Tectonic hazards (Seneca) Flashcards
The core is in the centre and split into 2 layers:
- Inner metallic core (solid).
- Outer core (liquid).
The —— is the hottest part of the Earth.
The Earth has 3 layers:
core, mantle, crust.
The mantle surrounds the …
The mantle consists of …
semi-molten rock.
The crust is a …
very thin outer shell of the Earth.
The ——- is the layer we live on.
The crust is between —— km thick.
The crust is floating on the …
semi-solid rock mantle.
The crust is broken into large pieces called …
tectonic plates
There are 2 kinds of tectonic plates:
- continental plate
- oceanic plate
Oceanic plates are …
thinner, younger, and denser so they can sink (subduct) under another plate.
Continental plates are …
thicker, older and lighter, so they do not sink (subduct).
Plate boundaries and ———— are the same thing.
plate margins
Convection currents happen in the …
upper mantle
The core is hot and heats molten (melted) rock. This heated rock rises and hits the …
underside of the plate.
When heated molten rock rises, the molten rock drags the …
tectonic plate that is on top of the mantle with it.
When heated molten rock rises, the molten rock drags the tectonic plate that is on top of the mantle with it. This means some plates are …
being pushed apart and some are being dragged together.
What do we call the currents that are found in the upper mantle of the Earth?
Convection currents
The 3 main types of plate margin are :
destructive, constructive and conservative margins.
At conservative plate margins, plates are …
sliding past each other.
At conservative plate margins, plates are sliding past each other.
The plates are made of rock that has jagged edges so they …
catch and snag against one another.
In Conservative plate margins, —————- between the plates builds until the plates can’t take the stress.
Friction and pressure
In Conservative plate margins, They ———- , which can cause both plates to move and, as a result, the ground may shake (earthquake).
slip past each other
In Conservative plate margins, They slip past each other, which can cause both plates to move and, as a result, the ground may …
shake (earthquake).
At constructive plate margins, the plates …
move apart (diverge).
At Constructive plate margins, The convection currents …
diverge (push apart) and cause a gap to form between the plates.
At Constructive plate margins, Magma rises up to …
fill the gap that is created between the 2 plates.
The oceanic plate slides beneath the ——– plate.
At a destructive plate margin two plates are …
moving towards one
An example of a destructive plate margin is …
Nazca Plate
South American Plate
In conservative plate margins, there is no volcanic activity because …
there is no magma.
An example of a constructive plate margin is …
Eurasian Plate
North American plate
Constructive plate margins are between …
Two continental plates
Destructive plate margins are between …
Oceanic plate
Continental plate