Somerset Floods Flashcards
Somerset is located in …
South-west England
The Somerset floods occurred in …
To prevent future floods from happening, a ———— Flood Action Plan was launched by the Somerset County Council.
£20 million
To prevent future floods from happening, a £20 million Flood Action Plan was launched by the
Somerset County Council.
To prevent ———- from happening, a £20 million Flood Action Plan was launched by the Somerset County Council.
future floods
After the Somerset floods, UK government promised at least £———- to help with repairs.
30 million
After the Somerset floods, the ———— supported people in need of help.
Flooding on the Levels Action Group (FLAG)
What were the response to the Somerset floods?
- Rescue boats were deployed to help stranded people.
- Extra police patrols in response to reports of crime.
- Royal Marines were sent in to help with flood relief.
The ———— installed giant pumps from the Netherlands to lower water levels.
Environment Agency
The Environment Agency installed ——— from the Netherlands to lower water levels.
giant pumps
The Environment Agency installed giant pumps from the ——— to lower water levels.
The Environment Agency installed giant pumps from the Netherlands to …
lower water levels.
The council dredged the rivers to …
increase their drainage capacity
Government’s 20 year flood action draft plan calls for…
- More dredging
- Building of higher embankments
- Raising of certain key roads
- Installation of permanent pumps
- Building of a coastal flood protection barrage to hold back highest tides
Over —- houses flooded
——- farms evacuated
Some residents evacuated to …
temporary accommodation for
several months
Villages such as Moorland and Muchelney cut off. This affected …
people’s daily lives e.g. attending school, shopping etc
Villages such as ————— cut off. This affected people’s daily lives e.g. attending school, shopping etc
Moorland and Muchelney
Villages such as Moorland and Muchelney cut off. This affected people’s …
daily lives e.g. attending school, shopping etc
An Economic Impact Assessment (————) stated that the winter floods cost Somerset up to £147.5m, including residential (£20m), railway
(£21.3m) and emergency responses (£19.3m)
An Economic Impact Assessment (2015) stated that the winter floods cost Somerset up to ———— , including residential (£20m), railway
(£21.3m) and emergency responses (£19.3m)
An Economic Impact Assessment (2015) stated that the winter floods cost Somerset up to £147.5m, including …
residential (£20m), railway
(£21.3m) and emergency responses (£19.3m)
Over ——— of agricultural land under water for 3-4 weeks
14000 ha
Over 14000 ha of agricultural land under water for …
3-4 weeks
Over ——— livestock evacuated
Over —— roads were closed at a cost of £15m to the local economy
Over 80 roads were closed at a cost of —— to the local economy
————— railway line closed at Bridgwater
Bristol to Taunton
Bristol to Taunton railway line closed at …
Floodwaters were heavily
contaminated with …
sewage and other pollutants including oil and chemicals
A huge amount of ——— had
to be cleared.
Stagnant water that had
collected for months had to
be reoxygenated before being
pumped back into the rivers
Stagnant water that had
collected for months had to
be ———— before being
pumped back into the rivers
Stagnant water that had
collected for ——— had to
be reoxygenated before being
pumped back into the rivers