TA07 TOF/TENR Flashcards
What does TENR stand for?
What is a TOR and when does it need to be submitted?
Tacticle options report, at the end of your shift or after 72 hours with supervisor approval.
What is the TOF and what degrees of force are contained within it?
Tactical options framework. Cooprative Passive resistance Active resistance Assaultive GBH/Death
When resolving a threat what must always be present?
Presence and tacticle communication
What does the outer ring of the TOF represent?
Degree of force
What elements make up a threat?
What does PCA stand for and how often does it need to be adjusted?
Percieved Cummulative assesment, Continuously
What are the dangers of complacency?
Underestimating a situation and leaving you and others open to harm.
Cooperative definition
There is a cooperative and willing response to a police officer’s lawful
request or direction. The majority of police/public interactions produce this
type of behaviour.
Passive Resistance definition
The subject refuses, with little or no physical action, to cooperate with the
officer’s lawful direction. This can be in the form of a verbal refusal or
consciously contrived physical inactivity (for example, non-violent
Assaultive definition
This is identified as actively hostile behaviour accompanied by physical
actions or an intent, expressed either verbally and/or through body language,
to cause physical harm. Examples include kicking, punching or aggressive
body language signalling an intent to assault.
Active resistance defenition
This is identified as increased scope and intensity of resistance beyond simple
verbal defiance. It includes non-assaultive physical actions such as pulling
away, pushing away, or running away in an attempt to prevent control by
GBH or Death defenition
The subject exhibits actions that the officer believes are intended to, or likely
to, cause grievous bodily harm or death to any person. Examples include
assaults with a knife, blunt instrument or firearm, or other actions that may
result in a grievous injury/death to an officer or member of the public.
What act predominantly outlines our authority to use force for police?
The crimes act 1961
Crimes Act 1961: Section 39
Force used in
process or in
Crimes Act 1961: Section 40
Force used in
escape or
Crimes Act 1961: Section 41
use of force to prevent suicide
Crimes Act 1961: Section 42
Force used in preventing breach of the peace
Crimes Act 1961: Section 48
use of force in self-defence or the
defence of another.
Crimes Act 1961: Section 62
Excess Force
Policing Act 2008 Section 32
particulars of
person in
Policing Act 2008 Section 33
particulars for
A show of what weapons constitutes a TOR
The use of what tacticle options constitutes a TOR report
Handcuffs Other mechanical restraint Empty hand techniques OC Spray A baton A weapon of opportunity A police dog when the subject is bitten Taser Firearm
What is the tacticle options framework?
A framework to aid in decisions regarding level of force, when, how and to avoid any excess in force used.
What is TENR?
A police systematic threat assesment and response tool
Explain PCA
Your subjective assesment of an incedent using TENR based of information provided on the situation.
What is the purpose of a TOR
To explain and justify your use of force.
What happens to a TOR when you submit it?
Reviewed by your supervisor and a reviewing officer. Noted down for analytical purpose.
Define exposure.
Who/what is is exposed to the threat? What is the potential for harm?
Define necessity.
What is the necessity to act now?
Define response.
Needs to be proportionate and timely. How you resolve the situation.
Section 11 Search and serveillance act 2012
Warrentless searches of people who are, or are to be, locked up in police custody.
Section 125 search and surveillance act 2012
Special rules about searching persons