Technique Review and the Plastic Tooth Flashcards
Philosophy of Endo:
diagnosis, pretreatment, access, cleaning/ shaping, obturation, restoration
estimated depth of access
What to measure prep:
ERL sf:
estimated RG length
Access to our tooth #8:
round triangle
Position of apex of access triangle:
just coronal to cingulum
Where to begin access prep:
in center, perp L surface, #2 round bur
How far to penetrate initially w #2 round bur:
2-3mm into dentin (is there an avg enamel width to give us a total depth we should expect to go?)
How do you create the proper outline form?
Funnel and penetrate
Only penetrate to this depth:
How to find the canal orifice:
endo explorer
First thing to do after accessing pulp:
Establish WL
Filing motion to use to get to WL:
To determine WL:
Pre-curve 8 file, watch wind repeat w 10 & 15, once 15 is flush w major foramen (MF) take it out, measure length and subtract 0.5mm to get WL
TF? Cleaning and shaping begins with 10 file.
F? (check) starts at 20 file
Always check potency w this size file:
8 file is (color)
10 file is (color):
15 file is (color):
20 file is (color):
yellow (check)
25 file is (color):
red (check)
Why do we use GG in a step-back manner?
to flare the canal coronally
Bw each successively larger GG we should check patency w:
10 file
With every incremental increase GG size we instrument:
1mm less than the previous file
green file:
black file:
45 file is (color):
white, same as 15
50 file is (color):
55 file is (color):
60 file is (color):
Filing motion to use for step-back:
what is reaming motion:
1/4 turn to R and pull out at same time
To determine MAF:
Largest file that will fit to WL:
2nd step back should go to this file size;
When doing any step-back you should:
preserve files, irrigate, and check patency
Should we always stop checking patency after size 45 file, like in slides?
check? I assume that at a certain diameter we will no longer be concerned about the apex getting occluded
1st step after choosing gutta-perch (GP) cone:
cut tip to MAF
Check for this with the GP cone:
apical tugback
What to do if cone goes to WL w no tug back:
cut a little off tip
Smaller plugger should be fit to:
5-7mm from Wl (largest plunger wo binding on canal walls)
Larger plugger should be fit to:
1/2 WL(largest plunger wo binding on canal walls)
Heat carrier should be profit to:
5-7mm from WL
Do this before seating GP w seller:
dry canal w paper points
How to place sealer in canal:
cone o file
How far should the cone be seated?
to WL
Cone should be seared at this level with buns burner heated instrument:
level of orifice
Instrument to sear top of cone at orifice:
ondo spoon excavator (Glick #2)
Size of condenser initially used:
First process of condensing GP into canal is called:
When to switch to smaller plugger during downpack:
once larger plugger reached 1/2 WL
Once downpack is completed, start:
How to backfill:
2-3mm GP pieces
How to add GP for backfill:
Warm GP in canal, grab new GP, run thru flame, place in canal, condense with small plugger
Backfill to:
just apical to CEJ
30 file is (color):
blue (Grey, Please Wipe Your Red Butt)