapetum to lateral ventricle
Form roof & lateral wall of post horn of lateral ventricle
Forceps major is formed by….., forceps minor is formed by……
Describe connections made by anterior commissure
It splits into anterior bundle that connects anterior perforated substance
& posterior bundle that connect temporal gyri
Posterior commissure connects…….
Right & left pretectal nuclei, superior colliculi & MLB
Interventricular foramen is bound ant by….& post by……
Column of fornix
Ant end of thalamus
Describe bounds of body of lateral ventricle
Roof by body of corpus callosum
Floor by body of caudate + stria terminalis & thalamostriate vein + thalamus + body of fornix (from lat to med)
Med by septum pellucidum (ant) & carpus callosum + fornix meet posteriorly
Describe bounds of ant horn of lateral ventricle
Roof: body of corpus callosum
Floor: rostrum of corpus callosum (med) & head of caudate (lat)
Ant: genu of corpus callosum
Med: septum pellucidum + ant column of fornix
Describe bound of posterior horn of lat ven
Roof & lat wall: tapetum of corpus callosum, lat is optic radiation then inferior longitudinal bundle
Medial wall contains bulb of posterior horn (fibers of forceps major) & calcar avis (by calcarine sulcus)
Describe bounds of inferior horn of lat vent
Roof: tail of caudate nucleus (lat) & stria terminalis (med) both end ant in the amygdaloid nucleus
Floor: collateral eminence, hippocampus, fimbria cont with posterior column of fornix (lat to med)
The choroid fissure lies between………in body of lat vent, while in inf horn of lat vent……….
Body of fornix & upper surface of the thalamus
Stria terminalis & the fimbria
Mention arteries of tela choroidea
Ant choroidal (of ICA) & posterior choroidal (of post cerebral)
Mention bounds of tela choroidea
Post: base transverse cerebral fissure below splenium of corpus callosum
Ant: its apex reached interventricular foramen of Monro
Lat: invaginate the choroid fissure pushing its ependymal lining
Inf: invaginates roof of 3rd ventricle
Denticulate ligament is formed by…..
Pia mater
…….is found over cerebellum while….. is found below it
Cisterna ambiens
Cisterna magna
Cisterna pontis contains….., while interpeduncular cistern contains……
Basilar artery
Circle of Willis
Total volume of CSF is about………, …..are secreted every day.
130 to 150 ml
300 ml
Mention functions of CSF
- Protects brain against trauma & acts as water jacket
- Helps to keep volume of fluid inside skull constant
- Removal of neuronal metabolites
Describe course of vertebral artery
Begins as branch of 1st partcof subclavian, 1st part before foramen transversarium, 2nd pard passes through f.t. of upper 6 cervical v. 3rd part in the suboccipital triangle then enters cranial cavity through foramen magnum, 4th part passes on ventral surface of medulla oblongata. Ends at lower border of pons by joining vertebral of other side, basilar artery.
Mention branches of vertebral artery in cranial cavity
Meningeal, PICA, post & ant spinal, medullary branches
Mention branches of basilar artery
Pontine, labyrinthine, AICA, superior cerebellar, posterior cerebral
Mention arteries forming circle of Willis
R&L ACA & anterior communicating artery joining them
Posterior communicating art joining ICA+PCA
Mention central branches of circulus arteriosus & what they supply
Antero-medial group from ACA, caudate & lentiform (ANT) + parts of internal capsule
Antero-lateral group from MCA, caudate & lentiform (POST) + parts of i.c.
The largest is Charcot’s artery of cerebral hemorrhage
Postero-medial from PCA, ant & med nuclei of thalamus + hypothalamus
Postero-lateral from PCA, lat & post parts of thalamus +metathalamus.
Largest is thalamogeniculate art
Mention cortical sypupply of ACA
Medial surface ex occipital lobe
One inch strip of lateral surafce superiorly
Med part of orbital gyrus
Describe supply & lesion of ACA
Motor & sensory areas of contralateral LL, thrombosis of a congenitally unpaired ACA leads to cerebral paraplegia
Mention cortical areas supplies by MCA & functional supply & lesion
Lateral surface (ex parts of ACA & PCA)
Lateral part of orbital surface + temporal pole
Supplies motor & sensory areas of UL, speech & auditory areas + frontal eye fields.
Thrombosis is very serious & if occurs on dominant side aphasia occurs
Mention cortical areas supplies by PCA & functional supply & lesion
All of occipital lobe
Strip along lower border of hemisphere on lateral surface
Inferior surface (tentorial part ex temporal lobe)
F: visual area of contralateral half of both visual fields. Its occlusion leads to homonymous hemianopia but there is macular sparing bec the branches supplying the macular region have strong anastomosis with MCA
Describe superficial system of veins
Superior cerebral veins into SSS
Superficial middle cerebral vein into covernous connected to SSS & transverse sinus by sup & inf anastomotic veins respectively
Deep middle cerebral vein drain insula then join ant cerebral veins & striate vein to form basal vein that drains into great c.v.
Inferior cerebral vein into nearby sinus esp transverse
Thalamostriate vein drains into……, which unites with other side to form……, which froms…..by uniting with……
Internal cerebral vein
Great cerebral vein
Straight sinus
Inf sagittal sinus