Nuclei Flashcards
Relays taste information in rostral portion (gustatory nuclei)•Has other important homeostasis functions
Nucleus of the solitary tract: CN 7,9,10
Which ganglion causes pupil constriction
Ciliary ganglion
Which ganglion innervates lacrimal gland?
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Which ganglion innervates parotid gland?
Otic ganglion
Which nucleus is associated with pterygopalatine and submandibular ganglia?
Superior salivatory nucleus
Which nucleus is associated with the otic ganglion (parotid gland)?
Inferior salivatory nucleus
Which nucleus contains cell bodies for preganglionic sympathetic innervation of ciliary ganglion?
Edinger-Westinal nucleus
Which CN is Edinger-Westinal nucleus associated with?
Which CN is superior salivatory and lacrimal nuclei associated with?
Which CN is associated with inferior salivatory nucleus?
______ nucleus•Parasympathetics to the ciliary ganglion (so pupil constriction and near vision)
Edinger Westphal
_____ nucleus: CN7 Salivation•submandibular and sublingual gland via Submandibular ganglion•Lacrimal is with in Superior salivary•Lacrimal gland via pterygopalatine or sphenopalatine ganglion
Superior Salivary
______ nucleus: CN9 Salivation•Parotid gland via Otic ganglion
Inferior Salivary
What fissure does the chorda tympani pass through
Petrotympanic fissure
_____ takes info from anterior 2/3 of tongue on same side
Chorda tympani
_____ ganglion goes between optic nerve and lateral rectus; close to apex of orbit
Ciliary ganglion
The parasymp root of ___ ganglion is associated with inferior branch of CN III
Ciliary ganglion
______ ganglion’ distribution: parasymp postgang fibers pass to ciliary muscle and sphincter pupillae of iris; sympathetic postgang fibers pass to dilator pupillae and blood vessels of ete
Ciliary ganglion
The parasym root of ____ ganglion is associated with greater petrosal nerve from facial nerve (CN VII) cia nerve of pterygoid canal
The sym root of _____ comes is associated with deep petrosal nerve, a branch of internal carotid plexus that is a continuation of postsynaptic fibers of cervical symp trunk; fibers from superior cervical ganglion pass through this ganglion and enter branches of CN V2`
_____ ganglion’s distribution: parasymp postgang fibers innervate lacrimal gland via zygomatic branch of CN V2; symp postgang fibers from superior cervical ganglion accompany branches of pterygopalatine nerve that are distributed to blood vessels of nasal cavity, palate, and superior parts of pharynx
____ ganglion lies between TVP and CN V2; lies inferior to foramen ovale of sphenoid bone
The parasymp root of ____ ganglion is the tympanic nerve from CN IX; continues from tympanic plexus as lesser petrosal nerve
Which ganglion’s parasymp root join facial nerve and leave in its chorda tympani branch which unites with lingual nerve