Section 11 LTA 1998
Drivers are not to exceed specified alcohol limits
What does RIDS stand for in relation to road safety.
How many road deaths in 2020?
Under Section 68 (1)(a) breath test who does this apply to?
Any driver of a motor vehicle on any road
Any person attempting to drive a motor vehicle on any road
Under Section 68(1)(b) breath test, who does this apply to?
Any person you have good cause to suspect has recently commited an offence against the LTA
Reasons to arrest during EBA
Fail or refuse to remain, accompany, to give blood. to give blood by medical practitioner
Power of arres 120(1)a LTA
Section 68(2) Can not require person in medical care to undergo breath screening alternative?
Require a doctor to take a blood sample once in hospital care
28 day licence suspension conditions
Section 95 Breath over 650 Blood over 130 previous conviction breath over 400 blood over 80 Refuses breath or blood
EBA Roadside procedure if passive test is failed
Passive breath test Obtain Age Breath screening test Require to accompany + BOR + Search S85 Arrest if no concent Written BOR + Provide BOR oppertunity Roadside or EBA suite test Give 12 minutes to elect blood Request blood Taker called
What do you do if the the offender fails breath/blood sampling?
Summons to court under section 121
Alcohol threshhold for under 20
0 alcohol - no offence
1 - 149mcg or 1 - 29mg = $200 50 demerits
Over 149mcg or 29mg = 3Months $2,250 desqual 3 months
Over 400mcg or 80mg (inclusive) section 56 charge same as adult
Previous offences arnt considered for under 20
Alcohol threshholds for over 20
249mcg/49mg and under - no offence
between 249mcg and 400mcg $200 50 demerits
between 49mg and 80mg $200 50 demerits
Over 400mcg or 80mg (inclusive) or refuses tesing = 3months $4500 disqual 6months
What is the penalty for a driver over 20 exceeding 400mcg or 80mg (inclusive) or refusing testing for a 3rd time?
2 years
Disqual for more than 1 year
What is the infringement fee if you refuse or fail when over 20yo to complete an evidential breath test and end up with a blood result of between 49mg and 80mg?
$700 50 demerits
What results can a passive breath test produce?
What results can a breath screening test produce?
Under 250mcg
250mcg+ OVER (does not exceed 400mcg)
OVER 400mcg
How many attempts are you allowed for an evidentual breath test?
3 attempts and the move to blood sample
Under Section 96(1) LTA power to impound vehicles for 28 days when can this be applyed?
400mcg+ or 80mg+ or failed to test and two relevant offences in the last 4 years