Teaching & Learning Flashcards
Is a change that occurs in behavior, knowledge, skills, or attitudes
Is an interactive process that involves planning and implementing instructional activities to meet the intended learner outcomes or to provide activities to allow the learner to learn
Why is Teaching in Nursing Important?
Patients are expected to be active participants in their healthcare decisions; ensure true informed consent
Hospital stays are shorter, and patients are discharged needing medication, treatments, and/or skilled procedures
Healthcare is expensive!
- Cost effective
Why is Teaching Cost-Effective?
Clients can have many different diagnoses
e.g. CHF
Upon discharge, if client is readmitted within 30 days, the hospital is required to cover all costs of readmission and receives no reimbursement from the insurance company
Reason they’re readmitted due to poor or incomplete patient teaching
Ensure they know about their diagnosis, treatment plan, when to follow up and leave them in a place of confidence upon discharge so they won’t return in the 30 days
Teaching can…
___ wellness
Prevent or limit the illness
___ health
___ to changes in body function
Facilitate coping with illness, stress, and/or loss
Who do nurses teach?
Their family members and/or their caregivers
Teach clients independently or in a group setting
Teach in private or community setting
Who do nurses teach? cont’d
Teach other healthcare workers (UAP’s, LPN’s, novice nurses, student nurses, and peers)
What are my teaching responsibilities?
Teaching is an ___ nursing function
Defined by state ___
nurse practice acts (NPAs)
The American Nurses Association (ANA)
“Nurses are responsible for promoting and protecting health, safety, and rights of patients.”
*Teaching is a key component in meeting that responsibility
Nursing teaching activities include:
- Providing health promotion teaching
- Teach in accordance with the patient’s values, beliefs, health practices, developmental level, learning needs, readiness to learn, language preference, spirituality, culture, and socioeconomic status
- Seeking opportunities for feedback and evaluation
- Use of information technology to deliver healthcare information
- Teach about expected and adverse effects of proposed therapies
The Joint Commission (TJC)
Patient teaching is a hospital accreditation standard
Healthcare organizations must consider patient…
- Literacy
- Developmental and/or physical limitations
- Financial limitations
- Language barriers
- Culture
- Religious practices
They must also include any person who will be responsible for the patient’s care
Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Healthcare Industry
Patient Care Partnership (previously the ___)
Patients have the right to receive accurate and easily understandable information regarding their healthcare
If a patient’s primary language is different from the teacher or if the patient has a physical or mental disability, they are entitled to have the right help to make informed healthcare decisions; right to request an interpreter and right to have accomodations made
Patient Bill of Rights
Five Rights of Teaching
They are…?
Trading Card Games Cost Money
Context (quiet environment or distractions?)
Goal (does client identify objectives?)
Content (new or reinforcement?)
Learning Theories
Social Learning Theory
Behavioral Learning Theory
Cognitive Theory
Sees learning as a complex mental activity while recognizing the importance of the developmental stage as well as the social, emotional, and affective influences
e.g. [Bloom]’s Taxonomy (what is used for nursing exams)
Cognitive Theory
Is rooted in psychology; belief that environment influences behavior
e.g. Pavlov, Skinner, Bandura
Behavioral Learning Theory
Emphasizes the learner’s active participation while focusing on their effective, cognitive, and attitudinal qualities
* Learning is self-motivated, self-initiated, and self-evaluated with a purpose of self-development
Explains characteristics of the learner; large focus on self-efficacy (a person’s perceived ability to successfully perform a task)
Social Learning Theory
Learning Domains
Involves changes in feelings, beliefs, attitudes, and values
Done through role-modeling, group work, role-playing
Involves mental activities for processing information
Helps to increase client learning about remembering and understanding to even higher levels of applying, evaluating, and creating
Done through lectures, panel discussions
Involves learning skills that require both mental and physical activity
Learners practice and receive feedback
Done through demonstrations, simulation models
Teaching Strategies
The method used to present content (methodology)
- Lecture
- Group discussion
- Demonstration and Return Demonstration
- One-to-One Instruction and Monitoring
- Printed Materials
- Role Modeling
- Digital Sources of Information (websites, videos)
Teaching Strategies cont’d
Allow area for feedback to encourage patients to ask questions and avoid misunderstanding
Ensure Patient Understanding
The Joint Commission (TJC) recommends __ and __ to ensure patient understanding
Is having the patient demonstrate the information or skill you have taught them; used to promote patient confidence
Is having the patient restate the information you taught them in their own words
Lets you assess for areas of weakness and misconceptions they may have
Factors Affecting Client Learning
- Little learning can occur without it
- Greatest when client recognizes the need for learning, believes it is possible to improve their health, and are interested in the information
* Convey interest in and respect to the learner
* Create a warm, friendly environment
* Help the client identify the practical need
* Use rewards and incentives
* Help client realize that health and safety really matter
Factors Affecting Client Learning cont’d
- Indicate that the learner is motivated and able to learn at a specific time
- Physical condition (e.g. pain interferes with the ability to concentrate)
- Emotions (e.g. anxiety can interfere with the ability to learn)