Temporal and Infratemporal Fossa Flashcards
What is the parasympathetic root to the ciliary ganglion
inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve CNII
What is the sympathetic root to the ciliary ganglion
branches from the internal carotid plexus in cavernous sinus
What is the main distribution of the ciliary ganglion
parasympathetic post-synatpic fibers from ciliary ganglion pass to ciliary muscle and sphinchter pupillae of iris; sympathetic post-synaptic fibers from superior cervical ganglion pass to dilator pupillae and blood vessels of the eye.
What is the parasympathetic root to the pterygopalatine ganglion
greater petrosal nerve from facial nerve via nerve of pytergoid canal
What is the sympathetic root to the pterygopalatine ganglion
deep petrosal nerve, a branch of internal carotid plexus that is a continuation of post-synatpic fibers of cervical sympathetic trunk; fibers from superior cervical ganglion pass through the pterygopalatine ganglion and enter branches of the CN v2
What is the main distribution of the pterygopalatine ganglion
parasympathetic postganglionic (secretomotor) fibers from pterygopalatine ganglion innervate lacrimal gland via zygotmatic branch of the CN V2. Sympathetic post-synaptic fibers from superior cervical ganglion accompany branches of pterygopalatine nerve that are distributed to blood vessels of nasal cavity, palate, and superior parts of the pharynx.
What is the parasympathetic root to the otic ganglion
tympanic nerve fromt he glossopharyngeal nerve CNIX; continues from tympanic plexus as lesser petrosal nerve
What is the sympathetic root to the otic ganglion
fibers from superior cervical ganglion come from plexis on middle meningeal artery
What is the main distribution of the otic ganglion
parasympathetic postsynaptic fibers from otix ganglion are distributed to parotid gland via auricoluotemporal nerve (CN v3); sympathetic post-synaptic fibers from superior cervical ganglion pass to parotid gland and supply its blood vessels.
What is the parasympathetic root to the submandibular ganglion
parasympathetic fibers join facial nerve (CN7) and leave it in its chorda tympani branch, which unites with the lingual nerve
What is the sympathetic root to the submandibular ganglion
sympathetic fibers from superior cervical ganglion via plexus on facial artery chorda tympani
What is the main distribution of the submandibular ganglion
parasympathetic postsynaptic (secretomotor) fibers from submandibular ganglion are distributed to sublingual and submandibular glands; sympathetic fibers from superior cervical ganglion supply sublingual and submandibular glands
temporalis, massester, and medial pterygoid
elevate the mouth (close)
lat. ptyergoid, suprahyoid, and infrahyoid muscles
depress/ open mouth
lat pterygoid, masseter and med. pterygoid muscels
protrude the chin
temporalis (posterior oblique and near horizontal fibers) masseter
retrude the chin
temporalis or same side, ptyergoids of opp. side, and masseter muscles
provide lateral movement
innervation of temporalis
anterior trunk of mandibular nerve (CN v3) via deep temporal branches
innervation of masseter
anterior trunk of mandibular nerve (CN v3) via masseteric nerve
innervation of lat. pterygoid
anterior trunk of mandibular nerve (CN v3) via lat. pterygoid nerve
innervation of med. pterygoid
anterior trunk of mandibular nerve (CN v3) via med. pterygoid branch
innervation of digastric
facial and mandibular nerves
innervation of stylohyoid
facial nerve
innervation of mylohyoid
mandibular nerve
innervation of geniohyoid
nerve to the geniohyoid (C1-C2)
innervation of omohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothryoid
ansa cervicalis from cervical plexus c1-c3
innervation of thryohyoid
c1 via the hypoglossal nv.
innervation of platsyma
cervical branch of facial nerve