TB 054 - Hazardous/Illegal Mezzanines Flashcards
Has the mezzanine been legally constructed with a permit from the Department of
Building and safety
A fully sprinklered building must have sprinklers installed Where?
Above and beneath any mezzanine
What may lead to premature mezzanine collapse under fire conditions?
Overloaded storage conditions
intermediate floor placed in any story or room.
When the total area of any such mezzanine floor exceeds ____percent of the total floor area in that room, it shall be considered as constituting an additional “story” in the building.
33 1/3 percent
The clear height above or below a mezzanine floor construction shall be not less than
7 feet
fire-resistive time period need not exceed ___ ____ for unenclosed mezzanines
One hour
How many levels of mezzanines can be in a room
Not more than two
Is there a limit to the number of mezzanines within a room
No limitation
The aggregate area of mezzanines within a room shall not exceed ___ ___ the area of the room in which they are located.
One- third
All portions of a mezzanine shall be ____ to the room in which it is located.
The side of the mezzanine which is open to the room shall be unobstructed except for columns, posts and protective walls, or railings not more than __ inches in height.
42 inches
a) Partitioning may be installed, provided the aggregate floor area of the enclosed space does not exceed ___ percent of the area of the mezzanine or have an occupant load exceeding ____, whichever is greater.
10 percent
Or exceeding 10
Mezzanines having ___ or more exits need not open into the story in which they are located, provided at least one of the exits gives direct access to a protected exit ______, an exit _____, enclosed exit _______, exterior exit, exterior exit ______, or exit passageway.
Two or more
Exit corridor
Exit court
Exit stairway
Exit balcony
In industrial facilities, mezzanines used for control equipment may be ______ on all sides