TCC Airway Flashcards
for my buddy and I
- Assess patients airway
a. Open using head tilt – chin lift or Jaw thrust
b. Look Listen and Feel
- Suction airway PRN
clear that shit
- Insert NPA
a. Ensure is supine with head in neutral position
b. Assess nasal passage for obstruction
c. Size NPA from tip of nose to earlobe
d. Lubricate, insert, secure NPA
- Reassess patients airway
did it work?
- Insert i-gel (EGA)
a. Select size of EGA
b. Lube i-gel – remove excess lubricant
c. Assess airway is in alignment using head tilt chin lift or jaw thrust
d. Use scissor technique to open patients mouth
e. Insert device until gentle resistance is felt
Evaluator states – the patients gag reflex is intact
- Perform surgical cricothyroidotomy
a. Prep equipment prior to beginning procedure
b. ID cricothyroid membrane between cricoid and thyroid cartilages
d. Stabilize larynx w non-dominant hand – confirm landmarks w dominant index finger
e. Make 1” vertical incision through skin over the membrane
f. Reconfirm cricothyroid membrane w index finger
g. Turn scalpel horizontally and poke through the membrane making a ½ “ incision
h. Insert tracheal hook and elevate the cricoid cartilage
i. Insert tube fully into trachea and direct towards the lungs, remove obturator if applicable – if using ET tube insert ¼ - 1” beyond the cuff
j. Inflate w/ 10mL of air
k. Direct assistant to ventilate casualty 2x with bvm – auscultate and apex of R and L lung while watching for equal rise and fall
l. Assess for spontaneous respirations (10 sec) attach pulse ox
m. ID if ventilations are needed (<8 or >30 breaths or <90%)
n. Apply dressing to tube
o. Secure device to casualty’s neck w strap or tape