T1 - Maternal Newborn Intro PPT (Josh) Flashcards
When is viability?
20 wks or 500 g
When is full-term?
40 wks
— is an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof.
Serious injury specifically includes loss of limb or function.
Sentinel Event
What do we do w/ Sentinel Event?
DON’T put in client’s chart
it is filed and send to Risk Mgmt in an OCCURRENCE REPORT
What is AROM and SROM?
Artificial Rupture of Membranes (break water)
Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes
Ethnocentrism vs. Cultural Relativism
Ethnocentrism = one culture’s way is the best way
Cultural Relativism = learning about & applying the standard’s of another’s culture to activities within that culture.
In the — theory, the family is viewed as a unit and interactions among family members are studied rather than studying individuals.
Family Systems Theory
***change in one effects all
***circular, not linear, causality
Which group is most likely to be Cohabitating-parent family?
Hispanic children are more than twice as likely as African-American children to live in cohabitating-parent families and 4x’s more likely than whites
— is when changes occur when groups from diff. cultures come into contact w/ each other
— is when cultural group loses its cultural identity and becomes part of the dominant culture.
Read chart on page 26-27
Read chart on page 26-27
What is HCG and what secretes it?
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the embryo after implantation.
secreted by blastocyst to make sure corpus luteum remains viable
***The presence of hCG is detected in some pregnancy tests (HCG pregnancy strip tests).
Three Primary Layers of Cells:
(outer layer) develops into skin, nervous system and other external parts of the body
Three Primary Layers of Cells:
(inner layer) develops into thymus, thyroid, digestive, respiratory and parts of GU system
Three Primary Layers of Cells:
(middle layer) develops into muscles, bones, connective tissue, circulatory system, and GU system
Need to know chart on page 269
Need to know chart on page 269
Does maternal and fetal blood mix?
not normally
What are the three shunts that permit blood to bypass live and lungs?
Ductus Venosus
Foramen Ovale
Ductus Arteriosis
Which shunt is this?
Shunts blood around (bypassing) liver
Ductus Venosus
Which shunt is this?
Shunts blood right to left (bypassing ventricles)
Blood goes from right atrium to left atrium
Foramen Ovale
Which shunt is this?
Shunts blood around lung
Ductus Arteriosis
When would RhoGAM be given?
given to make sure blood doesn’t mix if spontaneous abortion
babies have on Rh type and can affect mom if she is Rh- and baby is Rh+ (her body treats it like a foreign substance and fights it)
When would RhoGAM be given?
at 28 wks and again ~48-72 hrs after delivery
What is Hematopoiesis and when does it occur?
formation of blood occurs at 6th week
When do stem cells begin to form the liver?
5th wk
When to stem cells seed the fetal bone marrow, spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes?
8th and 11th wk
When is blood type determined?
~ 5 wks
When are blood cells and heart functioning?
3 wks
**heart is fully developed at 8 WEEKS
What is normal fetal heart rate?
Hgb in fetus is about — greater than mother.
When can lung movement be seen?
11th wk
***fully mature ~ 34 wks
What are Dizygotic Twins?
Two separate pregnancies occurring simultaneously. 2 embryos, 2 placentas, 2 chorions and 2 amnions
What are Monozygotic Twins?
Result from the division of a single fertilized ovum. Same sex, same physical traits. Shared placenta 2 embryos, 2 amnions, 1 chorion & 1 placenta
What are di/di twins?
Dichorionic/Diamniotic (di/di) twins each embryo has their own amniotic sac & their own placenta (fraternal)
What are mo/di twins?
Monochorionic/Diamniotic (mo/di) twins each embryos has their own amniotic sac but share a placenta
What are mo/mo twins?
Monochorionic/Monoamniotic (mo/mo) twins -= 2 embryos 1 sac 1 placenta (Always Identical)