Task 6 Flashcards
How did we used to describe natural systems ?
- In terms of linear equations
- X = Y
- Also called continous behavour change
By what and why did linear equations got replaced ?
- They can only describe smooth part but no jumping of behaviour could be explained
- Replaced by: Dynamic system
What is meant by a dynamic system ?
- It is a set of elements that interact and continaully evolve over time
- Either linear or non linear
- Example: The weahther system
What is meant by a linear equation ?
- Part of complex dynamic systems
- variable depend on interaction of values
- y=xz
- it often provides multiple solution
- Can explain complex systems
What is one unique characteristic of erratic behaviour ?
- Erratic behaviour
What does erratic behaviour mean ?
- tend to jump from one point in the space to another completely different one in a short period of time
What are three properties of complex dynamic systems ?
- State space
- Attractors
- Chaos
What is meant by state space ?
- Those are all possible states of a system
- states are determined by different variable combinations
- It can also capture changes in dynamic systems
What is meant by an attractor ?
- Visually they look like circles
- General defi: those are typical stable states where they system wants to settle into
- we have multiple attractors
- Dynamic system want to predict the attractors to know which behaviour is most likly to occur
What is meant by basin of attraction ?
- All the points within a state space that will move towards a attractor
What is meant by phase transition ?
- change from one attractor to another attractor
What is meant by chaos ?
- Basically that a dynamic system can be a chaotic sytsem
- chaotic system = very sensitive to intial condition
What is meant by “sensitve to initial condition” ?
- small differences in values of the variables lead to dramatically different outcomes as the system develops -> in the same equation
- In short: Two point start at allmost the exact same point but then end up in complete different points
What is meant by the butterfly effect ?
- small initial differences may lead to large unforeseen consequences over time
Can we based on a dynamic system forsee future bahviour ?
- Because complex dynamic system include chaos, it is only possible to predict general pattern of behaviour
- Conclusion we can not predict specific behaviiour which will occur in the long run
Why do people have stable but unpredictable patterns of behaviour?
- Attractors explain the stable patterns
- but since there are multiple attractors it occurs that there will be a transition from one to another during unstable phases (flactuations)
How do we call the predictable parts in a chaotic systems ?
- self organization ilands
- very robust
What is meant by self organization ?
- > self organization means sponatenous order
- it is a process where order arises from local interactions between parts of initally disorder systems
- SO is not caused by external factors it only needs a sufficient amount of energy
- often triggerd by fluctuations and positive feedback
- often occurs after reaching a certan
What is a general characteristics of self organizations ?
- it is a cyclical state change
What is meant by catastrophe theory ?
- it explains sudden shift in behaviour caused by small changes in circumstances,
- 3 types of catastrophe theory
- describe discontinuity in a single dependent (behavioural) vraiable
- all non linear
Name the 3 types of
- Fold catastrophe ( 1 independent V)
- cusp catastrophe (2 independent V)
- butterfly catastrophe (4 independent V)
Decribe the cusp theory a bit more in depth:
- it is a 3D model
- One part is the control surface which contain both independent variable ( love and social pressure ) -> Horizontal
- And then we have the behavioural dimension (vertical)
- Special about the model it contains a fold curve and the bifurcation set
What is meant by the fold curve ?
- the points who lie on the bifuracttion set will be presented in the fold curve
- The fold curve represents two possible behaviours (outcomes) of one equation = outcom of bimodality
- Also called the catastrophic jump
What is meant by the bifuraction set ?
- all the points that are presented in the fold curve
- a certain area
- Bimodality
What does bimodality mean ?
- for some point on the control surface there are 2 behaviour surface
How do we know which behavioural action follows the bifuraction set ?
- depending on recent history but also
- can either jump to upper surface or to the lower surface
- but the jumping is also controlled via hysteresis
Explain the catastrophic jump ?
- just a small change in the independent variable will pass the threshold and result in a sudden large increment in the behaviour variable
- Thresholds are called edges
What does hysteresis mean ?
- the catastrophic jump will happen upon leaving, not entering of the bifurcation set
name an alternative to the catastrophe theory:
- Quantum behaviour change theory
What does the quantum behaviour change theory mean ?
- it describes behavioural changes in a dual process model
- Sytsem 1 non linear = sudden changes
- Stystem two is linear
What does CRUM mean ?
- computational represnentational undertsanding of mind
- Alternative to a dynamic system
What are the differences between crum and a dynamic system ?
- Deals more gracefull with time (DS)
- mind interacts with enviorment / world (DS)
- can explain non represenattional change (DS)
- but still is more limited in aplication regarding human thinking then CRUM
What is meant by the complex system theory ?
- All complex systems have certain principles in common that predict their behaviour
- Complex system = Ecosystem
How did we figure out that psychopathology is a complex system ?
- complex system and psychopathology disorder are both characterized by sudden transitions
What is one principle of a complex system ?
- resilience
Explain the principle of resilience:
- High resilience refers to a high level of stability of the system -> You have a low basin of attraction
- low = visa versa
- BUT: resilience usually diminish slowly without noticing
What would be if psychological phenomena behave like complex sxstems ?
- it might be possible to forsee sudden transistions in symptoms and not only see shift in the lvl of syptoms (increasing or deacreasing)
How would forsseing work ?
- Via Identifying early changes in the lvl of stability (EWS)
- the structure of connection between symptoms (called Bridge symptoms) can predict transititions based on activations!!
Name the four reasons why psychoptahology can be understood as a complex system ?
- Because they both show:
1. sudden shifts in symptoms (bimodal symptoms) + either low or high
2. sudden shift occur in the absence of obvious trigger ( long interval between potentional cause and onset of symptom + only small change is needed)
3. Transition of systems can be estimated via early warning signals
4. Elements within complex systems are in continuous and complex interplay with each other via reinforcing feedback loop
What types of early warning signals do we have ?
- Autocorrelation: current state of system becomes better predictor for its future state
- Variance: greater amplitude(stronger) changes in intensity levels
- Flickering: sudden changes in intensity levels
What does multidimensional disorder mean ?
- All mental disorders are connected and not distinct
- they show a high comorbidity
- Pattern of symptoms spread across various disorders
- Each person has a unique cluster of symptoms
- Mental disorder contain a network perspective
Explain the network perspective of mental disorder ?
- Symptoms can activate each other based on how close they are linked in distance -> inside a cluster
- Symptoms who show up together are then a cluster (a mental disorder )
- There are certain preferential connections between symptoms and clsuters but they also vary among indviduals based on different wiring patterns
How would an aplication of the complex theory look like ?
- 3D landscape model
- high resiliance factor look like mountains
- low resiliance factor look like valleys
- Each landscape is different for each human
How do we set up a 3D landscape model ?
- via diarys