What rule/obligation is S131
Indentification and notice requirements Reason Act Intention Name
What are the rules and obligations of section 125
Searching persons
Section 169 rules and obligations
Report your power ASAP
Warentless search or entry
Section 110
What you can do when exercising a search power
Section 116
Secure the place, area, items
Section 118
Detain any person in, arrives, stops at
Section 14
Entry to prevent offence and respond to risk of life or safety
Section 7
Entry to arrest unlawfully at large
Section 8
Entry to avoid loss of offender or evidence
Section 10
Give details at vehicle stop if unlawfully at large or imprisonable
Section 121(1) 121(2)
Stopping a vehicle to search without warrent or with warrent (2)
Section 122
Move vehicle to safety for search
Section 128
Stop vehicle and stay there
Section 29
Search vehicle for stolen property
Section 15
Enter any place to find evedence for 14+ offences
Section 16
Search people in public for evidence for 14+ offences
Section 17
Search vehicle for evidence 14 + offences
Section 83
Enter any place for evidence after arrest 14+offences
Section 84
Search any vehicle for evidence after arrest 14+ offence
Section 32
Road block
Section 123
Seize items in plain view
Section 93
Rules of consent search
Section 94
Unlawful consent search - have to be over 14 years old
Section 85
Rub down search of arrested
Section 86
Things you can do in the rub down search
Remove all but one layer of clothing
Section 87
Visual of nose mouth and ears during rub down
Section 88
Search after arrest for evidence
Section 11
Custody search
Section 13
Give back their property unless evidence