Pharyngeal Arches Flashcards
Which pharyngeal arch includes malleus, incus, sphenomandibular ligament, Meckel’s cartilage, and tympanic ring?
Arch 1
Which pharyngeal arch includes stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, lesser horn of hyoid, part of body of hyoid?
Arch 2
Which pharyngeal arch includes greater horn of hyoid, part of body of hyoid?
Arch 3
Which pharyngeal arch includes laryngeal cartilages?
Arch 4
Which CN is associated with arch 1?
Which CN is associated with arch 2?
Which CN is associated with arch 3?
Which CN is associated with arch 4?
Which pharyngeal arch includes muscles of mastication, tensor tympani, mylohyoid, TVP, anterior belly of digastric?
Arch 1
Which pharyngeal arch includes muscles of facial expression, stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric?
Arch 2
Which pharyngeal arch includes stylopharngeus?
Arch 3
Which pharyngeal arch includes pharyngeal and laryngeal musculature?
Arch 4
Are pharyngeal clefts external or internal?
Are pharyngeal pouches external or internal?
Which arch forms the maxillary and mandibular?
Arch 1
Which aortic arch contributes to maxillary arteries?
Arch 1
Which aortic arch produce stapedial and hyoid arteries: goes away?
Arch 2
Which aortic arch: common carotid arteries and proximal portion of the internal carotid arteries?
Arch 3
Which aortic arch: on the left side, it persists, connecting the ventral aorta to the dorsal aorta, forming the aortic arch. On the right it forms the proximal portion of the right subclavian artery
Arch 4
Which aortic arch: rudimentary and do not develop into any known vessels
Arch 5
Which aortic arch: the proximal portions develop into the right and left pulmonary arteries, while the distal portions of the left aortic arch artery develop into the ductus arteriosus
Arch 6
According to Stern’s rule, if a muscle has tensor in its name, it is innervated by which CN?
According to Stern’s rule, if a muscle has palato in its name, it is innervated by which CN?
According to Stern’s rule, if a muscle has glossus in its name, it is innervated by which CN?
Mandibulo-facial dysostosis
Underdevelopment of structures associated with Arch 1.
Autosomal dominant, gene in Ch. 5
Prenatal testing
Treacher-Collins Syndrome
Micro-/Retrognathia, glossoptosis & airway obstruction
Pierre Robin Sequence
Which pharyngeal cleft gives rise to the external auditory meatus and canal?
1st pharyngeal cleft
What do the 2-4 pharyngeal pouches create?
Cervical sinus
Which pharyngeal pouch gives rise to tympanic membrane/Auditory canal, middle ear?
Pouch 1
Which pharyngeal pouch gives rise to palatine tonsils?
Pouch 2
Which pharyngeal pouch gives rise to inferior parathyroid glands and thymus?
Pouch 3
Which pharyngeal pouch gives rise to superior parathyroids and ultimobranchial body?
POuch 4
In _____ syndrome, there is a failure of the thymus gland to develop from the third pharyngeal pouch with concurrent absence of parathyroid glands from the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches.
DiGeorge syndrome
What is the sensory innervation of anterior 2/3 of tongue?
What is the sensory innervation of posterior 2/3 of tongue?
What is the innervation of taste buds of anterior 2/3 of tongue?
What is the innervation of taste buds of posterior 2/3 of tongue?
CN IX and CN X