T-6A Propulsion 2 SY104 Flashcards
What is the Engine Data Manager (EDM)
The Engine Data Manager is a computer unit located in the left avionics bay that monitors and processes engine operation data.
What are the five main engine related tasks that the EDM provides?
The EDM drives the primary, alternate, and engine/systems displays and illuminates advisory, caution, or warning annunciators
What are the eight non-engine related tasks that the EDM provides?
Provides fuel balancing, fuel quantity indications, activation of the nose wheel steering annunciator, a display of DC volts, DC amps, hydraulic pressure, cockpit pressure altitude, and pressure differential.
How does the EDM receive power and where is that power located?
Redundant power is supplied to the EDM through circuit breakers, labeled EDM, located on the battery bus circuit breaker and the generator bus circuit breaker panel in the front cockpit only
What and Where is the Primary engine data display (PEDD) located?
is an electronic instrument display (EID) that presents engine information received from the EDM. It is located on the right side of the instrument panel in each cockpit.
What is the purpose of the primary engine data display (PEDD)?
Provides each cockpit with a visual indication of engine operation.
Describe the pathway for the PEDD
All primary engine data is gathered by various sensors and is transmitted to the PMU for processing. The EDM monitors engine parameters and passes the information to the PEDD.
What do the colors White/green, Amber and red mean on the PEDD
Normal operating range is White/Green
Caution Operating range is Amber
Exceeding operating limits is Red
What Display information is on the PEDD?
Provides information on Torque, Interstage Turbine Temperature (ITT), Gas generator speed (N1), Propeller RPM (Np), and Indicated Outside Air temperature (IOAT)
What is the Torque and how is it scaled on the PEDD?
Torque is the measured by the phase shift torque probe located in the reduction gearbox and represents a percentage of maximum rated torque. Scaled from 0-100%, out of scale readings are represented by greater than 100%
What does the Interstage turbine temperature (ITT) represent and how is the data gathered?
The ITT provides the pilot with an indication of the temperature between the compressor turbine and the power turbine. The data gathered from a sensing system around the combustion chamber.
How is the ITT displayed on the PEDD?
Displayed in degrees Celsius
What is the operating limits of the ITT during the starting sequence?
400-1000 degrees Celcius
What are the operating limits of the ITT after the startup sequence is complete.
400-820 degrees Celcius
What is the Gas generator speed and how does it get its reading?
(N1) it represents the speed of the compressor turbine in the gas generator section of the engine and is sensed by a magnetic pulse sensor in the accessory gear box
Whats the normal operating limits of N1?
How is the Propeller RPM (Np) measured?
Measured by a torque probe and represents a percentage of the maximum rated propeller RPM
What is the ground operating limits and out of limit readings of Np?
0-61%, and 81-100%, in order to prevent damage from ground resonance, sustained propeller operating between 62-80%, Np is prohibited while on the ground. Out of limit readings is more than 102%
How is the Indicated Outside air temperature (IOAT) measured and where is it located?
Measure by a T-1 probe, a sensor located in the inlet plenum
What is the purpose of the Alternate engine data display (AEDD)?
Provides each cockpit with a visual indication of engine operations
Describe the AEDD operating principles
provides some of the same information as the PEDD, but is not processed by the PMU. Torque is first determines by the PMU and then sent to the EDM for display
Identify the AEDD system components
Raw interstage Turbine Temperature (RITT), Torque, Gas generator speed (N1), Cockpit Pressure Altitude, Cockpit differential pressure (Delta P), Fuel Flow, and Fuel Quantity
What does the Cockpit Pressure altitude do?
Provides pilot with the altitude maintained in the cockpit due to pressurization. Illuminated to yellow after FL 19.
What does the Cockpit differential pressure do?
Measure the difference between the air pressures inside and outside the cockpit. If it exceeds 3.9 to 4.0 then it is outlined in red
How is the AEDD powered?
Powered though a circuit breaker located on the battery bus circuit breaker panel in each cockpit
Identify the purpose of the engines/systems display (ESD)
Display provides Oil temperature, oil pressure, hydraulic pressure, DC voltage, and DC amperage.
How is oil temperature measured ?
Measured by a transducer on the engine oil pressure line downstream of the main oil pump.
What is the normal, cautionary and out of limits range for oil temperature
Normal range is from 10-105 degrees celsius, cautionary range is from 105-110, and out of limits is above 110
How is Oil pressure measured?
measured by a transducer located on on engine oil pressure line.
What is the normal operating limits for oil pressure?
90-120 PSI
How is hydraulic pressure measured?
measured by a pressure sensor located on the power pack reservoir.
What is the normal and cautionary limits for the hydraulic system?
normal range is from 2880-3120 PSI, cautionary range (amber) is below 1800 and above 3500 PSI
How is DC voltage measured?
Monitored and controlled by the generator control unit, which also serves as a voltage regulator.
What is the white, amber, and red operating limits of DC voltage?
White range is from 22.0-29.5V, amber is 29.6 to 32.2 or under 21.9. Red is 32.3 and above
How is the ESD power provided?
ESD is provided through a circuit breaker on the generator bus circuit.
Identify the purpose of the engine fire warning system
The system is designed to monitor both average and discrete temperatures.
What does the fire Warning system consist of?
Core element, sensor tube, and a responder assembly.
How does the fire warning system operate?
The sensor tube is filled with helium gas and inside that tube is a core element filled with hydrogen gas. The core element responds to the heat cause by fire and hot gases.
True/False: The fire warning systems reliability diminishes if there is kinks, twists, or dents in the tubing
What does the fire warning operation 1 do?
As the heat rises, the helium expands and creates pressure, and when the pressure exceeds the limit, a signal triggers the fire alarm
What does the fire warning operation 2 do?
The hydrogen core will release gas as the temperature rises into the sensor tube, the mixture between the hydrogen and helium will increase pressure and when the pressure limit is exceeded, it generates a overheat warning
What warning indications will appear if there is a fire?
The red fire and the master warn will illuminate. Also a warning tone will start.
What does the Firewall shutoff handle do?
It mechanically shuts off the hydraulic and fuel flow to the engine and well as bleed air flow from the engine. May be reset by pushing the handle back in.
Where are the two Fire warning systems located for power?
Located on the circuit breaker in the front cockpit