Salah Flashcards
What is the technical definition of salah
A specific act of worship involving the practice of specific statements and actions performed in a specific manner.
Starts with takbeer and ends with Salam.
What is the messengers final words?
“Prayer, prayer, fear Allah about those whom your right hands possess”
Obligation of salah in the Quran- what does Al-ankabut 45 say?
O Prophet) Recite that which has been revealedupon you of the book and establish Salah. Surely Salah restrains one from shameful and evil acts.
Indeed the remembrance of Allah is the greatest of All things. [Al-Ankabut:45.]
Obligation of salah in the Quran- what does surah nisa verse 103 say?
Verily the salah is established for the believers at prescribed times.
Obligation of prayer in the Quran- what does baqarah say?
And establish the prayer and pay Zakah.
Obligation of salah in Hadith- give at least 3
Islam is raised on five (pillars), testifying that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is His bondsman and messenger, and the establishment of prayer, payment of Zakat, Pilgrimage to the Ka’ba and the fast of Ramadan.
Pray as you have seen me pray
I have been commanded to fight the people until they bear witness to
Lailaaha Illallah and that I am the messenger of Allah, and establish
regular prayers and pay Zakat.
Where did salah originate from/come from?
The Night Journey (roughly
2 years before Hijrah) or Isra wal Miraj
27th Rajab
Reduced from 50 to 5
Salah did not exist before Isra
Who is salah obligatory on?
An adult who has reached puberty
For a person who has no valid excuse to miss salah
Give 6 conditions BEFORE salah
- Purity of body
- Purity of clothes
- Purity of place of prayer
- Facing the qibla
- Intention
- Tahreemah (opening takbeer)
What does purity of body mean?
Being in a state of wudhu
(Preconditions before salah- purity of clothes)
If a person has a physical impurity on their clothes but cannot find anything to remove it with, can they pray?
Yes they can pray with it and no need to repeat the salah
(Preconditions before salah- purity of clothes) - if a person cannot find anything clothes to pray in, can they pray?
Yes if can’t find any clothes a person can pray naked in a seated position to cover their awrah and indicate bowing or prostration.
Can pray while standing but seated is more preferred
Give a few valid excuses if a person cannot face the qibla?
If one’s life is in danger due to enermy attackin
Fear of predators
It’s obligatory to make intentional before fardh prayers
Intention also has to be made in a persons heart
Intention has to be made in the time of praying but can be made before if no action in between intention and salah e.g at wudhu time.
When an imam is leading the salah, if he specifies that the intention is only for the men what does that mean for the woman’s salah?
Woman’s salah is invalid if she prays behind him.
If his intention is general it includes everyone