What are the elements of assault?
Another Person
Elements of assault with a weapon?
Another person
Using anything as a weapon
Elements of wilful damage?
S11 (I)(b)
Sets fire too
Any tree of vegetation
Elements of theft
Without claim of right
Any property
With intent to deprive any owner perminently of that property
With intent to deprive any owner perminently of any interest in that property
Theft by using or dealing elements?
Without claim of right
Uses or deals with
Any property
With intent to deprive any owner permanently of that property OR With intent to deprive any owner permanently of any interest in that property
After obtaining possession
or control of that property
in whatever manner
Elements of burglary
Any building OR Any Ship OR Any part of a building OR Any part of a ship
Without authority
With intent to commit an imprisonable offence in the building
With intent to commit an imprisonable offence in a ship
Elements of Burg having entered
Having entered
Any building OR Any ship
Remains without authority
With intent to commit an imprisonable offence in the building OR ship
What are the elements of robbery?
Accompanied by violence OR Accompanied by threats of violence
To any person OR To any property
Used to extort the property stolen OR To prevent or overcome resistance to the property being stolen
Elements of recieving?
Any property stolen
Any property obtained by any other imprisonable offence
Knowing that property to have been stolen or so obtained
Being reckless as to wether the property had been stolen or so obtained.
Elements of unlawfully takes vehicle
Dishonestly Without claim of right But not so as to be guilty of theft Takes For his or her own purpose OR Another persons purposes
Any vehicle OR Any Ship OR Any aircraft OR Any part of any vehicle, ship or aircraft OR any horse
Unlawful uses vehicle elements
Without claim of right
But not so as to be guilty of theft
For his or her own purpose OR Another persons purpose
Any vehicle… Ship,Aircraft,Part of or horse
Elements of Unlawful interferes with vehicle
Without claim of right
Interferes with
Any Vehicle OR Any ship OR Any aircraft
Unlawfully getting into OR upon elements
Without claim of right
Gets into OR Gets upon
Any vehical OR Any ship OR Any aircraft
Fighting in a public place elements
In a public place
Elements of Offensive OR Disorderly Behaviour
In a public place OR Within view of a public place
Behaves in an offensive manner OR Behaves in a disorderly manner
Resisting police elements
Resists OR Incites or encourages any other person to resist
Any constable or authorised officer or prison officer or traffic officer acting in the execution of their duty
Obstruction elements
Intentionally obstructs OR Incites or encourages any other person to obstruct
Any constable or authorised officer or prison officer or trafic officer in the execution of their duty
Trespass after warning to leave elements
On any place
After being warned to leave that place by an occupier of that place
Neglects or refuses to do so
Trespass after previous warnings elements
Being a person who has been warned under section 4 to stay off any place
Wilfully trespasses on that place
Within two years
Being Found on Property Without Reasonable Excuse
(Building/Transport) elements
In OR on
Any building OR Any aircraft OR Any hovercraft OR Any ship,ferry or vessel OR Any train
OR Any vehicle
Being Found on Property Without Reasonable Excuse
(Enclosed yard or area) elements
Without reasonable excuse
Any enclosed yard or other such area