Tayammum Flashcards
What is the Shar’i (legal) definition of tayammum
the intention to use purifying earth in a specific manner to attain nearness to Allah.
What are the conditions for tayammum?
- Absence of water whilst on travel (48 miles)
▰ Outside the city (one shar’i mile)
▰ Sick person fearing sickness will increase/worsen.
▰ Person in the state of janabah fears sickness.
What are the fard actions of tayammum
Two strikes (One strike, wipe whole face
Second strike, wipe arms including elbows)
▰ Entire limb must be wiped
▰ Intention (different to wudhu) Second strike, wipe arms including elbows
Sunnah acts of tayammum
▰ Tasmiyah
▰ Palms facing ground
▰ Move hands back/forth when striking the earth
▰ Dusting off hands
▰ Keep fingers separated
▰ Following order
▰ Right arm first, then left
▰ Perform in succession
▰ To wipe in between fingers (takhleel)
▰ Whatever nullifies wudhu also nullifies tayammum
▰ Seeing water (and ability to use it)
What can you use for tayammum?
Genus of the earth (Hanafi School opinion)e.g. soil, sand, stone/rock, limestone, gypsum, arsenic etc.
Sand and soil only (Abu Yusuf)
What cannot be used for tayammum
Things that have paint/glaze over it cannot be used
E.g. gold/silver/wood/glass/copper or anything else thatis not from the genus of the earth (pearls/coral)
If a person who cannot find water is hopeful of finding water, is it better for him to delay his Salaah?
- If hopeful of finding water, then it is better (mustahab) to delay until the end of the prescribed time, avoiding makrooh times (search for water)
- If he cannot find water still, then perform tayammum and pray.
- If someone does not wish to wait and prays salah with tayammum, his salah will remain valid even if water is later found.
If someone fears missing Janazah salah and does not have time to make wudhu, can one do tayammum?
Can perform tayammum, as long as not the wali of the deceased. A wali can delay janazah as people will wait for him.
If someone fears missing Eid salah and does not have time to make wudhu, can one do tayammum?
Eid Salah - assess the situation. Cannot perform tayammum if one can pray at another masjid. If it is the last Eid Salah, one may perform tayammum
What about jummah salah?
Still perform wudhu, not tayammum (unless there is no water)
- If Jumu’ah Salah is missed, pray 4 fardh of dhuhr instead
If you had a water bottle on you that you are using to drink from, do you use this for wudhu or would you do tayammum?
Drinking water does not have to be used for wudhu unless it’s surplus
If your friend has some water, what should you do?
Imam Abu Hanifa: Don’t need to search from others
Person’s situation will be taken into consideration
Not necessary to buy water if price is excessive
If you’re a traveller and you forget you had water, did tayammum and prayed,
then remembered you had water, what should you do?
Abu Hanifa and Muhammad: do not need to repeat Salaah - conditions of
tayammum met - a rider normally has water for drinking not for other uses,
so not required to check before praying
Abu Yusuf: Repeat Salah - conditions of tayammum not met - generally the
ride of a traveller has these things to hand, so should have checked before praying
In fard where is the first strike?
Wipe whole face with first strike