Kuffyan Flashcards
Where did wiping over the kuffyan come from?
- Established through Mutawaatir Hadith
- More than 80 Sahabah have narrated wiping over footgear,
including the Asharah Mubasharah
Hadath ul Asghar
Wiping over leather socks is
Hadath ul Akbar
Wiping over leather socks is not
▻ Would need to remove and wash the feet
Conditions for wiping over kuffs (leather socks)
▰ Worn at time of complete purity i.e. be in a state of
purification before wearing them.
▰ Not be in the state of janabah
▰ They should cover everything up to and including the
▰ Material should meet conditions of being classed as a
▰ Should not be torn
Method of wiping
- Complete wudhu as normal up
to feet. - Wipe on top of khuff - once.
- From toes towards ankle
- Using a wet hand
- Minimum amount of wiping
should be equivalent to 3 fingers
of the hand (tool for wiping)
Apply qiyas for the method of wiping
- If we apply qiyas (logical reasoning), all of the foot is washed in wudhu, so one would assume that when wiping, this would include the whole foot.
- However there is Istihsaan in this ruling
- Ali (ra): ‘If religion was based on an opinion (logic), it would be more important to make masah on the
under part of the leather sock rather than the upper…” (Abu Dawud) - This is a Hanafi position.
Time period for a resident
Up to 24 hours (1 day and 1 night)
Time period for a traveler and the conditions of a traveller
72 hours (3 days and 3 nights)
▻Intend to travel 48 miles (travelling distance) or more.
▻Travelling less than 15 days.
▻From point of exiting the city.
When does time period begin?
Time period begins from first time wudhu is nullified, NOT when first
time worn.
Give 3 other things you can wipe over
- Muna’alayn - thick socks with a leather sole
2.Mujalladayn - thick socks with leather at the top + bottom (stitched around but not fully leather) - Thick socks
Thick socks conditions
Look at durability:
1.They are not see through.
2.They do not let water seep through.
3.They hold their own shape.
4.They remain on the shin without being tied.
5.They are durable enough to allow a person to walk approx 3 miles in them without tearing easily.
What can you NOT wipe over?
Amaamah, hats, gloves, niqaab/hijaab - not permissible
Bandage - falls when not healed
Wiping is permissible over the bandage.
Reapply the bandage
Bandage when wound not healed
Bandage no longer needed and need to do WUDU
▰ Whatever nullifies Wudhu
▰ Time passing/expiring
▰ Removal (majority)
▰ Tear/ripping
▰ Major ritual impurity