T24 Flashcards
Adv mess shwn in amber with no lights or sound T/F
Chkl incomplete will show if not completed
b4 taxi, tof, app and lnd
Checklist incomple for B4 tof will show
airplane on fmc rwy and aligned for tof
Checklist incomple for landing will show
des below 500 ft
How do you control the auto flight sys
Wt ndo the 3 FMA ares show?
thrust, roll, pitch
Wt will FMA show if FD turn on (ap off)
HDG hold + V/S pitch
What are three sys that operation together for automatic flight?
Primary flight computer, Auto Flight sys, Flight managem computer.
What is the effect of selecting bank limit selector in auto?
airspeed controls bank limit in HDG / TRK sel
At Acceration Height VNAV increases spd to
TOF flaps placard spd minus 5 kts
Lnav/ Vnav can be disarmed on grd by pressing toga stw twice
if spd abv 80kts
On app with Loc and GS arm to disarm the app mode you can
If APP mode is dis connected below 1500 what mode will it rengage in
After pre auto land test the dma modes changes to
Land 3, RO Flare arm
wt are the indications of rwy alignment while conducting auto land
no indication
Auto land @ 25 ft ATT –> IDLe and FMA to IDLE T/F
If toga is pushed near the ryw and touches
GO-AROUND continue
Pushing Toga will cause thrust to give
climb rate of 2000 fpm
GA intial pitch is near 15D T/F
EFB operate independently and must be initialized during preflight T/F
What data does the efb get from the FMC?
Orgin..Dest… Dep…OAT…TOf Weight
Engine driven generators on 787
FWD ext pwr can automatically energize ground handing mode when AVAIL light comes on? T/F
Green Line through ext pwr boxes indicate
ext pwr connected to elec system
what is energized thru the hot battery bus
Eng APU cargo Fire ext bottle
Wt is DC power used for ?
Cabin Sys, avionics, cargo handling, large motor power sys and standby power
Which fuel pump supplies APU from left main tank?
DC fuel if main pwr is not available
To start APU one of two ASG’s is used when Main AC is available in the airplane…T/F
When Does APU Fault lights come one?
Apu limit is more than normal or APU has automatically stopped
When would APU automatically shutdown on grd?
if APU limit caution message comes on and engines are not running
When APu Limit mess is shown.. there is no cool don before shut down…T/F
Inflight if generators become inop an automatic start feature of APU is available…T/F
Wt does pag 1 on TCP VHF show
Active & STBY freq for left right and center radios
Wt is NAV page on TCP used for?
Alternate nav system if flight managemen or display systems fail
TCP HF page all HF freq must have decimal point …inserted T/F
Ecais Adv messa radion transmit Capt or FO show if VHF or HF transmits for more than
30 Sec
If an ACP fail
OBS selector is used to connect to failed ACP to the obs ACP
Can active wpt on page 1 be deleted?
no only changed
wt is the neccesary data to intercept and fly to aa wapoint
Headind to intercept the course, active waypoint , inb crs
what mode can Pick wpt be used in
ND map and Plan question 63
How far before the fix will VNav decrease…
Max bank angle to enter hold
Vnav Tof phase start and end
TOF thrust set to Thru reduction
Vnav desend phase starts and ends
[Flaps out of up], <25 nm from RWY
CLB phase ends
What makes Vnav change how it operates
phase of flight
Where can new wpt constraints be added
legs pg
How does FMC calculate stop climb points?
If airplane levels off at mcp alt not in fmc
When does crz phase end?
When does des phase end?
Flaps extened or first wpt on Inst App
Des now gives what des speed?
1250 fpm
Wt is the function of Offpath des?
Plan des directly to a wpt not on Flt plan
Vnav Band show..Vnav path..+ Flps in up? T/F
wt happen is airspeed goes higher than upper limit of the speed band when des in vnav?
change from Vnav path to Vnav ALT
Which Hyd Sys Closes gr doors and extend and ret landing gear?
When unlocked, do the landing gear need hydraulic pressure to extend? T/F
No, False
When will landing gear on the EICAS be removed after it is up and locked?
10 Sec
Hydr system that is for NSW
With Alternate Gear Ext it free fall to down postion
Amber Rev on EICAS means
Thrust REV in Transit
How long after door opening do TCP reset?
10 MIns
When the aural cancel is on its inhibits…
only the active alert and the alert is inhibited…while the condition that caused he condition continued.
Is the glide slope inhibit stw used to prevent Glideslope inhibit on the PFD?
When does the Glide Slope inhibit reset if it was pushed or activated?
Ground after touch and Go
Go around or if switch pushed again
When does Terr Pos Eicas Message show?
If data for Terrain Display or Terr alert is not available
Terr Alert Accurse message on ?
HUD, PFD, Mini Map, ND
When Does PWS Alert Occurs?
Below 1200 Ft RA
On the Grd Windshear warning and W/S alerts goes out 3 nm in front of the Airplane? T/F
Inflight the windshear caution area is
0.5 - 3.0
Do PWS starts to look for wind shear when the airplane is below 2300 RA T/F
Yes, True
When does the flap over ride Reset?
10 mins after first cabin door open
Resolution Advisory is given ?
35-15 secs before NPA
Proximate traffic in an aircraft that is not calculated to be RA or TA but is
nearer than 6nm and 1200 ft vertically
If traffic has climb or des rate of more than 500 ft per min
TCAS shows an arrow
All RA commands and RA and TA aural alerts are inhibited from
Ground to 600 ft RA after TOF
Increase descent aural warning are inhibited during app below?
1450 ft